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man, 325–328 Science versus symbolism debate,


Scorpius, 267, 268, 294, 323 Scotland: Ballochroy, 41–42, 253–254, 347, 377

Brainport Bay, 48–50, 150, 249–250, 386 Callanish, 61–63, 250, 389 Clava cairns, Scotland, 117, 364, 435 Kintraw, 211–213, 253, 386 Maes Howe, 237–240, 250 recumbent stone circles, 30–31, 272, 351, 402, 435 Temple Wood, 101 See also British megalithic structures Scottish quarter days, 265 Serpent Mound, 183, 184, 386 Shinto, 221 Shooting stars, 110 Short stone rows, 8, 376–378 Sidereal month, 45–46, 79 Simulations, 157 Sirius, 396 alignments and ceremonies or pilgrimages, 335–336 Borana calendar and, 285 cursus alignments, 428 declination, 129 Egyptian calendar and, 9, 229 Inuits and, 194 medicine wheel alignments, 246 Orion and, 322 Skara Brae, 239 Skidi Pawnee. See Pawnee Sky bears, 378–380 Social archaeology, 108 Society Islands, 340 Solar alignments: ancient Greek temple alignments, 419–421 Andean Island of the Sun, 203–204 antizenith passage, 19, 127 Australian structures, 4 Ballochroy, 41–42 Beltany, Ireland, 44 Boyne Valley tombs, 47 Brainport Bay, Scotland, 48–50 Bush Barrow lozenge and, 53 Casa Rinconada, Chaco Canyon, 69–72 church orientations, 68, 96–99, 151 Clava cairns, Scotland, 104–105 Cumbrian stone circles, 122 dating issues, 28–29 Dromberg axial stone circle, 135–136 Easter Island structures, 137–140 Fajada Butte sun dagger, 155–156

Hopi calendar and, 186–187 horizon calendars of central Mexico, 188–189, 258 Maya Group E structures, 171–173 medicine wheels, 246 obliquity of the ecliptic, 317–319 Portuguese antas, 17–18 records and predictions, 141–142 See also Equinoctial alignments; Solstitial alignments Solar eclipses, 380–384 Chinese records, 382 Mesoamerican records, 382 predicting, 382–383, 406 social impact of, 231 Swedish rock art, 413 Solar zenith passage. See Zenith passage of the sun Solstice ceremonies: ancient China, 93–94 Christianization of “pagan” festivals, 95 Hopi, 186 Inca, 126 Inuit, 194 Tongan, 175 Solstices, 317, 384–385, 409 equinoxes and, 149–150 Javanese calendar, 207 mid-quarter days, 265, 436 Misminay astronomy and, 268 solar antizenith passage, 19, 127, 281 solar zenith passage, 281, 308, 443 See also Solstitial alignments Solstitial alignments, 385–387, 392 Angkor, 15 Ballochroy, 41–42 Boyne Valley tombs, 47 Brainport Bay, Scotland, 48–50, 150, 204 Clava cairns, Scotland, 104–105 cross-circle designs, 260 Crucuno, Brittany, 119–121 cursus monuments, 125 Cusco sun pillars, 126–127 Dromberg axial stone circle, 135–136 Easter Island structures, 137–140 Egyptian temples and tombs, 145–146 Fajada Butte sun dagger, 155, 157 field survey, 158 Hawaiian occurrences, 264, 341 Hopewell mounds, 184, 185

Index 515

Solstitial alignments (cont.) Hopi calendar and, 186–187, 387 Irish axial stone circles, 32 Kintraw, 211–213 Maes Howe, 237–238 Mangareva, Polynesia, 242, 338 Maya structures, 171, 258 “megalithic observatories” hypothesis,

252–253 methodological issues, 262–264 Na Pali hula chant, 281 Necker Island, Hawai‘i, 308 Neolithic “megalithic calendars,” 249 Newgrange, Ireland, 158, 238,

309–312 obliquity of the ecliptic, 318 Parpallу, Spain, 318, 386 Rujm el-Hiri, 367 Saharan Nabta Playa megaliths, 284 Sardinian nuraghi, 197–199, 314 Stonehenge, 386, 408–409 Tongan Ha‘amonga-a-Maui, 175–176 tri-radial cairns, 429–430 Yekuana roundhouse, 440

