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The first few days in a new job are always difficult. Some firms run introduction courses for new employees. They are shown round, introduced and helped generally.

Mostly, newcomers have to look after themselves.

In many firms it is almost a tradition to play jokes on new arrivals.

A favourite trick is to send you off for a piece of equipment that doesn’t exist.

When you ask for it you will be sent to another part of the firm again until you realize that a joke has been played on you.



Do the job maze below. If you answer “yes” follow the Yes arrow ( ); if you answer “no” follow the No arrow ( ). Then you will find the symbol which represents you. Find the symbol below. Choose the sentence you agree with (a, b, c or d) and find out which jobs are for you.


1. Which of these statements most applies to you?

I love writing letters.

I read all the time.

I read when I’m not writing.

You are helpful, intelligent, easy to talk to, objective, philosophical.

The job for you:writer, TV producer, philosopher, poet.

You are clever, imaginative, a thinker, like to be alone.

The job for you:lawyer, librarian, English teacher, interpreter, museum curator.

You are lovely, thoughtful, observant, a quick-thinker, efficient.

The job for you: journalist, editor, script writer.

2. Which of these statements most applies you?

a) People’s problems fascinate me.

b) I like helping people.

c) I enjoy solving people’s problems.

A) You are helpful, intelligent, tough, practical.

The job for you: doctor, teacher, vet, nursery nurse.

B) You are calm, optimistic, friendly, hard-working, trustworthy.

The job for you: social worker, counsellor,

C) You are patient, wise, perceptive, expressive.

The job for you: personnel officer, hypnotherapist, nanny, writer for magazine problem page.

3. Which of these statements most applies you?

a) I really love a challenging job.

b) I love to see a job right through to the end result.

c) I love to work with others.

You are clever, inquisitive, ambitious, hard-working.

The job for you: architect, customs officer, marketing, buyer, publisher, journalist.

You are creative, practical, well-organized, helpful, reliable.

The job for you: tourist officer, mechanic, chef, fashion designer, jewellery designer, publisher.

You are helpful, sympathetic, cautious, intelligent, good at talking to people.

The job for you: teacher, interpreter, management consultant, personal secretary, public relations manager.

4. Which of these statements most applies to you?

a) I’m extremely interested in other people.

b) I’m not practically interested in other people.

c) I’m keen to improve myself and others.

You are artistic, sociable, self-motivated, like gossip.

The job for you: photographer, chef, architect, journalist, musician, clothes/fashion designer.

You are creative, patient, a perfectionist, expressive, self-centred.

The job for you: graphic designer, florist, model sculptor, window dresser.

You are creative, emotional, like people, sympathetic, big-headed, artistic.

The job for you: model, beautician, interior designer, hairdresser, fashion-shop assistant.

5. Which of these statements most applies to you?

a) I am often complimented on my good taste.

b) Music is important to me.

c) Art is very important to me.

You are creative, imaginative, a perfectionist, quite sociable.

The job for you: photographer, actor/actress, fashion/interior designer.

You are self-motivated, happy on your own, want to improve yourself.

The job for you: musician, record producer, dancer, songwriter.

You are thoughtful, artistic, moody, like to be alone.

The job for you: artist, poet, art/film critic, illustrator.

£ 6. Which of these statements most applies to you?

I love money.

I want to earn a lot.

I’m bound to earn lots of money.

You are calm, logical, like numbers and money, persuasive.

The job for you: car dealer, salesperson, bank manager, business person, insurance broker.

You are cool-headed, smooth-talking, selfish, want power.

The job for you: estate agent, pilot, travel agent, solicitor, journalist, shop manager.

You are ambitious, competitive, ruthless.

The job for you: newspaper editor, MP, record industry boss, company director.

7. Which of these statements most applies to you?

I like to feel useful.

I like to feel needed.

I like people.

You are hard-working, calm, not very ambitious, sociable, trustworthy, efficient.

The job for you: firefighter, policeman, store detective, beautician, personal secretary, social worker.

You are caring, optimistic, calm, like people, cheerful.

The job for you: nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, undertaker, counsellor, speech therapist.

You are sociable, relaxed, helpful, great company.

The job for you: flight attendant, hotel worker, disc jockey, receptionist, shop assistant, bar worker, social worker.

8. Which of these statements most applies to you?

I love the open air and moving from place to place.

I’ve got a lot of get-up-and-go.

I like to use my talents in a practical way.

You are adventurous, nature-loving, hard-working, a bit claustrophobic.

The job for you: farmer, builder, tourist guide, messenger.

You are lively, athletic, competitive, disciplined.

The job for you: athlete, jockey, sports teacher, army officer.

You are efficient, responsible, like animals, single-minded.

The job for you: vet, environmentalist, police officer, mechanic, surveyor.

9. Which of these statements most applies to you?

a) I’m always doing sums in my head.

b) I concentrate better when I work alone.

c) I spend a lot of time deep in thought.

A) You are logical, a great student, fast-thinking, good at maths.

The job for you: account, statistician, computer analyst.

B) You are careful, logical, better working alone.

The job for you: computer operator, engineer, driving instructor.

C) You are practical, scientific, good at concentrating, like being along.

The job for you: pharmacist, science teacher, radiologist, electrician, plumber, dentist.



World of jobs - Мир профессий

We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college without a clear idea of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem is the size of the job market itself. With so many kinds of jobs (2000) how can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already overcrowded.

In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important to explore your choice of occupations from every angle, collect as much information as you can. But above all you must evaluate yourself. Find out where your interests and talents lie. Postponing a decision is an error people make. "I'll get started tomorrow or next week, or next year," - many people think. These people refuse to face the problem, hoping it will go away. But if you don't take the first step now, how can you plan for the future, how can you take the right way? Such people miss many opportunities. First start with yourself, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities.