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“Nice of him to let her change,” Andrea said.

“It would just slow him down if she wasn’t equipped for hiking.” Her gaze slid to the still-dark forest. “How far he’ll go is anybody’s guess.”

“Where is Agent Hunter?” Andrea asked.

“Yeah, she’s in there,” he said, pointing to the motorhome. “She’s not real friendly. The other one, O’Connor, she’s nice.”

“You got our gear?” Cameron asked.

“Yes, it’s in the back of my truck.”

“I’m going to go check it out,” Cameron said to Andrea. She motioned with her head to the motorhome. “I’ll let you talk to Hunter.”

Andrea nodded and Cameron went around to the back of the truck. She let the tailgate down, then frowned. There were two packs, not just one. She pulled one closer to her and unzipped it, finding rations, two containers of water, some toiletries and little else. There was a sleeping bag and a tent strapped to the outside. She pulled over the other one, and it was equipped the same.

“Bare bones, Murdock,” she murmured. And as if saying his name was a signal, her phone rang. “Why two packs?” she asked immediately when she answered. “I told you I had my own.”

“And good morning to you too, Agent Ross. I trust you made it safely.”

“Just got here,” she said. “It’s not daylight yet.” She paused. “Two packs?”

“Yes. Well, Agent Hunter will accompany you.”

“The hell she will,” Cameron said loudly. “I won’t have time to babysit.”

“She’s a trained agent, Cameron.”

“Andrea and I work alone. I don’t need her.”

“I don’t suppose you do. But you know who the hostage is.”

“All the more reason for her not to go. This can’t be personal.”

He sighed. “Yeah. Well, I tried that approach with her too. And short of locking her up, there’s no way to keep her from joining you.”

Cameron glanced at the motorhome where she heard Andrea talking. “Come on, Murdock. You issue her an order. If she doesn’t follow it, file insubordination and haul her off.”

“Of course, Agent Ross, you know all about insubordination, don’t you?”

“Come on, Murdock.”

“Look, I already tried that. She threatened to quit the FBI and follow you anyway. Now if you can talk her into staying behind, fine. Use your charm on her,” he said with a laugh. “But there’s gear there for her to join you. She’s a trained agent,” he said again.

“Jesus, Murdock, this is not a great way to start a mission.”

“And we don’t have time to argue about it. The best we can do is hope Kennedy slows Angel down enough for you to catch up. Now, do you want air support? The locals are chomping at the bit to go after him. They’ve got a helicopter ready to go.”

“No. Not yet. Let me get a feel for where he’s going. Besides, we both know he can hide from a damn helicopter. Angel Figueroa is no amateur.”

“If he was alone, sure. Maybe not with a hostage. But you make the call. You check in with me and let me know your progress.”

“That’s assuming I can find his trail,” she said.

“I have no doubt that you will.”

The call ended and she pocketed her phone. She looked to the sky and saw the first signs of dawn. She headed toward the motorhome. Now the fun part. No way in hell was she letting Agent Hunter go with them.

* * *

Tori looked up as the other woman approached. She could tell by the look on her face that she was not happy.

“I’m Special Agent Ross. Who is Hunter?”

“I’m Hunter,” Tori said. She motioned to Casey. “This is O’Connor. Dallas PD.”

Agent Sullivan stepped forward with a slightly amused expression. “Cameron…this is Tori and Casey,” she said, pointing to each of them.

Agent Ross nodded. “I understand your…your colleague was injured.”

Casey’s eyebrows shot up. “Colleague? Is that what we’re calling it now?” She gave Agent Ross the sarcastic smile Tori knew well. “My partner, Leslie, is doing fine. In fact, I’m heading to the hospital as soon as you guys take off.”

“Good.” Ross turned to Tori. “And I imagine you’re going with her then?”

Tori shook her head. “As I told your man Murdock, I’m going with you.”

Ross narrowed her eyes. “The hell you are.”

Tori glared right back. “Yeah, the hell I am.”

Ross sighed. “Look, Hunter, you don’t have experience in this. We do. Let us do our job.”

“I’m going with you.”

“Goddamn it, Hunter, I don’t have time to argue with you. They’ve got at least a two-hour head start on us, provided he stopped at full dark. It may be three hours. Do you know how long it’s going to take to make up that time?” Ross shook her head. “You’re not going.”

“I’m not going to slow you down.”

“You’re not going,” Ross said again.

“The hell I’m not,” Tori said loudly. She pointed out to the woods. “That’s my goddamn life out there.”

“Then trust us to bring her back.”

“I don’t trust anyone but me,” Tori said emphatically as she pointed at her chest.

Cameron stepped closer. “I said no.”

Tori walked closer too. They were nearly nose to nose. “I don’t care what you say. I’m fucking going with you.”

Agent Sullivan put an arm between them. “Cameron.”

“What?” she asked sharply.

Sullivan gave Tori a quick, somewhat apologetic smile, before glancing at Ross. “Can I speak with you for a minute?”

Tori was shocked at the change in Ross’s demeanor as she nodded. When they walked away, Tori turned to Casey.

“I don’t like her. At all.”

Casey grinned. “I’m going to guess that the feeling is mutual.” She motioned to Ross and Sullivan who were speaking in quiet voices. “Looks like we’re not the only ones with colleagues.”

Tori nodded. “Les is getting discharged, right?”


“What are you going to do?”

“I guess we’re going to come back here and wait,” Casey said.

But Tori shook her head. “No. You guys take this thing and head back to Dallas. You don’t need to wait here. I don’t know how long it’ll be.”

“I don’t want to leave you here, Tori. You might need me.”

“If I need you, I’ll call you. And you’ll come, I know you will.”

“I can’t just leave, Tori. Sam is out there.”

“And we’re going to find her. I know that.” She touched her heart. “I feel that.”

Casey’s expression softened and Tori found herself in a tight hug. “I love you.”

Tori closed her eyes as she hugged Casey back. “I love you too.”

They stepped apart quickly and Tori met her eyes. “God, I’m glad no one was here to witness that,” she murmured.

They turned when Agent Sullivan approached. Tori raised her eyebrows questioningly.

“Grab your gear. There’s a backpack you can use.”

Tori let out a relieved breath. “Thank you.” Her gaze followed Ross as she walked the perimeter of their site. “I won’t slow you down.”

Chapter Seven

The sun was barely up, yet Sam trudged behind him, her hands still bound. The rope, like yesterday, was tied around his waist. They were climbing higher and the junipers and scrub brush were being replaced with pine trees and other large conifers. The morning was cool and crisp, and she wished she had better company to enjoy it with. Her stomach rumbled just then, and she longed for a cup of coffee and breakfast. A big breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast…the works. Maybe pancakes too. Oh, like those fluffy ones they got at Mike’s Diner. That would be good right about now.