Solstitial directions, 388–389 Somerville, Boyle, 135, 389, 436 Son Mas, 28, 347, 390 Song lines, 3 South celestial pole, 129, 254, 299 Southern Cross, 129, 299

Aboriginal “constellation maps,” 114 Aboriginal mythology, 3 Magellanic Clouds and, 240 Menorca taulas and, 417–418 Mursi calendar and, 275 Son Mas, Mallorca alignment, 390

South-west aligned stone circle, 134–136 Space and time, ancient perceptions of,


Spain, saroeak (Basque stone octagons),

372–374 Sprajc, Ivan, 189 Spring (vernal) equinox, 148 Star and crescent, 392–394

Chaco supernova pictograph, 86–89, 394

Islamic, 201, 393 Star calendars (parapegmata), 130, 230 Star ceilings, Navajo, 296–297 Star chart, Pawnee, 332–333 Star compass, 298, 302, 337, 394–395 Star names, 396

Arab/Islamic origins, 199–200 Star of Bethlehem, 396–398 Star rising and setting positions, 398–399

changes over time, 190 extinction, 153–154, 398 Japanese agricultural calendar and, 222 medicine wheel alignments, 246–247 Mursi calendar, 275–276 precession and, 319, 346–347,

398–399 See also Heliacal rise and set;

Navigation Statistical analysis, 399–401 Stellar navigation. See Navigation Stenness, Stones of, 50 Stephen, Alexander, 186 Stone canoes, 337, 338, 394 Stone circles, 101, 271–272, 401–404

Beltany, Ireland, 44 Callanish, 61–63, 250, 389 Clava cairns, Scotland, 103 cromlechs of Brittany, 166 Cumbria, 122 Dromberg, Ireland, 8, 32, 263–264,

389 Irish axial stone circles, 30–31, 134–136, 361, 435 recumbent stone circles, 30–31, 272,

351, 361–364, 402, 435 Ring of Brodgar, 50–52 Saharan Nabta Playa megaliths, 282–284

Stone rectangles, Brittany, 119–121 Stone rows, short, 8, 376–378 Stone transport, 402, 407 Stonehenge, 100, 101, 250, 405–409

Aubrey Holes and eclipse prediction,

382–383, 406–407 avenue leading to, 101, 335 cognitive archaeology, 109 ley lines, 225 midsummer sunrise alignments, 386 popular literature, 20 Pythagorean ratios, 121 ritual evidence, 407 solstitial alignments, 386, 408–409 station stones, 408 stone transport, 402, 407

Stonehenge cursus, 124 Street orientation, Teotihuacan, 421–423 Stukeley, William, 124 Summer solstice (June solstice), 317, 385,

409, 443. See also Solstices Sun, Island of the, 203–204

Sun cults, Mithraism, 269–270

Sun dagger at Chaco Canyon, 81, 89, 155–157, 159, 262, 328

Sun Dance (Lakota), 220

Sun gods, 9, 143, 145, 203, 221, 270

Sun, motions of, 409–410. See also Equinoxes; Solar alignments; Solar eclipses; Zenith passage of the sun

Sun pillars, Cusco, 126–127

Sun Spirit, 194

Sun-watching station, 89

Sundials, 366, 372

Sunrise alignments. See Solar alignments; Solstitial alignments

Superior conjunction, 191

Superior planets, motions of, 410–412

Supernovae, 111 Chaco pictograph, 86–89, 111–112, 394 Star of Bethlehem, 397

Swedish rock art, 412–414

Symbolism, 375–376

Symbols, 414–415

Synodic cycles of Venus, 257

Synodic month, 59, 228, 235, 272, 352

Synodic period of Jupiter, 412

Synodic period of Mars, 257, 411

Table des Marchand, 166 Tдi plaque, 7 Takamatsu Zuka Kofun, 222 Talayotic culture, 417 Taulas of Menorca, 351, 417–418 Temple alignments, ancient Greece,
