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41. Cleve F. M. The Philosophy of Anaxagoras. New York, 1949.

42. Cornford F. M. Anaxagoras Theory of Matter. — «The Classical Quarterly», 1930, vol. 24.

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46. Fritz K. Der NOY des Anaxagoras. — «Archiv fur Begriffsgeschichte», 1964, Bd. 9.

47. Gerschenson D. EGreenberg D. A. Anaxagoras and the birth of physics. New York, 1964.

48. Guthrie W. К. C. A History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 2. Cambridge, 1965.

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55. Lammli F. Vom Chaos zum Kosmos. Bd. 1—2. Basel, 1962.

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65. Sambursky S. The Physical World of the Greeks. London, 1956.

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70. Simplicius. In Aristotelis De caelo commentaria. Edi-dit M. Hayduck. Berlin, 1894.

71. Simplicius. In Aristotelis physicorum libros commentaria. Edidit H. Diels. Berlin, 1882.

72. Stokes М. C. On Anaxagoras. — «Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie», 1965, Bd. 47.

73. Strang С. The Physical Theory of Anaxagoras.— «Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie», 1963, Bd. 45.

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