quiet ['kwaIqt], handsome ['hxn(d)sqm], curiosity ["kjVqrI'OsItI]
In the middle of his second year at school, a quiet, handsome boy named Percy Washington had been put in John's form. The new-comer was pleasant in his manner and exceedingly well dressed even for St. Midas's, but for some reason he kept aloof from the other boys. The only person with whom he was intimate was John T. Unger, but even to John he was entirely uncommunicative concerning his home or his family. That he was wealthy went without saying, but beyond a few such deductions John knew little of his friend, so it promised rich confectionery for his curiosity when Percy invited him to spend the summer at his home "in the West." He accepted, without hesitation.
It was only when they were in the train (только когда они были в поезде) that Percy became, for the first time, rather communicative (стал/сделался впервые довольно разговорчив; to become). One day while they were eating lunch in the dining-car (однажды, когда они обедали: «ели обед/ланч» в вагоне-ресторане) and discussing the imperfect characters of several of the boys at school (и обсуждали небезупречные характеры некоторых мальчиков в школе; perfect — совершенный, безупречный; безукоризненный; идеальный), Percy suddenly changed his tone and made an abrupt remark (вдруг переменил тон и сделал неожиданное замечание; abrupt — обрывистый; отрывистый; внезапный; неожиданный, непредвиденный).
"My father," he said, "is by far the richest man in the world (вне всякого сомнения, самый богатый человек в мире; by far — значительно, намного, гораздо; несомненно, безусловно)."
"Oh," said John politely (вежливо). He could think of no answer to make to this confidence (не мог придумать никакого /другого/ ответа на это самоуверенное признание; confidence — доверие; уверенность, убежденность; самоуверенность; конфиденциальное сообщение, секретная информация). He considered (он подумывал /не сказать ли/; consider — рассматривать, обсуждать; взвешивать, обдумывать, продумывать) "That's very nice (очень хорошо/приятно)," but it sounded hollow (звучало /бы/ неискренне; hollow — пустой, полый; бессодержательный; неискренний, лживый) and was on the point of saying (совсем уж собирался сказать; be on the point of doing smth. — собираться сделать что-л. немедленно), "Really (в самом деле)?" but refrained since it would seem to question Percy's statement (но /вовремя/ удержался, так как это могло быть принято за недоверие к утверждению Перси; to seem — казаться, представляться; to question — спрашивать; подвергать сомнению, сомневаться; question — вопрос; сомнение). And such an astounding statement could scarcely be questioned (такое поразительное утверждение едва ли могло подвергаться сомнению).
"By far the richest," repeated Percy (повторил Перси).
politely [pq'laItlI], confidence ['kOnfIdqns], considered [kqn'sIdqd]
It was only when they were in the train that Percy became, for the first time, rather communicative. One day while they were eating lunch in the dining-car and discussing the imperfect characters of several of the boys at school, Percy suddenly changed his tone and made an abrupt remark.
"My father," he said, "is by far the richest man in the world."
"Oh," said John politely. He could think of no answer to make to this confidence. He considered "That's very nice," but it sounded hollow and was on the point of saying, "Really?" but refrained since it would seem to question Percy's statement. And such an astounding statement could scarcely be questioned.
"By far the richest," repeated Percy.
"I was reading in the World Almanac (я читал во "Всемирном альманахе"; world — мир, свет; общество; общественность)," began John (начал Джон; to begin), "that there was one man in America with an income of over five million a year (что в Америке есть один человек с доходом свыше пяти миллионов в год) and four men with incomes of over three million a year (и четыре человека с доходами свыше трех миллионов в год), and —"