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15. I (finished/had finished) writing the project at 6 o’clock yesterday.

16. I (wrote/had written) the composition by 6 o’clock yesterday.

17. The teacher (understood/had understood) that the pupils (didn’t do/hadn’t done) their homework.

18. When my brother (returned/had returned) home, we (went/had gone) for а walk together.

19. He (told/had told) me that he (never played/had never played) football before.

20. She (was/had been) а nurse before she (became/had become) а doctor.

Test 21. Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Yesterday Ann (1)(see) a strange man leaving the house. She (2)(notice) that he (3)(wear) a raincoat, and she (4)(wonder) why because it (5)(be) hot and sunny. The man (6)(not see) her. He (7)(begin) to walk away but he (8)(stop) suddenly and (9)(get) into a blue car that (10)(be) parked near the corner. Ann (11)(notice) a large bag by the wall. She was frightened as she (12)(watch) a programme about bombs the night before. So she (13)(decide) to phone the police. By the time they (14)(arrive), the man (15)(go).

Future Simple/Future Continuous/Future Perfect

Test 22. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Please don’t call me this afternoon. I _______ some important work.

а) will do b) will be doing с) will have done

2. He will come round tomorrow if he _______ time.

а) will have b) have с) has

3. By the time we get to London we _______ over two hundred miles.

а) will drive b) drive с) will have driven

4. He _______ back to Moscow on the 15th of December.

а) will come b) come с) will have come

5. If they start school at four, most children _______ to read and write by the age of six.

а) will have learnt b) will be learning с) will learn

6. By the end of this century scientists _______ factories in space.

а) will be building b) will have built с) build

7. I think I’ll stay here until it _______ raining.

а) stops b) doesn’t stop с) will stop

8. When you arrive at their place, they won’t be ready. They _______ the meal.

а) will still cook b) will be still cooking с) will have still cooked

9. If he _______, I will let you know.

а) will come b) will have come с) comes

10. By 2020, he _______ here for twenty years.

а) will have worked b) will be working с) works

11. ‘Have you decided how to spend the prize money?’ ‘Well, I think we _______ а new car.’

а) buy b) will buy с) will have bought

12. This time tomorrow they _______ а film.

а) will watch b) will be watching с) will have watched

13. He _______ at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will get up b) will be getting up c) will have got up

14. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she _______ in her office.

a) will work b) will be working c) will have worked

15. We’re late. The film _______ by the time we get to the cinema.

a) already starts b) will already start c) will have already started

16. If we take a taxi, we _______ to the theatre in time.

a) come b) will come c) will be coming

17. This time next week I _______ in the sea.

a) will be swimming b) will have swum c) swim

18. Let’s wait for Jane to come back and then we _______ dinner.

a) have b) will have c) will have had

19. Phone me after 8 o’clock. We _______ dinner by then.

a) will have b) have c) will have had

20. We won’t start until everyone _______.

a) will arrive b) arrives c) will have arrived

Test 23. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (present or future).

When you (1)(take) a holiday with the Big Bus Company, you (2)(have) the time of your life. As soon as you (3)(arrive), you (4)(feel) as if you (5)(be) in a different world. While you (6)(stay) with us, we (7)(do) our best to ensure that your holiday (8)(run) smoothly and you (9)(not get) bored. The Big Bus Company (10)(have) something to offer for all ages and tastes. If you (11)(want) to play golf, ride or fish, our staff (12)(be) happy to make the necessary arrangements, or if you simply (13)(want) to relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery we (14)(be) delighted to organise some guided walks. Before your holiday is over, you (15)(already/plan) your next visit.


Test 24. Mixed tenses: write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. He (spend) last summer in the country.

2. What your brother (do) now?

3. He (not write) а composition by next Monday.

4. My sister (wash) the dishes every morning.

5. You (go) to the south next summer?

6. When I (ring) Mike up yesterday, he still (learn) а poem.

7. If you (not help) me, I (not do) this work by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

8. Yesterday he (go) for а walk only when he (do) his homework.

9. I (not go) to the cinema tomorrow, I (watch) TV the whole evening.

10. When I came to the station, the train already (leave).

11. We (not grow) tomatoes next summer.

12. You ever (be) to Piccadilly Circus?

13. What you (buy) at the shop yesterday?

14. If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (not stay) at home.

15. When he (come) tomorrow, I still (do) my homework.

16. Look! My friends (play) football.

17. He (not read) Turgenev since he was а pupil.

18. You (write) this letter by the time she (come) tomorrow?

19. ‘Lena usually (do) her homework at school?’ ‘No, she _______.’

20. What you (do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

Test 25. Mixed tenses: write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. I (not play) chess tomorrow.

2. He ever (be) to London?

3. Where you (go) now?

4. We (travel) around Europe last year.

5. If he (not see) her tomorrow, he (leave) her а note.

6. She usually (read) in the evening.

7. What you (do) at 6 o’clock tomorrow?

8. Yesterday I (find) the book which I (lose) in summer.

9. What your brother (do) every day?

10. When he (arrive) tomorrow, I still (sleep).

11. Listen! Somebody (play) the piano in the next room.

12. Where you (go) last summer?

13. He (not meet) Peter since they were pupils.

14. How many pages you (read) by 5 o’clock tomorrow?

15. When I left home, the snow already (stop).

16. What Nick (do) when you (ring) him up yesterday?

17. If he (not help) me, I (not write) а composition by next Monday.

18. I (not go) to the cinema yesterday, I (watch) TV the whole evening.

19. He (not do) his homework yet.

20. What you (buy) at the shop tomorrow?

Test 26. Mixed tenses. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

А funny thing happened to me the other day. I (1)(be) in а hurry to get to work and I found that my car wasn’t working. I (2)(have) to rush out of the house to catch the bus. While I (3)(walk) along the street, I (4)(notice) а woman of about my age on the opposite side of the road. I looked at her again and I (5)(realize) that we (6)(meet) before. She arrived at the bus stop а couple of seconds after me. ‘She must be catching the bus, too,’ I thought. We (7)(just miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait before the next one. I looked at the woman behind me again and I was sure that I (8)(know) her.

‘Excuse me, have we met before? I’m sure that I (9)(recognize) you,’ I said. She looked а bit surprised, but she (10)(tell) me that her name was Angela Barker.

‘You (11)(study) history at Liverpool University from 1985 to 1988!’ I shouted.

‘That’s right!" she replied, ‘And you’re Claire….?’

‘Lewis. Well, my name was Lewis but I (12)(be) married now. What you (13)(do) nowadays?’ I asked.

‘Well, I (14)(work) in the Central Museum in town and I (15)(live) in this area, in George Street, for about three years,’ she replied.

‘You’re joking! I (16) (not believe) you. I live round the corner from there. We (17)(be) neighbours for three years and we (18)(never see) each other!’ I said.

‘I know, it’s incredible!’ she (19)(agree), ‘And I’m glad that you spoke to me because I wondered why you (20)(look) at me all the time!’

Perfect Simple/Perfect Continuous
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