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“Goodwill?” Dayna cracked up, winking at Brandi before looking straight again. “You’re gonna be a fun roommate, Adrienne.”

Adrienne smiled and let her eyes rove up and down Dayna’s body, lingering on the big tits and lush ass. “And besides...” Adrienne’s smile turned predatory. “I’ve got a rule: The gateway to Ben’s dick is through my pussy. You don’t get him without going through me.”

“Well then...” Now Dayna’s grin was just as salacious as Adrienne’s. She glanced at the clock and said, “We don’t have time before heading back to our house for the big family dinner. But you,” Dayna leered while pointing straight at my girlfriend. “Don’t plan on going to sleep early tonight.”

* * *

“Welcome to the family, Adrienne.” Deanna Evans bear-hugged the taller girl. “It’s so nice to finally have you here.”

“Thanks,” Adrienne managed to say graciously without being obvious about gasping for oxygen. “It feels great to be welcomed as part of the family.”

Dayna’s, Dawn’s, and DJ’s mother grinned. “Like Ben needs another pretty girl around him.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Adrienne blushed and looked down.

“Tsk, Tsk. Don’t feign modesty. I know how you managed to turn Ben’s head away from my Dawn. You’re breathtakingly beautiful, dear.”

Adrienne blushed again. Dawn whined from behind us, “Mooom.”

But then Adrienne furrowed her eyebrows and looked a little nervous. “I DO feel a little guilt about that, Mrs. Evans. I wasn’t trying to turn Ben’s head away from anyone.”

“Pssh, pssh,” Deanna waved her off. “I was just joking, dear.”

I wondered how much she was joking. Deanna Evans had never been subtle about wanting Dawn and me to get married and give her grandkids down the road. It wasn’t like she pressured us or anything. She just took it as a given.

“If you were just another girl, I might have tried to scare you into running away back at camp.” Deanna grinned, all predatory teeth. “But you’re a part of Ben’s family now, which makes you a part of my family. And as long as everything is in the family, I couldn’t be happier.”

Adrienne smiled and seemed to relax. And with a more normal smile, Mrs. Evans waved everyone into the house. “Just consider this your new home away from home.”

* * *

The rest of my family was staying with the Evanses that night. My parents were planning to take the younger kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium tomorrow on the way back to SoCal. I was a little jealous. It was a place we hadn’t been since leaving the Bay Area the first time eight years ago. Brooke, still in full-on marine biologist mode, seemed more eager than if I’d promised her a threesome with Kenta. And the twins were almost as excited.

I was excited that night too, but for very different reasons. Dayna had practically spent the entire time at her house with her hand on my thigh. And since we were in the backyard where the younger ones couldn’t hear us, she hadn’t been very subtle with her sexual innuendoes.

Comments like “You know, Ben, I didn’t get to feel you up my ass the last time you visited” made her intentions rather clear.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I’d asked.

“Three, if you wanna call ‘em ‘boyfriends’.” Dayna had shrugged. “Beck and calls, really; romance isn’t my thing. Well, two now, actually. One of ‘em couldn’t hack sharing me after a few months. Feel like taking his place?”

Alarmed, I’d darted my eyes over to Adrienne, who just giggled and smiled at me.

The only downer was that Dawn had left us shortly after finishing her dinner. My beautiful best friend had hugged first Adrienne and then me with some melancholy. But she put on a brave face and said she was heading out to visit Ryan. School started on Monday and this was her last Saturday night date for the summer. I wondered if her parents assumed she would be sleeping at the Berkeley house tonight; and I wondered if she would actually spend the night with him.

‘Not my business, ‘ I told myself. And besides, for some reason the idea of Dawn being out of the house made me relax. Knowing how thin the walls were in the house, I could only imagine what would be going through Dawn’s mind while I was banging her big sister. I knew I’d had to find a distraction listening to my lifelong best friend having sex when I couldn’t join in. Perhaps it was best that Dawn was off doing her own thing.

So when Adrienne took my hand and pulled me to a standing position, a lustful gleam in her eye, I was more than ready to distract myself from thinking about what Dawn would be up to tonight.

Adrienne looped her arm through mine, and then Dayna slid up beside me, taking my other arm. “You ready ... big boy?” The 20-year-old bombshell grinned at me.

I glanced at Adrienne before returning my gaze to Dayna with a smirk. “You sure you can handle the two of us?”

Dayna showed me even more teeth. “It’ll be fun finding out, won’t it? Besides, I’ve got some help of my own.”

Brandi was suddenly behind me, hooking her chin over my shoulder and giggling. “NOW we’re gonna have an orgy.”

I was really excited.

* * *

Sometimes I wondered how it was possible that my girlfriend could show such a complete lack of jealousy over the number of women I slept with. I mean, how many women have you met that would let their husband or boyfriend sleep around like I had the past couple of years? Yeah, we can talk about how sex is just sex and it’s not love and all that; but the fact is that sex changes people. I’d developed stronger feelings for the girls I’d slept with, ranging from casual but semi-regular friends like Heather Wilkinson to one-and-done girls like Theresa Chen. It’s just a part of human nature. And it’s also human nature to get jealous over someone else using what you perceive to be... “yours”.

But Adrienne was never jealous. Hell, she initiated most of the encounters. But it was nights like tonight when I realized that in actuality, Adrienne was using ME to get HER more partners.

She’d said it herself: The gateway to my dick was through her pussy. And because of me and my reputation in High School, it was Adrienne getting a helluva lot more pussy. Looking back, Adrienne got to have sex with Allie Sanders, Stephanie Vo, and Helene McGregory because those formerly straight girls just HAD to have me fucking them. She got Felicia Clarkson through me, too. Hell, Lynne Arian might never have experimented with girls if it weren’t for me nearly fucking her brains out. And Adrienne would never have ended up screwing Brooke or Dawn or DJ without the connection to me.

And now I watched Adrienne shoving her tongue down Dayna Evans’ throat in part because the older blonde wanted me to fuck her. Now maybe Adrienne would have eventually seduced Dayna on her own; both girls were certainly interested in each other from the moment they met. But it might have taken some time and some dancing around each other for a while. This way, the very night they met, Adrienne could just point at her naked crotch and sure enough, Dayna worked her way down and started tonguing away.

Adrienne wasn’t letting ME screw all these different girls. She was letting US screw all these different girls.

So yeah, I had the greatest girlfriend EVER.

By the way, I also had a damn fine sister. “Mmmph...” Brandi groaned around a mouthful of cock, bobbing her head slowly up and down in my lap. I was sitting in an armchair Dayna had in her bedroom, my sister kneeling naked before me with her right hand wrapped around the base of my shaft while her mouth worked on the upper half. I reached down to play with one of her nice B-cup tits, rubbing my thumb over the erect little nipple while she rolled her eyes up to meet my gaze.