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When I deemed myself ready, I took charge of this sexual encounter and toppled Adrienne off of me. Forcefully, but not harshly, I manhandled the Amazonian beauty onto all fours, jerking her limbs left and right and lifting her midsection until she was in the position I wanted. I stared, nearly drooling, at the sight of her perfect ass, with winking rosebud and dripping wet pussy beneath. I loved this part about Adrienne. Sure, she loved it when I went down on her, but she got that plenty from her girlfriends. She always got sopping wet going down on me, saying it was such a turn on to feel my thickness stretching her throat and watch the expressions crossing my face. And she was more than ready to feel my thickness stretching her cunt.

With a solid grip on her hips, I rammed forward and buried my cock into Adrienne’s snatch with a single lunge. She arched her spine, threw her blonde head back, and howled, “Aaaaaaghh!”

And then we FUCKED.

Most make a very physical distinction between fucking and making love. “Fucking” is for pleasure. It’s hard, it’s fast, it’s animalistic. People enjoy it because the physical sensations are much more intense. Your adrenaline gets pumping. And there’s a rush of power from hammering your bodies together.

“Making love” is more tender. It’s slower, softer, quieter. There’s time to look into each other’s eyes and talk. The orgasms are often less spectacular, but they somehow feel deeper.

But with Adrienne, “making love” means “fucking”. Only rarely did she want slow and tender. Far more often she just wanted me to flip her over and hammer away until we both exploded in ecstasy. Missionary, doggy, pussy, ass, throat, didn’t matter. As long as I was grabbing her and attacking her, she was happy. Even when she was on top we fucked fast and furious until she collapsed all sweaty and exhausted. The wild abandon, the lack of restraint, the complete and utter surrender to each other was what made it special for Adrienne. She WANTED me to just grab her and use her body for my pleasure. And my doing so made her happy.

I know it doesn’t seem to make sense. After all, Adrienne had been sexually abused as a child. And in all her sexual relationships before me, she was always in control. She HAD to be in control; she was terrified to cede it to anyone else.

But Adrienne trusted me. I was the first and only man she’d trusted since her childhood. It was because she trusted me that she wanted me to just fuck her. Knowing she could give ME — her greatest love — all the pleasure I wanted, made her happy. Knowing she could put herself at my mercy and that I would never push her beyond what she could handle gave her a peace of mind she couldn’t feel with anyone else. She surrendered herself completely, took the chance that I might harm her, and I never betrayed her trust.

Adrienne submitting herself to me was her way of showing me love. Me taking charge and pushing her to her limits, but no further, was mine. For us, fucking IS making love.

So when I reached my hands around and almost painfully pinched down on her nipples while cupping her massive tits, Adrienne tightened up and screamed in orgasm. When I added open-palmed spanks to her asscheeks to accompany the slapping noises of my hips hammering her from behind, she squealed with delight. The harder I fucked her, the happier she felt. And when I slammed forward so hard that her legs buckled and she collapsed face-down on the mattress, my dick spewing gob after gob of cock cream deep into her body, Adrienne sobbed tears of joy.

When it was over, my heavy weight crushed Adrienne into the mattress, our two bodies’ sweat staining into the sheets. Her knees were spread to the sides like a frog’s, giving me the room and the angle necessary to keep my dick imbedded up her cunt. My thick shaft stretched her vaginal walls and acted like a plug, keeping my spunk floating around inside her.

Adrienne’s head was turned to the side, her eyes closed with her mouth gaping wide as she panted for oxygen, not easy with me half-crushing her lungs. But I knew she didn’t want me to get off just yet. Indeed, a little smile tugged the corner of her lips and she sighed, “That was great, Tiger.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Mm ... always...” Then with her eyes still closed, she took a deep breath and reached a hand back to pat my cheek. “I love you, Ben.”

“I love you too, Adrienne.” I leaned down while she twisted her head around to me, letting our mouths come together for our trademark slow-burn kiss.

Eventually, she took a deep breath and then tapped my hand, her signal for me to get up. I did a slow push-up, feeling the way my sweaty chest tried to stay adhered to her naked back. And then I backed my cock out, which had started to go limp after two ejaculations.

Quickly, Adrienne rolled onto her back away from me, raising her legs and rolling her hips to keep my semen trapped inside her. I let my eyes linger on her upraised tits, so big and firm and yet sagging just perfectly to prove those hooters were all-natural. Then I let my eyes trail up to the impish smile on Adrienne’s face and asked, “Are you up to something?”

“Just wait a minute,” she giggled.

It was less than a minute before the bedroom door opened, both of us turning to look at who had entered. I was only mildly surprised to see gorgeous, radiant Dawn Evans closing the door behind her and then turning toward us with a smile.

“I knew you’d come,” Adrienne beamed. Then she spread her legs, planting her feet on top of the mattress. “Come get your Ben fix!”

Dawn glanced at me for a moment with a smile before quickly crossing the room and sinking to her knees. Without the slightest delay, Dawn rammed her tongue into Adrienne’s slit and began slurping away, tasting the mingled orgasmic cream of the both of us. And my beautiful best friend started moaning as if she were tasting the most heavenly chocolate dessert imaginable.

My eyes lit up as I watched Dawn’s beautiful face at work between Adrienne’s thighs. From my current position, I literally had a picture perfect view. If I framed the photo, the swell of Adrienne’s tits would border things to the left, her flat tummy as a base, and the elevation of her legs to the right. Centered in-between, relative above my girlfriend’s belly button, was Dawn’s nose and eyes as she sucked out my jism while staring back both at me and her Sapphic lover.

It had been a month since the three of us were together like this, but it felt just like yesterday. And getting into our old familiar flow, I slid off the bed to go begin disrobing Dawn and really take our threesome to the next level.

But Adrienne’s voice stopped me short. “No, Ben. Don’t.”

Halting in my tracks, I jerked my head around, confusion evident on my face.

“You can’t, remember?” Adrienne reminded me gently.

Ah, shit. Dawn had said we couldn’t have sex anymore after camp. She had a boyfriend now, and she’d promised him she wouldn’t. No sex. No intimate touches. Not even kissing. And besides, it would hurt her too much. It would hurt to be intimate with me and yet, not WITH me.

It had all made so much logical sense at camp. But here, NOW, it just seemed so unfair. I loved her. She loved me. We were both certainly hot for each other. Why the fuck NOT?

Because life isn’t perfect, and I’d made my choice. I’d chosen my girlfriend, Adrienne. Dawn and I couldn’t be intimate because of the choices I’d made. The fact was: I wanted them both. But Dawn couldn’t be a number two, and I’d promised Adrienne would be my number one. My relationship with my girlfriend was founded on that promise and that trust, and I couldn’t betray her. Maybe things would be easier for all of us if we could figure out a way to be a triple, but human beings don’t always fit together just how you might like it.