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"Just staying home" – he answered.

"Oh… I been to river Kwai" – I said.

"Wow… cool. You liked it?" – he asked.

"Yeah… awesome" – I answered.

"Great" – he said.

"You been to club?" – I asked.

"No" – he answered.

"It's bad… damn. Are you going there again?" – I asked.

"Don't know, man" – he answered.

"Very bad… very bad" – I said.

"I Dunno… have so many things to do" – he said.

"You still staying with that girl?" – I asked.

"Yes… sure" – he answered.

"Maybe good, maybe not" – I said.

"Maybe" – he said.

"Ok… If you are going somewhere… let me know, man" – I said.

"Be sure… you will know first" – he said.

"Ok… ok. See later" – I said.

"See you" – he said.

I hung up the phone. Damn… I had time to take a rest. And after call Kitty? Go to the bar? Not go to the bar? Ok. Will See. Day was fucked up. Not completely. Yeah… Because now I was going to drink whiskey shot. I made one glass for myself. Good. I laid down on the bed.

Late evening… Lincy incoming call…

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hello. What you do tonight?" – she asked.

"Stay home, sleep" – I answered.

"Oh… I see" – she said.

"And you?" – I asked.

"I go walk" – she answered.

"Oh… where you go?" – I asked.

"Walk near my condominium" – she answered.

"Oh… maybe, you wanted to walk along the beach?" – I asked.

"No… no. It's ok" – she answered.

"Ok… ok. Hope to hear you soon" – I said.

I hung up the phone. It was about 10 o'clock. Yeah. What do you, fellows, think? Yes… yes. I must to call Kitty. I told, that I will call her. No problem for me. It's ok.


"Hello" – Kitty answered.

"Hello, Kitty" – I said.

"How are you?" – she asked.

"Good, good… and you?" – I answered.

"Nice" – she said.

"What are you doing?" – I asked.

"Staying in my bar" – she answered.

"I’m getting ready to go outside" – I said.

"You come to my bar?" – she asked.

"Yes, I can… for sure" – I answered.

"So, come…" – she said.

I hung up the phone. Damn… it was time to go. I put on my shorts and took some money. Yeah… Money, which I got today. Hell… yeah. Time is time. Ok… ok! My TV was off.

I went outside and caught tuk-tuk. Time to go to the Walking Street. Time was going and going… After some minutes, I got to the main street. I started my walking through this street. I had to get to the bar. Nothing difficult. But! I got to the bar. And I saw Kitty…

"Hello, Kitty! How are you?" – I asked.

"Hello, 'J'… happy to see you" – she answered.

"Me too" – I said.

She kissed me on the cheek, and I did the same. Awesome. What could be better? Nothing could be! Yes… yes. I found a good place to sit… and Kitty did the same. We were close to each other.

"Would you like something to drink?" – I asked.

"One Singha" – she answered.

"Ok… ok" – I said.

"What about you?" – she asked.

"One whiskey" – I answered.

She ordered me one. Good. I had many thoughts. But. So many things happened to me during this time. I didn't know, how to start our talking. Ok… stay with Kitty this night? I asked myself.

"Kitty, what will you do this night?" – I asked.

"I don't know. What you want to do?" – she answered.

"I don't know yet" – I said.

"What did you do yesterday?" – she asked.

"Stayed home" – I answered.

"Oh… I see" – she said.

"Where you stayed?" – I asked.

"Near 3d road" – she answered.

"Can go to you?" – I asked.

"Maybe, my girlfriend will stay in my room" – she answered.

"Will you drink more?" – I asked.

"One" – she answered.

I ordered one more drink for Kitty. Good. Better go home alone, I thought… I drank my whiskey and was ready for one more. One more with ice. Cool. What a great day. Incoming call… Tim.

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hey, 'J'. What are you doing?" – Tim asked.

"Staying in the bar" – I answered.

"Let's go to the club?" – he asked.

"I stay with the girl" – I answered.

"Oh… I see" – he said.

