Ganem, Dr. Don, 266
Gates, Bill, 29, 65, 174, 262
Ghonim, Wael, 157
Ghosh, Dipayan, 185
Giuliani, Rudy, 235
Gizmodo, 69–70, 73, 74–75
Gleicher, Nathaniel, 211–212
Gleit, Naomi, 50, 121
Godfather (film), Zuckerberg and, 192
Goldberg, Dave, 43, 44, 233
Sandberg after death of, 79–81, 233
Google, 31, 52, 163
AdWords and AdSense and, 53
Common Sense Media and, 91
Gchat and, 70, 73
privacy fine in 2012, 225
Sandberg at, 43, 45, 46–47, 50, 52–53
Sandberg’s testimony to Congress and, 197–198
Graham, Donald, 26–28, 38, 46, 47, 57, 86
offer for Post to buy stake in early Facebook, 24, 28–29, 300
Graham, Katharine, 47
Graham, Lindsay, 246
Greenblatt, Jonathan, 206, 276
Greenspan, Aaron, 22–24
Grewal, Paul, 153
Grove, Andy, 192
Guardian, 154, 155
Guccifer 2.0, 98
Gupta, Vanita, 250, 254–255, 273–274
Hafner, Ray, 38
Harbath, Katie, 252
Harvard Crimson, 22
Harvard University, “FaceMash” and “the Face Book” at, 20–23
Hastings, Reed, 86
Hatch, Orrin, 165–166
hate speech. See freedom of speech issues
Hemphill, Scott, 229–232, 261
Hertz, Jessica, 297
Hoefflinger, Mike, 55
Holocaust deniers, Facebook policy and, 205–207, 276–278, 281
Holt, Lester, 257–258
Horowitz, Ben, 191–192
Hughes, Chris
New York Times op-ed, 219–222
on origins of Facebook, 253
Wu and, 231–232
Zuckerberg’s “pivot to privacy” and, 224–227
Ifill, Sherrilyn, 255
Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar, of UN, 186
Information Technology Industry Council, 165
Infowars, 204
Instagram, 7, 8, 166, 193–194, 221, 222, 253, 259, 295
Facebook’s “pivot to privacy” and, 222–224
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and, 68
interoperability of messaging apps and, 227–228
Russian Internet Research Agency and, 133
Trump and, 267, 288–290, 292
Wu and Hemphill’s evaluation of Facebook’s acquisition of, 230–231
Zuckerberg’s broken commitment to founders of, 2, 194, 227–229
International Association of Privacy Professionals, 64–65
International Criminal Court, 185–186
Internet Association, 241
Internet Research Agency (IRA), of Russia, 130–134, 137, 143, 144–145, 175–177
iSEC Partners, 101
James, Letitia, 1–2, 3
“JJDIDTIEBUCKLE” (leadership principle), 246
Jobs, Steve, 48, 51, 174
Jones, Alex, 82, 204–205, 206
Kalanick, Travis, 207
Kang-Xing Jin, 51
Kaplan, Joel, 197, 241, 260, 276, 278
Biden administration and, 297–298
Cambridge Analytica and, 150
election of 2016 and, 81, 108–109, 111–112, 123, 125
Kavanaugh hearings and, 200–203
manipulated video of Pelosi and, 236, 238
personality of, 14
political contributions and, 164–165
Sandberg and, 14, 87
Trump administration and, 161, 243–247
Trump and COVID-19, 267–268, 269
Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and hate speech issues, 11–15
Kaplan, Laura Cox, 200
Kavanaugh, Ashley Estes, 200
Kavanaugh, Brett, 200–203
Kaye, David, 174–175
Kellogg, Hansen law firm, 295
Kendall, Tim, 36–37, 51
Kennedy, John, 153
Kenosha Guard, 279–281
Kimmel, Jimmy, 166
King, Bernice, 254, 259
Kirkpatrick, David, 114–115
Klobuchar, Amy, 153
Kogan, Aleksandr, 152–153, 155
Koum, Jan, 194, 229
Kraff, Brian, 41
Krieger, Mike, 228–229
Kushner, Jared, 15, 243–244, 256
Kustomer, acquired by Facebook, 299
Le Pen, Marine, 118
