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Somewhere, out at the edges, the night

Is turning and the waves of darkness

Begin to brighten the shore of dawn.

The heavy dark falls back to earth

And the freed air goes wild with light,

The heart fills with fresh, bright breath

And thoughts stir to give birth to colour.


I arise today

In the name of Silence

Womb of the Word,

In the name of Stillness

Home of Belonging,

In the name of the Solitude

Of the Soul and the Earth.

I arise today

Blessed by all things,

Wings of breath,

Delight of eyes,

Wonder of whisper,

Intimacy of touch,

Eternity of soul,

Urgency of thought,

Miracle of health,

Embrace of God.

May I live this day

Compassionate of heart,

Gentle in word,

Gracious in awareness,

Courageous in thought,

Generous in love.





1. Awakening in the World: The Threshold of Belonging

The Belonging of the Earth

Belonging: The Wisdom of Rhythm

Why Do We Need to Belong

Restless and Lonesome

The Voices of Longing

The Feeling That Something Is Missing

Our Longing to Be Loved

Souclass="underline" The Beauty of the Broken Circle

Our Longing for Nature

The Sanctuary of a Favourite Place

The Longing of the Earth

Our Longing to Know

Discovery Is the Nature of the Soul

Life as a Pilgrimage of Discovery

The First Journey Creates the Traveller

Imagining the Time Before Coming Here

The Invisible World Is All Around Us

Forms of the Invisible

The Mystery of Resemblance

Home as the Cradle of Destiny

The Family as Nest of Belonging

Home Is Where You Belong

Childhood as a Magic Forest

The Belonging of Childhood

Innocence Keeps Mystery Playful

The Longing of Childhood Is Akin to Dream

Childhood’s Dark Innocence

The Red Bush of Ancestry

Parents as Memory Holders

Styles of Belonging

The Native

The Visitor

The Neighbour

The Wanderer

The Stranger

A Blessing

2. Presence: The Flame of Longing

To Realize That You Are Here

Presence Is Soul-Atmosphere

Music as Presence

The Silence of Sculpture

The Sanctuary of Human Presence

The Witness of Hands

Styles of Presence: The Encouraging Presence Helps You to Awaken Your Gift

The Blurred Presence

The Angry Presence

The Charismatic Presence

The Anxious Presence

Dignity of Presence

The Architecture of Belonging

In the Heart, the Ache of Longing

Celebration: When the Moment Blossoms

Functionalism Kills Presence

Without Reverence There Is No Sense of Presence

The Ascetical Presence: The Wisdom to Subtract from The Feast

We Cannot Live Without the Infinite

The Blessings of Desire

To Keep the Contours of Choice Porous

“Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing.”

Great Choices Need the Shelter of Blessing

To Be Faithful to Your Longing

The Addiction of Distraction

Irony and Recognition

Longing Keeps Your Sense of Life Kindled

Each Person Incarnates Longing

To Find Your True Home Within Your Life

The Eros of Thought

Our Longing Is an Echo of the Divine Longing

A Blessing

3. Prisons We Choose to Live In

The Beauty of Wild Distance

The House Keeps the Universe Out

Our Fear of Freedom: The Refuge of False Belonging

The Cage of Frightened Identity

The Fixed Image Atrophies Longing

To Become Free Is Everything

The Mental Prison

We Take upon Ourselves the Images Made for Us

The Prison of Guilt

The Prison of Shame

The Prison of Belief

The Wildness of Celtic Spirituality

The Lightness and Imagination of the Fairy World

Your Vision Is Your Home

The Haunted Room in the Mind

The Shelter of Continuity

Certainty Freezes the Mind

The Danger of the Name

The Limit as Invitation to the Beyond

The Delicate Art of Freeing Yourself

The True Shelter of the Porous Wall

To Roll the Stone off the Heart

If You Cannot Forgive, You Are Still in Jail

Our Secret Companions and Liberators


The Angel of Attraction and Inspiration

The Angel as Artist of Your Transfiguration

A Blessing

4. Suffering as the Dark Valley of Broken Belonging

Our Secret Kinship with the Darkness

Light Has Many Faces—the Dark Has One

The Bright Night of the Earth

The Tree as Artist of Belonging

The Suffering of Self-exile

Why Are You So Vulnerable?

The Pain of Exposure

The Loss of Spontaneity

The Point of Equilibrium

When You Stand in the Place of Pain, You Are No One

Suffering’s Slow Teachings

The Sense of Meaning Vanishes

“When Sorrows Come, They Come Not Single Spies, but in Battalions”

The New Window Is Open

How Is the Hard-Earned Harvest Divided?

I Know, I Alone

The Mystery of Transfiguration

Behind the Dark a Subtle Brightening

Sweet Honey from Old Failures

Unconscious Suffering