Earth lodges, Pawnee, 115, 196, 319, 328, 331–332 Earth’s rotation, eclipse records and,
East-west alignments, 68–69, 149, 151. See also Cardinal directions and alignments; Equinoctial alignments; Orientation; Solar alignments Easter, 151, 170 Easter Island (Rapa Nui), 137–140, 241, 301, 340 Eclipses. See Lunar eclipses; Solar eclipses Ecliptic, 142, 317 obliquity of the, 190, 263, 273, 308, 317–319, 410 Effigy mounds, 183, 184 Egypt, ancient, 323 calendar system, 9–12, 107, 229 coffin lids, 106–108 Menorca taulas and, 418
Index 507
Egypt, ancient (cont.)
Pyramids of Giza, 16, 28, 114, 143, 145, 254, 323, 353–356 Saharan Nabta Playa megaliths,
282–284 temples and tombs, 143–146, 228, 313 Electronic distance measurement (EDM), 424–425 Elevation, 9 Emory, Kenneth, 307–309 Emu, 4, 22, 147–148 Encke Comet, 413 End of the world prediction, 245 Environmental archaeology, 108 Epagomenal days, 11, 107 Equinoctial alignments, 150–151, 392 Angkor, 15 cursus monuments, 125 Fajada Butte sun dagger, 155, 157, 328 Irish axial stone circles, 32–33 Kulkulkan pyramid at Chichen Itza, 213–214 Thom equinox, 149–150 Equinox hierophany, 213–214, 262 Equinoxes, 148–151 mid-quarter days, 265, 436 ritual significance, 150–151 See also Equinoctial alignments Er Grah, 166 Eskimos. See Inuit Ethnoastronomy, 21, 152. See also Archaeoastronomy Ethnocentrism, 21, 152–153 Etruscans, 366 Extinction, 153–154, 298, 398 Extinction angle, 154
Fajada Butte sun dagger, 81, 89, 155–157, 262, 328 Fйjйrvary-Mayer Codex, 257 Field surveys, 158–160 compass and clinometer surveys, 112–113, 424 electronic distance measurement, 424–425 GPS surveys, 165–166 precision and accuracy, 347–348 theodolite, 112, 113, 165, 423–425, 426 Thom’s methodology, 426 Fiskerton, England, 160–162, 439 Flooding, 27
Frank, Roslyn, 380 Fritz, John, 71 Gambier Islands, 241–242 Gemini, 219 Geocentric lunar declination, 235 Geoglyphs, Nasca plains of Peru, 286–292, 335 Geographical Information Systems (GIS), 159 Georgia, 95 Giant’s tombs, Sardinia, 349 Gilbert Islands, 339, 394 Giza. See Pyramids of Giza Glastonbury zodiac, 114 Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys,
Goal Year Texts, 40 Godmanchester, 265 Golan Heights, 366–368 Goodenough, Ward H., 394 Governor’s palace at Uxmal, 8, 28,
163–164 GPS surveys, 165–166 Grand Menhir Brisй, 166–168 Great North Road, 71, 82, 85, 254 Greece, ancient: calendar system, 230 Delphic oracle, 130–131, 335 equinoxes and, 149 Hesiod, 130, 181–182, 207, 230 Islamic astronomy and, 199 temple alignments, 419–421 Green archaeoastronomy, 20–21, 169, 189, 247, 399 Gregorian calendar, 118, 169–170, 209 Group E structures, 170–173 Guo Shou Jing, 94
Ha‘amonga-a-Maui, 175–176 Hale-Bopp comet, 111 Halley’s Comet, 111, 344 Hancock, Graham, 15–16 Hartung, Horst, 171 Hawai‘i, 301 calendar system, 27, 176–179, 229, 343 celestial tropics names, 337 eclipse records, 381 hula chants (Na Pali), 279–282, 338–339 Kahikinui, 342–343 Kumukahi, 215–216, 341