Lean In (Sandberg), 79, 127, 157–158
Leibowitz, Jonathan, 67, 154, 199
Leone, Isabella, 131
Lewandowski, Corey, 112–113
Libra (blockchain currency), 241–242, 256–257, 300
LinkedIn, 175
London, Eric, 155
Losse, Katherine, 49, 50, 124
Lynton, Michael, 56
Ma, Olivia, 26
Mac, Ryan, 272
Macron, Emmanuel, 118, 124–125, 219, 221, 237
Martin, Jenny Beth, 81
Martin, Kevin, 80, 112
Mauer, Greg, 80, 112, 140
Mayer, Marissa, 102–103
McKinsey and Company, 41, 50
McNamee, Roger, 44, 232
Mercer, Robert, 149
MeToo movement, 150, 200–201, 203
Microsoft, 31, 165, 174, 175, 241
advertising and, 51, 53, 54
Modi, Narenda, 106
Montgomery, Kathryn, 58, 60
Moran, Ned, 95–98, 100–101, 105, 129–132, 147
Moskovitz, Dustin, 31
Mossberg, Walt, 43
Mosseri, Adam, 114, 228, 261, 59
Mubarak, Hosni, 157
Mueller, Robert, 147
Murphy, Laura, 248, 249
Myanmar, hate speech against Rohingya and, 85, 169–173, 176, 178–182, 185–187, 293–294
Narendra, Divya, 21
“net neutrality,” 230
Netscape, 25, 52
New Republic, The, 287
New York Times, 88, 272, 285
Cambridge Analytica and, 149
Chester on behavioral advertising and, 59
Clegg’s op-ed in, 240
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and, 1
Hughes’ op-ed in, 219–222
Myanmar and, 186
Russian election interference and, 130, 215
New Yorker, The, 66
Newsom, Gavin, 266
Next One Billion project, of Facebook, 176–177
Nielsen, 56
Nuland, William, 147
Nuñez, Michael, 70–79
Oath Keepers, 287–288
Obama, Barack and administration of, 11, 67, 82, 118, 121, 138, 146, 184, 230, 236, 248, 251, 252, 255
Observer, 149
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 257
Oculus VR headset, 80, 81, 190
O’Donnell, Nora, 157–159
Olivan, Javier, 194, 195, 260
Onavo, 195–196, 260
O’Neill, Catlin, 140, 236, 297
Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 192
Open Society Foundation, 108
Option B (Sandberg), 79, 258
Overstock, 59–60
Page, Larry, 43, 44, 65, 192
Palihapitiya, Chamath, 51
Parakilas, Sandy, 152, 164
Parikh, Jay, 9, 10
Parker, Sean, 26, 28, 44, 221
Parscale, Brad, 15, 247
Pearlman, Leah, 62–63
Pelosi, Nancy, 233–234, 297
Facebook and manipulated video of, 234–240
Pence, Mike, 290
Philippines, 85, 106, 177, 291
Phillips Exeter Academy, 19–20
Pichai, Sundar, 198
“Pizzagate,” 278
Podesta, John, 100
politics, and Facebook
Biden administration and, 286, 296–298
Clegg’s policy of not fact-checking political ads, 249–252
Facebook’s PAC for political contributions, 164–165
liberal favoritism at Facebook, 12–13, 74–75, 78
political ads on Facebook, 212–214
Trump administration and Facebook executives, 243–247
see also election of 2016; election of 2020; freedom of speech issues
Price, Bill, 89–92
Pritchett, Lant, 41
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 182–183
Proud Boys, 288
Putin, Vladimir, 121, 123
QAnon, 278–279, 281
Red-State Secession group, 288
Reich, Robert, 226
Reynolds, Tom, 141, 145
Rice, Brian, 141
Robinson, Rashad, 249, 251, 276–277
Rose, Dan, 44, 45, 46, 51
Rosen, Guy, 195, 260, 285
Rosensweig, Dan, 43–44
Rubio, Marco, 161
Russian disinformation, on Facebook platform, 3, 282
Congressional interest in, 127–128, 133–134, 139–145
Facebook board of director’s interest in, 134–137