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Sharon felt much warmer toward the young hippie once she realized just who he was. This might be a back door into Sid's affections. Besides, Tim was kind of cute. She shone her warmest smile in the boy's direction, but he seemed far too wrapped up in something he wanted to tell his brother to pay much attention to the young starlet. Sharon fumed inwardly, while still glowing on the surface.

"Hey, Sid," Tim addressed his brother, "speaking of your parties, I've got someone outside I'd like you to meet. A really foxy-looking chick."

"Well, sure, Tim, any little girl of yours is a friend of mine. Just friends, though… strictly," he teased the handsome youth. Sid was very fond of his only sibling, who was almost fifteen years younger than himself.

"Hey, it's nothing like that, Sid. I just met her this morning. She gave me a ride here. But the interesting part is…" Tim looked anxiously at Sharon, then decided to go ahead – "she likes to fuck dogs, Sid. I thought she might be good at your parties. She seems to be in the market for new kicks. And, wow! She sucks cock like…"

Sid's eyes lit up at this titillating bit of information. "Hey, far-out, look at this, Sharon," he enthused fondly. "My little brother's really growing up. So much dynamite sex-appeal the girls can't keep their mouths off his cock." He turned back to Tim. "Sounds like an interesting addition to the party. Let's go have a look at her, little brother." The two brothers walked out to the car arm in arm.

Sharon watched them from the front door. One would never have suspected they were brothers. Tim was so tall and slender and blond, while Sid, though not much over thirty, was short and stocky with a receding hairline. Sharon knew he was reputed to work up to twenty hours a day. He was a big success, but he worked like a beaver for everything he got. That helped explain why he looked closer to forty than thirty.

The watching actress' attention was diverted to the car, where a striking blonde was now standing by the front fender. Sure doesn't look like a weirdo, Sharon thought, scanning the newcomer's long shapely legs and full outthrust tits, feeling instantly jealous, though she herself was a very attractive woman in her own right – with an impressive mane of shocking red hair and a curvaceous body that was a knockout in the minuscule bikini she was wearing. She experienced a further pang of bitter jealousy a she watched the producer give the pretty blonde a welcoming hug.

So she fucks dogs, Sharon thought acidly. Big deal! Maybe that's old Sid Bailey's thing. He doesn't like fucking women – he'd rather watch them get it on with an animal. Disgusting!

Affecting an offended haughtiness that would have been magnificently effective if there had been anyone there to watch, she walked through the house and out to the pool, where five or six tanned, pretty-looking men and women were lounging comfortably, soaking up the sun.

"We've got a new guest out front," Sharon announced grandly.

"Oh, yeah? Who is it?" a rather vacuous-looking young man asked eagerly.

"I'm not sure, but her credentials seem to be that she fucks dogs."

Sharon stretched herself out on a chaise lounge and closed her eyes, feigning sleep, satisfied that her little piece of gossip had had its intended effect.


Sharon got up early the next morning, contrary to her usual habit of sleeping until about eleven, then coming down to a lazy brunch. She was restless and frustrated. Little seemed to be going on at the house. Everyone was apparently waiting for the big party Saturday night.

Walking aimlessly out into the yard, the redhead's thoughts wandered to the pretty blonde newcomer. Angie, her name was. Sharon had to admit she seemed like a nice woman, someone she instinctively felt she would like to know better. But she was offended by the idea that such an apparently sane woman should actually enjoy getting fucked by dogs. The very idea gave Sharon a bad taste in her mouth, for despite her veneer of sophistication, she was actually fairly naive sexually. Although she was willing to sleep with a man for the sake of her career, she was normally very cagey with the opposite sex. She would lead them on, but often beg off when it got right down to the question: to fuck or not to fuck. In fact, overt sexuality made her downright nervous.

Sharon had wandered all the way down to the barn, which was actually a large artist's studio. Although Sharon's interest in art was slight, she decided to go in and have a look around, for something to do. As she approached the big double doors, she noticed they were already open a crack. Someone else had obviously had the same idea as her this morning. Listening carefully, Sharon could hear a strange moaning sound coming from inside, and instinctively she crept up to the doors on tiptoe and peeked inside.

The sight that greeted her made the redhead's eyes open wide with shock. Angie was kneeling on the wooden floor, stark naked, with Tim's dog mounted up behind her, furiously fucking into her softly yielding cunt!

Sharon's first instinct was to turn and run as far away from the degrading spectacle as her legs would carry her. Her second, deeper instinct was to remain hidden and watch, to find out what it was really like for a woman to get screwed by a dog.

What worried the young redhead, though, was that someone might come along and catch her in the embarrassing position of watching someone else's perversion. She couldn't bear to have anyone think she was a voyeur! Looking around, she spotted the ladder that led up to the loft.

Quietly, Sharon climbed up and entered the cozy little sleeping quarters high over the studio below. Creeping to the edge of the carpeted floor on hands and knees, Sharon looked down at Angie and the dog Jethro fucking, totally oblivious to their unseen audience.

Sharon had heard Sid mention that he had hired Angie to train Tim's dog for parties, but she'd thought the man was kidding. Now it seemed that he had been quite serious – either that or else Angie just didn't have the self-control to stay away from the dog, even on the first day of her stay at a new place.

Forsaking speculation on why it was happening, Sharon decided to concentrate on how. From her high vantage point, Angie's asscheeks appeared white and round, their flawless perfection marred by the bestial caress of the humping dog's front paws. He certainly is a big animal, Sharon thought as she strained to catch a glimpse of the slick red dog-cock that pumped so energetically in and out of the moaning blonde's cunt.

"Oh, yes, Jethro! Oh, yes, darling, you've really got the hang of it now!" Sharon heard Angie mewl into the watchful silence of the empty barn.

Despite herself the watching teenager felt a little pang of lust shoot through her neglected cunt as her sensual self responded to the animal cries of the other woman. It was horrible, what was happening, she reminded herself, but still her frustrated body responded with treacherous enthusiasm to the exciting fuck going on below.

Sharon could feel the moisture building up in the crotchband of her panties. Telling herself that she was just going to check to see how it felt, she quietly slipped down her panties and shorts, letting them fall to her knees, baring her rounded ass to the silent witness of the loft.

Gingerly she slipped a finger down over the tangled patch of her pussy hair and touched the tiny nub of her clitoris. The reaction was instantaneous, and it was all the young starlet could do to keep from crying aloud as her entire nervous system seemed to respond to the touch of her finger on her steadily hardening clitoris. Guiltily, Sharon looked around to make sure no one could see her. Then, feeling more secure, she turned her gaze back to the exciting fuck-show below, tracing her finger round and round the hard tip of her clit in time to Jethro's fuck-strokes up into the kneeling blonde's pussy.

It felt good, really good, Sharon had to admit, despite lingering pangs of shame at participating in such a lewd act – watching another woman get screwed by a dog while she herself pulled down her pants and started finger-fucking her twat. God, it was incredibly depraved, but it felt so good!