Temple platforms and enclosures, Polynesian, 340–343
Temple Wood, 101
Temples and tombs: ancient Egypt, 143–146, 228 Minoan, 266, 419–420 prehistoric Europe, 348–351 See also Tombs
Tenochtitlan, 33–34, 344
Teotihuacan, 260, 421–423
Theodolite surveys, 112, 113, 423–425 GPS surveys versus, 165 precision and accuracy, 347–348 Thom’s methodology, 426
Thom, Alexander, 425–426 archaeoastronomy development and, 8, 20
Avebury and, 30 Ballochroy and, 41 Castlerigg and, 122 Clava cairns and, 104 equinoctial alignments and, 149 ethnocentrism, 21 Grand Menhir Brisй and, 166–168 Kintraw and, 211 Lockyer and, 228, 425 lunar alignments and, 61 lunar standstill and, 167, 273 megalithic measurement and astronomy
hypotheses, 29, 47, 53, 120–121, 169, 237, 249, 250, 252–253, 310, 326, 403, 425–426, 436
methodological issues, 262 Ring of Brodgar and, 51 science versus symbolism debate, 375 short stone rows and, 377 Somerville and, 389 statistical analytical method, 399–401 theodolite survey methods, 426
Thom, Archie, 53 Thom equinox, 149–150 Thornborough, 125, 323, 335, 427–429 Thuban, 145, 353, 355 Timber circles, 101 Tombs:
Boyne Valley, Ireland, 46–47 Egyptian temples and tombs, 143–146,
353–356 orientations, 319, 320 prehistoric European tombs and
temples, 348–351 Sardinian tombi di giganti, 349 similar house and tomb design and
orientation, 239 wedge tombs of Ireland, 435–436 See also Burial mounds; Cairns; Passage
tombs; Temples and tombs Tomnaverie, 363 Tonga, 175–176, 302, 394 Tongatapu, 175–176 Total solar eclipse. See Solar eclipses Transylvania, 370–372 Tri-radial cairns, 429–430 Triangulum, 45, 201 Tropic of Cancer, 19, 308, 318, 340, 409,
443–444 Tropic of Capricorn, 308, 309, 318, 409, 443 True north, 112, 129
Tswana, 323 Tupaia, 302 Tutankhamun’s tomb, 144
Uaxactъn, 170–173, 259 Umbra, 231 Ursa Major, 194, 294, 333, 378–380 Ursa Minor, 378, 380 Urton, Gary, 267 Uxmal, 8, 28, 163–164
Venus, 191–192 equinox hierophany and, 214 Mesoamerican astronomy and culture,
28, 55, 134, 163–164, 257, 433–434 star and crescent, 201, 392–394 synodic cycles, 59
Venus skirts, 55 Vernal equinox, 148. See also Equinoctial
alignments Vijayanagara, 343 Vitruvius, 419 Vogt, David, 247 Volcano (La Malinche), 56
Walpi, 115, 186, 223 Watkins, Alfred, 224–225 Wedge tombs, Ireland, 435–436 Williamson, Ray, 71 Winter solstice (December solstice), 317,
385, 409, 443. See also Solstices Wisconsin effigy mounds, 183, 184 Wooden causeway, Fiskerton, 160–162,
439 Woodhenge, 58, 101, 102 Wordsworth, William, 96
Xesspe, Toribio Mejнa, 289 Xochicalco, 188, 344, 444, 445–448 Xochitecatl, 55–56
Year dating conventions, B.C.E. and years before 0, 439 Yekuana roundhouse, 115, 439–441
Zenith, 200
Zenith passage of the sun, 281, 443–444 antizenith passage, 19, 127 Hawaiian alignments, 281, 308
Zenith stars in Polynesia, 444–445 Zenith tubes, 188, 344, 444, 445–448 Zodiac, 142 Zuidema, Tom, 79 Zuni sun-watching stations, 89
Ancient Astronomy
Aboriginal Astronomy, 1 Abri Blanchard Bone, 5 Acronical Rise, 7 Acronical Set, 7 Alignment Studies, 8 Altitude, 8 Ancient Egyptian Calendars, 9 Andean Mountain Shrines, 13 Angkor, 14 Antas, 17 Antizenith Passage of the Sun, 19 Archaeoastronomy, 19 Archaeotopography, 23 Astro-Archaeology, 24 Astrology, 24 Astronomical Dating, 27 Avebury, 29 Axial Stone Circles, 30 Azimuth, 33 Aztec Sacred Geography, 33
Babylonian Astronomy and Astrology, 37 Ballochroy, 41
