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 Pulling down Parker’s covers, she caught the scent of his soap wafting off the sheets.

 Closing her eyes, she let herself breathe him in without him knowing it. Since she’d opened her eyes, it was all she’d been wanting to do. It wasn’t like she could indulge the need. If there was one thing she’d learned about him right off the bat it was he wasn’t all that comfortable with basic contact.

He flinched nearly every time she got close.

Well…either that or he found her repulsive. She didn’t think that was the case since the first thought she’d „heard’ was about her soft skin. Still, he’d been rather hot and cold on how he found her physically.

 Angel blinked to clear the crazy line of thinking that had taken away her reasonable thoughts.

This wouldn’t do, not in the least. She was leaving. What difference did it make if Parker Liberty thought she was physically desirable? None. She had a life to start living and she wasn’t going to get tied down in the abuse of mating.

 No way. No how.

 She lay down in the bed. If she’d thought smelling his scent was intense from above the bed she had no idea how much worse it would laying down in his sheets. It felt like Parker lay with her in the bed, his arms around her as he moved over her, rubbing his aroma all over her own until they couldn’t tell where one of them began and the other one ended. They were no longer separate entities, but one single being.

 Forgetting all her inhibitions, she closed her eyes and rolled around in his sheets. She stopped only to take her clothes off her body, wanting nothing between herself and the little bit of Parker she would let herself ingest. Never before had she ever felt so completely in touch with her wolf side.

 She inhaled deeply. Scent was a wonderful thing. Humans would never know what it was like to become so completely invested in the small particles that gave meaning to things, which would never exist without her extrasensory perceptions. She loved it.

 The door banged open and she gasped yanking the covers over her naked body.

 Parker stood in the doorway. She breathed hard as she looked at him. What had she been thinking? He was a wolf. He would know how turned on she was from miles away let alone the next room.

 But it had been too much, too intense to not lose herself to the moment. She bit down on her bottom lip. How would she explain it to him so he didn’t think she was a freak?

 The closer he got to the bed, the less she worried about that. Suddenly, it felt like her throat had closed up and she’d swallowed her tongue. Yet, she was perfectly capable of breathing and might, in fact, start hyperventilating if she wasn’t careful. Parker was huge—her initial impression of a linebacker hadn’t been wrong—and right now his eyes were wolf, pure wolf.

 She should be running away, terrified. Male wolf-shifters were nothing if not volatile at best.

When they gave into their animal natures, they could be maniacs. And yet…

 She was anything but scared. She was hot, like she’d never been hot before.

 Decisions, she had learned early on in her existence, were only ninety-percent yours to make.

Some of it was timing. Some of it was fate, or luck, or divine intervention, whatever your preference of names happened to be.

 Ten percent of Angel wanted to give in, wanted to give into her wolf instincts and just be with this man because it was easy and because rolling around in his scent had made her skin tingle in the most delicious ways.

 But ninety-percent of this was her and it wouldn’t do to deny it or blame it on the same instincts she had controlled every day of her life.

 She sat up on her knees letting the blanket fall down until her breasts were exposed.

 He hadn’t moved but a growl sounded in his throat as she showed herself.

 “We hardly know each other.” She reached out until she touched his chest. “And still I am drawn to you like I have no choice.” She swallowed. “But I do have a choice and so do you. If you want to do this, do it because you want to and not because your wolf is demanding it. We’re more than our animals.”

 He cocked his head to the side. “Sometimes I think they’re more than us.”

 She smiled. “That too.”

 “Angel, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since I scented you in the restaurant.

Knowing you’re in here and you’re turned on,” he sniffed the air to demonstrate how he knew. “I can’t resist it any more than I can resist breathing or thinking.”

 She wanted to ask him if he’d seen her down the street and they’d been two regular people who happened to spot each other on some random Saturday would he have pursued her? Instead, she moved forward so he could grab her shoulders in his strong embrace.

 She didn’t ask because she had decided. The ninety-percent of her that got to still be in control of her destiny had made her choice. She wanted him and she wasn’t going to let Parker say anything that might change her mind. She could still leave when it was over. They’d go their separate ways.

Tonight they’d be together and she’d always know what true-mated sex was like.

 Few got to experience it. Who was she to throw away the chance to know what it was like?

 “I can feel that you want me too.” He ran his hands down her chest to touch the top of her breasts and she closed her eyes to let the shivers making their way around her body take her wherever they wanted her to go.

 “Say it aloud. Let me hear your consent.”

 She smiled, feeling heat in her cheeks and desire in her mind. “Let’s do this.”

 Parker didn’t seem to need any more encouragement. She leaned backwards off her knees and he pushed her back on his bed, staring down at her with heat in his wolf eyes.

 He blinked and his brown depths came back to their human form as his mouth came down onto her nipple.

 She gasped, her back arching off the mattress as he continued to suck on the straining peak.

She’d never done this before, not ever, always equating sex with mating and gods knew she never wanted to do that.

 Yet here she was.

 Enjoying the hell out of this.

 Her hands roamed to the short hairs on the back of his neck up onto his only slightly longer strands on his head. She dug her fingers into his scalp and he moaned, letting go of her breast for a second to move his mouth to her other nipple. She hissed.

 “Parker, I think you might be trying to kill me.”

 He stopped sucking to look at her. “Kill you in a good way or in a bad way?”

 “Like I might die from pleasure.”

 He smiled, and she stopped breathing. He was so beautiful when he smiled. It was like the heavens had opened and sent him down to torment her with his beauty. She reached up to stroke his face and he kissed the palm of her hand.

 Running his finger down her chest to her belly button, she shivered under his ministrations.

 “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this all day.” He leaned toward her, his tongue tracing where his finger had made a path. “I tried not to think about this.

 She nodded as she tugged at his shirt. She wanted skin-to-skin contact with him and she wanted it right now. He helped her by pulling the shirt over his head and throwing it onto the floor. His muscles were well defined and huge. There was nothing about Parker that was small. Even his hands, which stroked her shoulders, were large and sturdy.

 It made her wonder how big other parts were going to turn out to be. She gulped at the thought. Thoughts like that were only going to make her nervous.