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Ethan swallowed hard as that thought sank in.

“Don’t worry, even if that happened you wouldn’t feel a thing. Your body would freeze instantly.”

“That gives me … no comfort.”

“Trust me, you are in capable —”

Wallace interrupted the exchange with Ron. “Ethan, you need to understand something. This jump back in time isn’t going to be painless.”

This jerked Ethan out of his semi-daydream of floating through space as an aimless human popsicle. He stared down at Wallace. “What? Now you tell me — when I’m at the precipice of doing something I already thought was Evel Knievel worthy.”


“Never mind.” Ethan regarded the metal around him with increased skepticism. “What kind of pain are we talking about on a scale of one to ten? Like a trip to the dentist or something?”

“It will feel like something akin to open heart surgery without anesthesia.”

“Well, that’s just great,” Ethan said dryly. “Maybe I need to re-think this decision.” But even he knew this was just talk. Part of him was terrified of this unknown he was about to jump into. But the other part — the one that had to know — was in control.

“This experience is going to create heat and lots of it,” Wallace said, ignoring Ethan’s last quip. “Try not to scream or move around too much. And please, keep your eyes closed. We’d hate to waste sending you back only for you to be blind.”

“I’ll run that up the flagpole and see who salutes it.”

Wallace moved to stand behind the technicians monitoring their machines. Each one began running through their checklists, and Ethan soon heard voices around the room signaling that all functions were up and running.

“We’re at full power,” someone said.

Full power — it won’t be long now then. His body tensed in expectation and each voice that rang out amplified his growing anxiety. He felt strangely in tune with everything around him: the metallic smell in the air, the almost tangible sense of expectation that hung in the room, the fullness of his bladder … Shit! I should have gone to the bathroom one last time.

“QLA is online.”

“CFT check.”

“Coordinates for transfer have been locked in.”

“E.S.M.E.R. heating up.”

“Security precautions set. We are a go.”

“Commencing transfer in ten, nine, eight, seven …”

And there was the countdown. He’d been listening for it since the checklist dialogue had begun. Now that it was here, each number called out over the intercom was like a stab in the gut. The anticipation grew beyond anything he’d felt before. His pulse quickened like he was running for a touchdown, and beads of sweat were sliding down his arms and tickling his ribs. He felt a trickle seep into one of his eyes and he closed them.

“… six, five, four …”

He wished they’d go ahead and push the damn switch. Be like a band-aid — just rip the fucker off.

“… three, two, one!”

Ethan felt the hairs on his arms rise up and a soft, electrifying current coursed through his body in one rippling motion. An intense light penetrated his eyelids, and he squeezed them tighter, but it didn’t help. Still, he heeded Ben’s warning and kept his eyes closed. Maybe he should have worn sunglasses.

The noise around him was immense. Machines hummed like engines on full throttle and what sounded like a jet plane warming up to hit its afterburners pierced his brain. “THIS ISN’T SO BAD!” he screamed over the sound and felt his ears pop.

Over the loudspeakers the intercom blared: “Mass core drive taking effect.”

Wait. So there was more?

Then his guts heaved like they were going through a blender, and his muscles felt like they were undulating beneath his skin. He tensed again as the painful sensations ebbed and flowed; every vein feeling like it was rising to the surface with each pulse of his heart.

Ethan’s legs shook and he began losing his footing. It felt like gravity was shifting and up was now down. He hunched lower, trying to hold firm, but there was another spin in his midsection — longer this time. His legs buckled and he was forced to take a knee. Gravity switched on him again. There were no words to describe the magnitude of this pain. He fought the urge to scream. He was going to cross this metaphorical Rubicon any second; there would be no turning back.

Through the blood roaring in his ears, Ethan heard the intercom again: “Mass core drive at maximum.”

Then the heat came — fast and intolerable — even worse than before. There was another hard pull at his body, like the massive jawbone of a dog had clamped down on his torso. His lips peeled back from his teeth, and he screamed — loud and guttural, almost inhuman — and in that instant it felt like a burning log had been shoved down his throat.

And then, like a breaker wire being tripped, all systems shut down in unison. Only the echoes of Ethan’s scream were left behind, reverberating off the walls as quiet descended upon the room.

Unknown and unfelt, there was a shift. Ethan was like a stone hurled into a pond. And as with every tossed stone, there are always ripples.


Death Spoof

April 25, 1986, 5:34 AM

“Well done everyone,” Ben Wallace said to the room of technicians. “Can you please turn on the mainframes?”

A bespectacled man with shaggy hair spoke up. “Systems are coming back online, sir.”

Wallace leaned over one of the computer monitors, studying the information with an expression bordering on desperation. “Are the satellites safely in place? I need a check of agents in the field and status updates on each.”

Another voice said, “We have a signal that bumped in on November 29, 1948, from Adelaide, Australia, but the signal stopped transmitting on December 1, 1948.” A heartbeat later he added, “Looks like he’s dead sir. Should we have one of our scouts check for his body?”

Ben froze, his fingers gripping the edge of the monitor. Slowly, he stood to face the bearer of bad news. “What was the field agent’s name?”

The technician glanced down at his screen. “Encoding the dead signal now, sir.” He waited as the computer reversed the encoding. “It says: Blake Tannor.”

“Tannor,” Wallace murmured, his mind straining to remember. He strode quickly to the desk where his files were and pulled out sheets of paper, flipping through them until he found what he was looking for. “Ah! Ethan Blake Tannor — they’re one and the same. He’s the nephew of Tobias Keane. It’s the man from that incident at the diner.”

He looked up and saw Jackman standing on the other side of the room, mute and motionless. Wallace said, “You’ve searched his apartment. Any leads to his whereabouts?”

“Negative, sir; he’s off the grid.” Jackman’s face was serious. “The search teams were involved in a shootout, but other than that he’s still in the wind. The watch hasn’t been activated again since his uncle’s estate, but we’re assuming he still has it. We’ve done the reverse log on Mr. Keane’s phone. We found his lawyer, but he has also been unsuccessful in contacting Mr. Tannor.”

“Anything else?”

“There were several calls made from a mobile car phone. No recordings left on the answering machine.”

“Did you trace its origin?”

“Yes, but it had been removed and junked on the street,” Jackman said with more than a little annoyance.