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But then Adrienne returned to the bedroom sporting a brand new black leather collar, complete with D-ring at her throat and leather leash. The collar had “Tiger's Pet” stitched into it, and after handing me the end of the leash, she cleaned me up and then used her mouth, cheeks, and tits to bring me up to an incredible sixth erection.

Like I said, Viagra-esque chemicals can help my dick stay hard but do nothing to keep the rest of my muscles from tiring out. All four girls had been playing with each other, but I still had to do the lion's share of the work all night and I was just completely wiped out by that point. So I just lay spread eagle in the middle of the bed while all four girls took final rides on me. And in the end, Adrienne dismounted my cock just in time to take my last spurts of cum on her face and the upper slopes of her chest.

The other three girls took their time licking Adrienne clean, and well after midnight, we finally collapsed together in our present order across the bed.

I sighed happily, thinking about everything that had happened last night. I even glanced down at Adrienne's neck to verify that she was still wearing the collar. I wondered if in time, it would hold as much significance for us as Dawn's “Ben Forever” bracelet.

But along with my ruminations, I realized that despite cumming six times, I never came in my Dawn.

Oh, CRAP. Doing a fast rewind, I did the math. Dayna got one in her pussy and a later one in her ass. Brandi got a pussy-full and one in her mouth. And Adrienne got the shower injection and then the body spray at the very end. But while Dawn had never left my side through the entire orgy, and gotten fucked several times along the way, I'd never finished with her.

Maybe she didn't care. Maybe she didn't mind. After all, she'd been extremely attentive and supportive, helping me fuck all three other girls. But orgasms always had a special meaning to me. I always had few of them compared to the girls I was with, and for me not to share even one of them with my Dawn seemed a great tragedy.

So even though I was dead-tired from last night's exertions ... Even though I had made it through an entire night sleeping with FOUR absofucking gorgeous and naked women without getting an erection, not even morning wood ... I started getting hard right now. All it took was one look at Dawn's sweet face right beside me (and a peek beneath the covers at her still-nude body). And as I turned to kiss her soft lips, I knew I'd make it up to her right now.

Dawn started to wake as I kissed her. And as her beautiful blue eyes fluttered open to find my lips pressed to hers, she smiled happily and reached her hand up to run her fingertips along my cheek. Our kisses quickly built from simmering heat toward volcanic passion, and her hand wrapped around my now turgid cock while I slipped a hand between her thighs to begin rubbing her pussy softly.

Adrienne whimpered in her sleep when I lifted my left arm from her and turned away to move over Dawn's prone body. But when she awoke and saw what I was doing, the stunningly gorgeous babe simply put her head down on the pillow and smiled at me.

Dayna and Brandi also stirred awake as they felt the activity vibrating the mattress. And when they saw the looks of radiant love on both Dawn's and my faces, they simply cuddled together, Brandi wrapping her arm around Dayna's torso, and smiled at us as well.

I was already inside of my Dawn. I didn't remember penetrating her, but just as my erection had come when needed, her pussy got wet and accepted me inside.

There were no words. Sometimes, Dawn and I didn't need words. All the communication happened with our eyes. With a single look, she told me she loved me, had always loved me, and would always love me. She told me that a piece of her heart had split away and gone with me when I first left as a 10-year-old, only to come back to her whenever we met up at camp. That piece had stayed with me through her entire relationship with Ryan, the emptiness inside reminding her that she could never be whole until she was with me again. And now that we were, she felt complete.

And so did I.

It was a terrible cliché, and when I saw Jerry Maguire as a 12-year-old, I'd thought the statement was pretty lame. But I understood it now: ‘You complete me.' Dawn completed me.

Through everything I'd experienced in my twenty years on this planet, Dawn had been my constant. She was my playmate, joined at my hip until we were ten. Even when we separated, she still became my first and only true love. Even though we were both dating other people, she'd been my best friend here in Berkeley. And just like she'd promised, we'd found each other again. Now that I had her back, and nearly not even gotten that, I was never going to lose her again.

It was two years later than we'd first planned, but Dawn and I were finally together again. And this time, we would last forever.


I don't think a guy can ever truly experience the bliss of being completely filled. It's a unique sensation, completely different even from anal sex, to have your true love's cock fully embedded deep inside you, pulsing with its own heartbeat, throbbing with lustful need, and so, so unbelievably warm. Ben and I had fucked in different positions lots of times; but we always came back to this missionary position. It was something we had learned we loved best, right from the very beginning that first summer when I turned sixteen.

We clasped our hands together, Ben pinning mine back against the pillow on either side of my head while he rhythmically plunged within me. I never really liked the smell of a man's sweat, but somehow the scent of Ben's skin heating up as he hovered over me was absolutely intoxicating. The sound of his breath as he panted from the exertion of repeatedly drilling into my body was an aural aphrodisiac. And I simply couldn't help but writhe and undulate beneath him, dancing a primal, erotic, and horizontal ballet while his heavy weight pressed our hips together so that we moved in perfect harmony.

There were no words. Sometimes, Ben and I didn't need words. All the communication happened with our eyes. With a single look, he told me that he was ready for me now. He'd gone wild in High School, letting his male hormones run rampant as he bedded his fourteen girls. Or was it eighteen? And he'd gone pretty wild in college, too. It didn't matter anymore. That was his past. Now, he was mine.

And yet, I knew that sex would always be a part of who Ben was. It was why I'd set him up with Monique that afternoon when I had a final, and it was why I'd set him up with other girls in the future. I held no illusions that he would promise to be faithfully monogamous to me. It just wasn't in his nature, and I wouldn't want him to be monogamous anyways. Besides, I'd missed out on a lot of fun girls in the past couple of years, and I knew I had the biggest babe magnet in Berkeley for a boyfriend. Some of those Tri-Delts looked pretty tasty to me, too.

We had yet to figure out that balance. It was something I should probably ask Adrienne about. There were a lot of things Ben and I were going to have to figure out together, because even though we both knew this relationship was what we wanted, there was still a long way to go before we could be happily ever after.

Even though I knew Ben forgave me, maybe even blamed himself, I still carried a lot of guilt for even thinking of giving my heart to Ryan. I would have to come to terms with that part of myself, the part of me that wondered what other guys would be like. I'd let Greg Kinomoto kiss me at camp that first summer when I gave my virginity to Ben. My body was swimming with hormones and I was waking up to my own sexuality back then. I hadn't let things get any farther than that, but even then I'd felt like I was betraying Ben.