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We had not gone far when we began to see vague patches of radiance moving behind the walls. As we worked our way down the hall, turning this way and that, they began to take recognizable form, as if each turn peeled away an obscuring layer of film. Flares-dozens of them-floated somehow behind these glazed walls like bright fish in an aquarium.

“What is this?” Colleen’s voice oozed out in a whisper. “Some kind of giant stasis chamber? Cryogen- Cryo- Oh, hell, you know what I mean.”

“Cryonics,” I said. “And no, if it were something like that, it would no longer be working. This is not science, Colleen. This is something else.”

She moved to stand next to one of the glistening walls, staring up at the bright, blurred figures. “It’s like an aquarium.”

Like. Like an aquarium, like a stasis chamber, like a haunted house. It was like nothing we’d ever seen or even imagined, but still we tried to tell ourselves that it was. In this way we fooled ourselves into thinking we could grasp it, could deal with it. To do otherwise would have been a form of surrender.

We turned as the walls willed, and I came to think that perhaps they moved with us, changing shape to guide us deeper into the labyrinth. I was hopelessly turned about by the time we heard other voices somewhere in the maze. We couldn’t make out what they said, but they were raised in high emotion and punctuated by the ring of metal against stone.

“That’s Cal,” Colleen said, and picked up her pace.

Without warning we emerged into a square chamber twice the size of Cal’s entire Manhattan apartment. Cal and Goldie were there, faced off against each other like boxers. Cal had drawn his sword; Goldie gestured emphatically at the wall. Enid and Magritte were nowhere in sight.

“You’re wasting time, Cal,” Goldie was saying. “This is a dead end.”

“No. This is the way, dammit! There was a doorway here-I saw it. It closed up. We’re being intentionally blocked. They’ve given us one way out-back the way we came. I intend to go this way!”

He wielded the sword, and for an instant I thought he meant to use it on Goldie. But instead he swung it at the wall, connecting with a sound like the ringing of a bell. Sparks flew, the room seemed to shudder, thunder rolled around us.

I froze, struck with the impossible idea that the building was a living thing and that Cal had wounded it. Colleen shouted and vaulted across the chamber, Howard and I strung out behind.

Relief flooded Cal’s face at the sight of her. “Colleen- thank God-”

“What’re you doing?” she asked, gaze darting into the dark corners of the chamber. “Where’re Magritte and Enid?”

Cal stared at her, seemingly stunned. “I’m trying to get to Tina.” He pointed up at the wall, his eyes bright and sharp, his face gaunt in the play of light and shadow. A flare drifted there behind the dark, translucent surface-hair and clothing wafting as if in a breeze.

Colleen and I both stared up at her. Her long hair was the color of moon on wheat; large azure smudges marked her eyes; her skin had the sheen of sunlight through milk glass. She was a watercolor, no feature distinct enough to recognize.

Colleen grasped Cal’s arm. “Where are Magritte and Enid?” she repeated. “They were with Doc. They got up here before we did. They should be here.”

“Magritte is fine,” said Goldie absently. “She’s nearby. I can feel her.”

His lack of concern raised a chill in my breast. “Goldie, are you sure?” I asked. “Do you trust what you feel in this place?”

The look he gave me I have seen often in the eyes of men who wake to find themselves paralyzed. “I think maybe I’m a little fucked up right now. Hard to tell.”

“But why aren’t they here?” asked Colleen.

Howard made a funny noise somewhere between a whimper and a growl. “Place has a mind of its own. Does what it wants.”

Yes, and it had wanted us to come here.

Goldie murmured something under his breath and wandered off, gazing at the walls, trailing his fingertips across them. I shuddered. I had set my hands to the most horrible wounds imaginable, but the thought of touching the green blood of the Tower made me reel.

Cal was staring at Howard as if the import of his words had finally struck him. After a moment he uttered a growl of frustration and stabbed his sword point first into the floor. It gouged out chips of stone and sent them dancing across the polished surface. He dropped to his haunches behind it, pressing his forehead to the hilt, his lips moving.

Did he pray? I strained to hear him, catching the whispered words.

“Come on, Griffin, use the Force. Think, think, think.”

As if on cue, flute music trilled-a high, mournful melody from the near corner of the room. Goldie, wooden flute at his lips, meandered back and forth, playing. The building rumbled as if in response, vibration passing through the floor beneath our feet.

Cal glanced up at him. “Damn,” he murmured, then turned his eyes to the dully gleaming flare behind the wall. “Is that Tina? I look at her and I see Tina. Goldie sees Tina. Tell me what you see, Doc.”

“I must be honest with you, Calvin. I see a flare who may or may not be your sister. Her features aren’t clear enough for certainty.”


She made an impatient gesture. “Yeah. I’d have to agree with Doc. I can’t tell who she is. Look, can we get out of here?” “Sha-zam!”

Goldie’s shout brought us all about, pulses pounding. We turned in time to see him disappear into the wall, grinning. “Oh, shit,” said Colleen. “Not again.”

But Goldie reappeared immediately, beckoning to us with the flute. “Don’t lollygag, folks. Let’s go.”

We moved in unison to the place where he stood, and found a doorway where before there had been none.

“What did you do?” Cal asked.

“You heard Howie: the place has a mind of its own. If it has a mind, the mind can be tricked. Right?” There was an exultant gleam in his dark eyes. He bowed, flourishing the flute. “After you.”

We went through the new doorway into another corridor. When it dead-ended in a few yards, Goldie played another doorway and another. We drew nearer to the flare, spiraling toward her. She grew brighter, clearer, until any of us who had known Tina might recognize her… if we could trust the testimony of our own eyes in this place. Still, looking at her I could believe this was the wraith-child I had treated in Manhattan. Or perhaps I only wanted to believe it.

At the final barrier we stood, listening to muted thunder rolling around us, while Goldie played Kevin Elk Sings’s flute. In the space beyond, the flare that might be Tina held out her arms to us.

Then the barrier was gone and we were through into a long, narrow room from which the ceiling seemed to have been blown away. Wires and cables had been ripped free and in some places hung nearly to the floor. There were a number of flares here, most of them hovering high above us amid the tangle of wiring and mangled ceiling tiles. They seemed not even to mark our passing.

Tina, or what we hoped was Tina, floated against the wall in a near corner. She pivoted to look at us, and Cal rushed toward her, arms outstretched. She didn’t come down to meet him, but merely hung there, just beyond his reach, looking down, her face devoid of expression.

“Tina? It’s me. It’s Cal.” His voice shattered on the words; his arms reached up to her.

“It’s Cal,” she repeated, her voice seeping out in a hushed monotone.

“Tina, I’ve found a place. A place you’ll be safe from the Source. A home.”

“Home?” she echoed.