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The blonde realized suddenly that she was ready for anything tonight, that she would welcome anything that anyone wanted to do to her. She was being turned on by this amazing orgy as she'd never been turned on before, and that was going some, she realized with a little smirk of smug satisfaction. She hunched her hips more and more wantonly, hoping that someone might take the hint that her steadily moistening cunt could do with a little caressing.

Suddenly, though, much to her disappointment, she felt a hand pushing her aside from her snug position between Sharon's legs. She looked up impatiently to see that it was Sid Bailey who was pushing her, and that at his side stood Jethro, the big golden half-breed mongrel, her lover of the last few days.

"Let's let old Jethro have a go at some cunt-lapping, shall we, Angie?" Sid whispered in her ear. "Why don't you show the dog where to look for the goodies, eh?"

The pretty blonde was a little sorry to have to stop tonguing the redhead's musky-tasting cunt, but she was newly aroused by the titillating idea of helping the less experienced woman savor the pleasures of dog-tongue.

She positioned Jethro between Sharon's legs, and led his nose to the hair-bordered slit before him. The dog needed little encouragement, once his senses had detected the aroma of hot, seeping cunt-juice. At once his long pink tongue darted out to lick wetly up the whole length of Sharon's open, puffy gash.

"Aaaaagghhh!" the pinioned redhead moaned as she responded to the lapping at her craving pussy-furrow. She'd been disappointed when she realized Angie's tongue was deserting her twat, but had felt confident that it would be replaced by another. Now she was curious to find out just who could have such a long and oddly rough tongue.

Suddenly the light dawned as her ears registered an eager little yelp of excitement that was definitely not human. The dog! They'd brought in the dog to lap at her unprotected pussy!

"No, no, not that!" she moaned in protest as she tried in vain to wriggle away from the suddenly intolerable situation. It hadn't occurred to her that the dog would be brought into the act, but now she realized that Bailey had probably been planning this lewd little episode all along. Now here she was being humiliated in front of some of the biggest names on the coast, lying pinned down by numerous lapping bodies while a huge dog licked at her cunt! God, she'd never live it down!

Opening her eyes in mute entreaty, unable to speak because of a new pair of lips that had melded wetly with hers, she looked about her in search of an understanding face that might realize her humiliation and help her get out of there. But all she saw were dazed-looking faces, heavy with lust, and bodies strangely co-mingled, lapping and groping at one another while they watched the exciting spectacle before them. Obviously everyone was incredibly turned on by the idea of watching her get licked by a dog, and only too eager to watch the further progress of her continuing degradation.

Suddenly a familiar face loomed over her, a face that looked kind and understanding, sensitive. She realized vaguely that it was Sid's brother Tim and dared to hope that this might be the ticket to her salvation. The handsome youth gently pushed aside the woman who had been kissing Sharon's lips and moved in closer. Sharon smiled up at the boy, entreating him to do something for her.

Tim did something for her, but it was not in the least what Sharon had been looking for. He thrust his rigidly erect cock between her full, parted lips and began a slow pumping motion far into the back of her throat. Overwhelmed with despair, the starlet began sucking his prick with mechanical resignation, only too aware that that big dog was still licking wetly up and down the defenseless slit of her naked pussy.

Totally inexperienced in anything quite so uninhibited as a group orgy, Tim had watched a little hesitantly from the sidelines for a while as men and women all around him gradually became involved in the writhing pile of lust that had grown on the white carpeted floor. At last, he'd begun to feel comfortable in his excitingly promiscuous environment, and had turned on to watching Angie licking and prodding at the redhead's widespread cunt-furrow. More and more he'd warmed up to the idea of finding a place for himself in the confused morass of flesh, and he'd seized upon an idea when the dog was brought in. It was just like the other morning in the woods with Angie! Jeez, it had felt good to have a woman suck his cock while she got fucked by a dog!

Tim decided it would be fun to help initiate this brazen young starlet into the same situation. His cock had been almost painful, it was so hard, and it now felt incredibly arousing to saw it in and out of this pretty young stranger's red ovaled mouth. He looked down at her face and was surprised at the vulnerable beauty he read there.

When he'd first met this girl, he'd written her off as just another of the ambitious young groupies who gathered around his brother by the carload. Now, though, he realized that this girl was younger and more innocent than he'd thought. She actually seemed to be a little frightened at what was happening to her. She was licking and sucking his cock with the absentminded fervor of a nervous baby listening to a thunderstorm. He suddenly felt incredibly tender toward this lost young creature, and he ran his hand soothingly through her mass of red ringlets as his cock continued to pump rhythmically up between her lips.

"It feels really good, baby," he said in a half-whisper that curiously mingled lust and tenderness. "I want you to dig it, too. You're really beautiful, you know that?"

The stoned Tim was becoming thoroughly engrossed in his own private fantasy of sawing his cock into the pinioned face of this lovely young starlet, of making love to a near stranger in this rather animalistic way, yet still really caring for her. Of feeling this intense rush of excitement at sharing something really unusual and really special with a beautiful woman he might never see again, yet he was sure he would never forget.

A few tears had rushed to Sharon's eyes as Tim's words registered on her sense-distorted brain. Once again she felt she was making contact with someone special, someone she could really care about. Angie might have deserted her cunt to a… dog, but Tim was still here. And Tim was a beautiful boy…

She began to suck the youth's cock with an aroused eagerness that signaled her subtle reentry into the momentarily abandoned world of pure lust. So the dog was licking her cunt. That didn't really matter. It wasn't bad, like she'd thought at first. Everyone here was tied together in a strange kind of sensual bond, and whatever they did together was strictly for the stark witness of this room. She understood now. She was in fantasyland, and tomorrow when she woke up, it would all be over, but for the moment every erotic dream she'd ever cared to dream could be hers.

Angie was kneeling excitedly by Jethro's side, stroking the friendly brute as he licked his long wet tongue hungrily over the exposed expanse of Sharon's rosy gash. She realized the young redhead had been horrified at first by what was happening to her, and Angie considered it a natural enough reaction to a new and somewhat forbidden experience.

She was excited now, though, to watch the subtle little wiggles of the other woman's hips as she gradually began to respond to Jethro's dynamite dog-tongue. Angie herself felt cunt-juice seeping wetly from her own neglected snatch, and she absently began to run a hand over her belly and down into the silky-soft curls of her blonde beaver. She envied Sharon her experience with Jethro's tongue and began to feel she might try to steal the dog away for a few minutes to satisfy the maddening lust nibbling at her own craving cunt.

Angie tickled gently at the rigid nub of her own clitoris as she gazed at the confused assembly of heads licking and tonguing Sharon's tits and belly. When she spotted Tim sawing his cock smoothly and rhythmically between the other woman's eagerly pursed lips, she felt a slight pang of jealousy. It was exciting, though, to watch another woman, one whose cunt she herself had been licking, making love to two of her own favorite males.