Kumulipo chant, 217–218 Magellanic Clouds and, 241 Mangareva, 341 natural alignments, 264 navigation gourds, 395 Necker Island, 216, 307–309, 318,
340, 444 solar zenith passage and, 443–444 solstitial alignments, 264, 341 temple platforms and enclosures,
340–343 Hawkins, Gerald, 20, 61, 289, 382,
406–407 Heelstone, 405 Heilige Linien, 225 Heliacal rise and set, 180–181, 182, 398
Delphinus and the Delphic oracle,
130–131 Egyptian calendar and, 9, 11, 229 Japanese agricultural calendar and, 222 Javanese stellar calendar, 207 medicine wheel alignments, 247 Misminay astronomy and, 267 Mursi calendar, 275–276 planetary, 192, 411, 433
Henge monuments: Avebury, 29–30, 100 cursus monuments, 123–126, 334, 427 Ring of Brodgar, 50–52 Thornborough, 125, 323, 335,
Henriksson, Gцran, 413 Hesiod, 130, 181–182, 207, 230 Heyerdahl, Thor, 301 Hipparchus, 149 Hogans, Navajo, 115, 196, 295–296 Hopewell mounds, 183–185 Hopi, 115, 186–187, 223, 387, 388, 391 Horizon calendars of Mexico, 188–189,
258 Horoscopes, 26, 39–40 Hoskin, Michael, 17, 23, 321, 349, 418 House orientations, 239, 319
British Iron-Age roundhouses,
195–197, 320 Navajo hogans, 295–296 Pawnee earth lodges, 331–332
How the sky has changed over time, 190 Hoyle, Fred, 382, 406–407 Huacas, 77–78 Hula, 279–282, 338–339 Human sacrifice, 34, 56 Hyades, 220
Imbolc, 75, 265 Imhotep, 418 Imperial Palace, Chinese Forbidden City,
Inca: Andean mountain shrines, 13 Bernabй Cobo and, 77–78, 105–106,
126, 203 ceques, 77–80, 106, 226, 291 Cusco sun pillars, 126–127 huaca shrines, 77–78 Island of the Sun, 203–204 quipu, 78, 291, 357–359
Indonesia, Javanese calendar, 207–208 Inferior conjunction, 191 Inferior planets, motions of, 191–192 Intercalary months, 9, 38, 75, 130, 201,
229, 243 Inuit, 193–194 stellar navigation, 300 Ireland: axial stone circles, 30–31, 134–136,
361, 435 Beltany, 44 Boyne Valley tombs, 46–47 Dowth, 265 Knowth passage tombs, 46–47, 150 Newgrange passage tombs, 158, 228,
238, 250, 262, 309–312, 386, 415 short stone rows, 8, 263–264, 376–378, 389
wedge tombs, 435–436 Iron-Age roundhouses, 195–197, 320 Iroquois, 380 Is Paras, 197–199, 314 Islamic astronomy, 199–202 Islamic calendar, 201, 229 Islamic star and crescent, 201, 393 Island of the Sun, 203–204 Isle of Lewis, 61–63
Japan, 221–223 Javanese calendar, 207–208, 323 Jewish calendar, 118 Johnson, Rubellite Kawena, 218 Julian calendar, 118, 169–170, 208–209,
June solstice, 317, 385, 388, 409, 443. See also Solstices; Solstitial alignments
Index 509
Jupiter, 397, 410–412
Kaaba, 202 Kahikinui, 342–343 Kapingamarangi, 323 Karnak, 144, 145 Kennet Avenue at Avebury, 84–85, 123 Kenya, Namoratung‘a, 60, 284–285 Kepler’s Supernova, 111 Khafre, 353 Khmer civilization. See Angkor Khoisan, 241 Khufu, pyramid of, 145, 254, 353, 354. See also Pyramids of Giza Kintraw, Scotland, 211–213, 253, 386 Kirch, Patrick, 242 Kiribati, 394 Kitora Kofun, 222 Kivas, 69–72, 81 Knowth, Ireland, 46–47, 150 Kon Tiki, 301 Kosok, Paul, 289 Kukulcan, 213–214, 262, 335 Kumukahi, 215–216, 341 Kumulipo, 217–218 Kyoto, Japan, 222