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365 Rujm el-Hiri, 366

Sacred Geographies, 369 Sarmizegetusa Regia, 370 Saroeak, 372 Science or Symbolism?, 375 Short Stone Rows, 376 Sky Bears, 378 Solar Eclipses, 380 Solstices, 384 Solstitial Alignments, 385

Contents vii

Solstitial Directions, 388 Taulas, 417 Somerville, Boyle (1864–1936), 389 Temple Alignments in Ancient Son Mas, 390 Greece, 419 Space and Time, Ancient Perceptions Teotihuacan Street Grid, 421 of, 390 Theodolite Surveys, 423 Star and Crescent Symbol, 392 Thom, Alexander (1894–1985), 425 Star Compasses of the Pacific, 394 Thornborough, 427 Star Names, 396 Tri-Radial Cairns, 429 Star of Bethlehem, 396 Star Rising and Setting Positions, 398 Venus in Mesoamerica, 433 Statistical Analysis, 399 Stone Circles, 401 Wedge Tombs, 435 Stonehenge, 405 Sun, Motions of, 409 Years B.C.E. and Years before 0, 439 Superior Planets, Motions of, 410 Yekuana Roundhouses, 439 Swedish Rock Art, 412 Symbols, 414 Zenith Passage of the Sun, 443 Zenith Stars in Polynesia, 444 Zenith Tubes, 445

Bibliography, 449 Glossary, 483 Topic Index, 487 Geographical Index, 491 Chronological Index, 495 Cultural Index, 499 Index, 503