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“More sex?” Darian asked in wonder. “I agree, you could do better on many levels, but in that one aspect, you’re such a poor bastard. I feel so sorry for you, Alex.”

“I said more shit, dickhead. But, I suppose she’d want more sex if I were so inclined.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t find her exciting anymore. I’m not sure I ever did, but lately, she gives me a fucking headache.” Darian chuckled. “I’m aware she wants more, but she knew what to expect from the first time I took her to bed.” Alex knew that sexually she was satisfied. He could make her moan like a bitch in heat, but even in their most intimate moments, it was nothing more than screwing and he knew it. “On the other hand, she cares more about herself than she does me.”

“I thought that was what you wanted—no feelings.”

“It was. It is. But not when the desire is gone. And she pretty much douses that whenever she opens her damn mouth. So, what did your doctor tell her?”

“Basically, she told her to dump your sorry ass.”

The bartender came over again, and this time, Darian ordered another round as his friend sat on the bar stool in contemplative silence. “So I guess we’ll see if she takes Angel’s advice.” He dipped his head to hide the smirk that was spreading across his face.


Alex felt a jolt at the sound of the name, and he turned it over in his head a few times, trying to get a picture of her to form in his mind. He wondered if everything Darian said about her was true. Alex pictured a stodgy, passionless shrew that got off by analyzing other people’s lives due to lack of one of her own. But the name… maybe there was something to Darian’s description of her. Suddenly, he was intrigued and the hair on the back of his neck prickled.

Who the fuck does she think she was to tell my mistress to end things without knowing both sides of the story? And why the hell do I care anyway? he asked himself. He wanted out so however that happened, didn’t matter.

“I wonder if she would’ve told Whitney the same thing if she’d known my side of the situation.”

Darian watched as Alex got lost in his thoughts and spoke as if he were talking to himself.

“Yes, I told her. But only after Angel ended the call, of course. I couldn’t say anything while she had Whitney on the phone.”

Alex sat back in his chair and turned sharply toward Darian. “What? You didn’t use my name did you? I don’t need my personal bullshit under public scrutiny, Darian.”

“Relax, Alex. I’m not stupid. Whitney used your first name, and I didn’t mention your surname or Avery Enterprises. I told Angel that you’re a very focused individual and you were upfront when you got into one of your arrangements.”

“Arrangements? She probably thinks I’m a dick.”

“Yeah, so?” Darian’s tone was sardonic and he smirked. “Aren’t they? Arrangements?”

Alex couldn’t argue, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t chagrined, but he was amused by the direction of their conversation and, against his better judgment, intrigued by the faceless Angel. “And? What was her opinion?”

Darian’s lips lifted slightly; amused that his friend seemed so interested in something he professed not to give a shit about.

“She doesn’t believe that you don’t know that you’re hurting these women. I think her exact words were: ‘your friend clearly knows how this shit works, hence his carefully laid out escape clause,’” Darian mocked with a quirk of his lips.

Alex leaned his elbows on the bar as a slow, devious grin spread across his face. “It’s too bad she’s probably stiff, closeted, and frigid as hell. I think my dick just got hard.” He looked down at his glass and chuckled out loud.

Darian burst out laughing. He knew that intelligence was what Alex needed in a woman. Maybe he’d open up his heart and mind to more than just a sexual relationship if he could find someone to stimulate him above the belt. If there was anything that turned Alex on, it was a challenge.

“You don’t even know what she looks like. God help you, then, because, you’ll be in a world of hurt. And, her wit is sharp as hell.”

“Whatever,” Alex dismissed, but his phone intruded into his musings again. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

Alex, get your ass over here now, or it’s OVER!

“Ugh, fuck. D, I have to go. And, Cole is in danger of getting his cock cut off by that banshee. Can you make sure to get him home? They’re doing some serious damage to each other down there.” Alex nodded his head in Cole’s direction and shook it in disapproval. “The family doesn’t need any bad publicity because he can’t control his johnson. I love my brother, but he doesn’t always think with his head.”

“Oh? The text must have been from your lady,” Darian speculated and took another long pull on his beer. Alex outwardly cringed at the words ‘his lady’, not really sure how to classify her anymore, but surely the screaming shrew she’d become certainly didn’t fit that profile.

“Apparently, she isn’t taking your girl’s advice. I’m being summoned or it’s over,” Alex said with blasé sarcasm. He was not looking forward to that conversation. With a roll of his eyes, he slammed the rest of his drink and walked over to Cole, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Cole, I gotta bounce. See you on Sunday.”

“Dude! Don’t go, Alex. Things are just starting to happen. This is Ruby,” Cole said happily, his speech slurred by the amount of alcohol he’d consumed in the past two hours. Alex’s eyes drifted over the redhead that was draped around his brother’s neck and took note how her blue eyes looked him up and down. He felt disgusted as he acknowledged the woman. She was elegantly dressed with bright red polish on her long fingernails, but Alex felt bile rise in his throat. She might look expensive, but Alex knew trash when he saw it. Her blatant appraisal of his dark good looks made it clear that she’d move on to a better offer without thinking twice.

“Nice to meet you. Goodnight, Cole.”

It’s bitches like that who make me avoid relationships like the plague. Just like Whitney. If Alex were honest with himself, he had to admit it. So fake, so grasping and calculating, Alex thought as he turned and walked out. It was obvious that Ruby wasn’t interested in Cole. He was just her next victim, and she would have dropped him like a hot potato if I’d snapped my fingers.

“It’s no fucking wonder I’m the way I am,” he muttered under his breath as he walked the four blocks to the garage where his car was parked. “No fucking wonder.”

* * *

As he drove the few miles to Whitney’s apartment, Alex tried to dig up some feeling for the woman he’d been sleeping with for the past year and a half. Sure, she was beautiful, but she was shallow. She was more interested in shopping than what was going on in the world, and she bored the shit out of him. He sighed heavily for letting her physical attributes sway him in the first place. He’d desired her and so he took her. It was easy, like everything else in his life. Sure, he worked his ass off, but making money out of nothing was what he loved best, and he was good at it. That was easy for him, too.

After leaving his Audi with the valet, he swiped the key card in the security door, and the doorman greeted him.

“Good evening, Mr. Avery.”