Barasana “Caterpillar Jaguar” Constellation, 43 Beltany, 44 Borana Calendar, 45 Boyne Valley Tombs, 46 Brainport Bay, 48 Brodgar, Ring of, 50 “Brown” Archaeoastronomy, 52 Bush Barrow Gold Lozenge, 52
Cacaxtla, 55 Cahokia, 57 Calendars, 59 Callanish, 61 Caracol at Chichen Itza, 64 Carahunge, 65 Cardinal Directions, 67 Casa Rinconada, 69 Catastrophic Events, 72 Celestial Sphere, 74 Celtic Calendar, 75 Ceque System, 77 Chaco Canyon, 80 Chaco Meridian, 83
Chaco Supernova Pictograph, 86 Chinese Astronomy, 90 Christianization of “Pagan” Festivals, 95 Church Orientations, 96 Circles of Earth, Timber, and Stone, 99 Circumpolar Stars, 102 Clava Cairns, 103 Cobo, Bernabй (1582–1657), 105 Coffin Lids, 106 Cognitive Archaeology, 108 Comets, Novae, and Meteors, 110 Compass and Clinometer Surveys, 112 Constellation Maps on the Ground, 113 Cosmology, 115 Crucifixion of Christ, 117 Crucuno, 119 Cumbrian Stone Circles, 122 Cursus Monuments, 123 Cusco Sun Pillars, 126
Declination, 129 Delphic Oracle, 130 Diurnal Motion, 132 Dresden Codex, 132 Drombeg, 134
Easter Island, 137 Eclipse Records and the Earth’s Rotation, 141 Ecliptic, 142 Egyptian Temples and Tombs, 143 Emu in the Sky, 147 Equinoxes, 148 Ethnoastronomy, 152 Ethnocentrism, 152 Extinction, 153
Fajada Butte Sun Dagger, 155 Field Survey, 158 Fiskerton, 160
Governor’s Palace at Uxmal, 163 GPS Surveys, 165 Grand Menhir Brisй, 166 “Green” Archaeoastronomy, 169 Gregorian Calendar, 169 Group E Structures, 170
Ha‘amonga-a-Maui, 175 Hawaiian Calendar, 176 Heliacal Rise, 180 Hesiod (Eighth Century B.C.E.), 181 Hopewell Mounds, 183 Hopi Calendar and Worldview, 186 Horizon Calendars of Central Mexico, 188 How the Sky Has Changed over the Centuries, 190
Inferior Planets, Motions of, 191 Inuit Cosmology, 193 Iron-Age Roundhouses, 195 Is Paras, 197 Islamic Astronomy, 199 Island of the Sun, 203
Javanese Calendar, 207 Julian Calendar, 208
Kintraw, 211 Kukulcan, 213 Kumukahi, 215 Kumulipo, 217
Lakota Sacred Geography, 219 Land of the Rising Sun, 221 Landscape, 223 Ley Lines, 224 Lockyer, Sir Norman (1836–1920), 227
Lunar and Luni-Solar Calendars,
228 Lunar Eclipses, 230 Lunar Parallax, 234 Lunar Phase Cycle, 235
Maes Howe, 237 Magellanic Clouds, 240 Mangareva, 241 Maya Long Count, 243 Medicine Wheels, 246 “Megalithic Astronomy,” 248 “Megalithic” Calendar, 248 Megalithic Monuments of Britain
and Ireland, 250 Megalithic “Observatories,” 252 Meridian, 253 Mesoamerican Calendar Round, 255 Mesoamerican Cross-Circle Designs,
259 Methodology, 261 Mid-Quarter Days, 265 Minoan Temples and Tombs, 266 Misminay, 267 Mithraism, 269 Monuments and Cosmology, 271 Moon, Motions of, 272 Mursi Calendar, 274
N§ Pali Chant, 279 Nabta Playa, 282 Namoratung’a, 284 Nasca Lines and Figures, 286 Nationalism, 292 Navajo Cosmology, 293 Navajo Hogan, 295 Navajo Star Ceilings, 296 Navigation, 298 Navigation in Ancient Oceania, 300 Nebra Disc, 304 Necker Island, 307 Newgrange, 309 Nissen, Heinrich (1839–1912), 312 Nuraghi, 313
Obliquity of the Ecliptic, 317 Orientation, 319 Orion, 321
Palaeoscience, 325 Pantheon, 328 Pawnee Cosmology, 329 Pawnee Earth Lodge, 331 Pawnee Star Chart, 332 Pilgrimage, 333 Polynesian and Micronesian
Astronomy, 336 Polynesian Temple Platforms and
Enclosures, 340 Power, 343 Precession, 345 Precision and Accuracy, 347 Prehistoric Tombs and Temples in
Europe, 348 Presa de la Mula, 351 Pyramids of Giza, 353
Quipu, 357
Recumbent Stone Circles, 361 Refraction, 364 Roman Astronomy and Astrology,