"Yeah… yeah" – I said.

"Ok… ok. See you" – he said.

"See" – I said.

I hung up the phone. Damn. Now I can say Kitty about my friend and go home. Good idea. I wanted to stay home and sleep alone. I was not in the mood. So… what you, fellows, think? Don't think!

"Kitty, I have to meet my friend" – I said.

"Oh… ok. You come back?" – she asked.

"No… after go home sleep" – I answered.

"Oh… ok" – she said.

"I'm tired too much. Too much business yesterday" – I said.

"Ok… ok. Go relax and sleep" – she said.

I paid the bill. And was ready to go home. I kissed Kitty and left a tip. Awesome. I asked Kitty:

"You go home or stay in the bar?".

"Stay and after go" – she answered.

"Ok… see you" – I said.

I left the bar. Good. I went out from the "Walking Street". I caught tuk-tuk. Great. Now can get home. Under the lights and palms was my way. About 10 minutes after… I got home. I paid for tuk-tuk.

I went up to my room. Nice. There is no idea, why I was in such condition. Just wanted to go sleep. I took shower and brushed my teeth. One more whiskey? No… no! No way! I felt asleep.

Morning… I woke up. Awesome… what a good feeling… I was need to take shower and make a cup of tea. Enjoy your life… I always say like this. Because nobody knows, what can happen in any day.

I had lunch. And was going to check the laptop. I checked models on the forum. One idea was on my mind. Go to Bangkok and do a photoshoot. After, sell the content. Damn. Need to call Tim.


"Hello" – Tim answered.

"Hey, Tim. How are you?" – I asked.

"I'm ok. And you?" – he answered.

"Fine. What do you know about Bangkok night streets?" – I asked.

"What exactly you want to know?" – he answered.

"Where to find some hot girls for photos?" – I asked.

"Go to Khao San Road" – he answered.

"Ok… thanks for help" – he said.

"You want to do a photoshoot?" – he asked.

"Yeah… yeah" – I answered.

"Oh… Good luck" – he said.

"Thanks" – I said.

I hung up the phone. And was ready to pack my bag. I packed my camera and some clothes. Awesome. Also checked my wallet, everything was good. Money and money. I decided to take my laptop. Good idea. When I was ready, I left the room.

I had to get to the bus station. And go by first bus, which goes to Bangkok. I did it. Now I could relax and enjoy my way. About 1-2 hours… and I must be in Bangkok. Yeah. Cool adventure. Damn. Miki's incoming call…

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hi. What you do?" – Miki asked.

"Go Bangkok" – I answered.

"Oh… when you come back?" – she asked.

"Tomorrow, evening" – I answered.

"Oh… I see, why you not call me?" – she asked.

"I met my friend, make business" – I answered.

"Oh… ok, ok" – she said.

"What did you do these days?" – I asked.

"Nothing serious, stayed with my friend" – she answered.

"I see… ok. I was happy to hear you" – I said.

"Good" – she said.

"Hope to see you soon" – I said.

"I hope too" – she said.

"Bye" – I said.

"Bye" – she said.

I hung up the phone. What a good day… Miki called me. Maybe, she's in love with me. Who knows?… what about Kitty, Lincy? Love and love… but do I love? Nobody knows. Nobody!

Our bus arrived at the station. Good. What was first? Find a hotel. Good hotel. I started my trip. I got to Khao San Road. Nice place. Have to find hotel here. Damn… I found a good place to stay. Mini hotel, not 5 stars. But… ok. I got the key and found my room. Great… great! I dropped my bag and refreshed my face in the bathroom. Good. Time for lunch. I went out from my hotel and found good snack-bar. Awesome. Time for some burgers and French fries. Yeah, baby! My order was in process. This night very important. Find a girl for photos. I got my order. Tasty burgers and French fries. And hot tea. Eat good, feel good. I always say like this. What an awesome day… I almost ate all. Tea with toasts and jam. Ok… ok! Now time to leave this place. I went back to my room. Need to relax. I laid down on the bed.