Hagen was horrified at this break (был в ужасе от этого нарушения). He saw the Don turn cold, malevolent eyes (злобные: «недоброжелательные» [m∂’lev∂l∂nt]) on his eldest son, who froze (застыл: «замерз, оледенел»; to freeze) in uncomprehending dismay (в непонимающем испуге, смятении [dıs'meı]). Sollozzo's eyes flickered again but this time with satisfaction (с удовлетворением). He had discovered a chink in the Don's fortress (обнаружил трещинку, разлом = брешь в крепости). When the Don spoke his voice held a dismissal (по его голосу было понятно, что разговор окончен; dismissal [dıs’mıs∂l] – увольнение, отпуск, роспуск). "Young people are greedy (жадные, алчные)," he said. "And today they have no manners. They interrupt their elders (обрывают, перебивают старших). They meddle (вмешиваются). But I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I have spoiled them (избаловал). As you see. Signor Sollozzo, my no is final (окончательное). Let me say that I myself wish you good fortune in your business. It has no conflict with my own. I'm sorry that I had to disappoint you (что пришлось разочаровать)."
Sollozzo bowed (поклонился), shook the Don's hand and let Hagen take him to his car outside. There was no expression on his face when he said good-bye to Hagen.
Back in the room, Don Corleone asked Hagen, "What did you think of that man?"
"He's a Sicilian," Hagen said dryly.
The Don nodded his head thoughtfully. Then he turned to his son and said gently, "Santino, never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking. Never let them know what you have under your fingernails (под ногтями). I think your brain is going soft (размягчился) from all that comedy you play with that young girl. Stop it and pay attention to business. Now get out of my sight (уйди с глаз долой)."
Hagen saw the surprise on Sonny's face, then anger at his father's reproach (упрек). Did he really think the Don would be ignorant of his conquest (не знает о его победе, завоевании ['koŋkwest]), Hagen wondered. And did he really not know what a dangerous mistake he had made this morning? If that were true, Hagen would never wish to be the Consigliori to the Don of Santino Corleone.
Don Corleone waited until Sonny had left the room. Then he sank back into his leather armchair and motioned brusquely for a drink (резким движением; brusque [brusk] – отрывистый, резкий). Hagen poured him a glass of anisette (налил анисового ликера; to pour [po:]). The Don looked up at him. "Send Luca Brasi to see me," he said.
The Don said quietly, "I consented to see you out of my respect for the Tattaglias and because I've heard you are a serious man to be treated also with respect. I must say no to you but I must give you my reasons. The profits in your business are huge but so are the risks. Your operation, if I were part of it, could damage my other interests. It's true I have many, many friends in politics, but they would not be so friendly if my business were narcotics instead of gambling. They think gambling is something like liquor, a harmless vice, and they think narcotics a dirty business. No, don't protest. I'm telling you their thoughts, not mine. How a man makes his living is not my concern. And what I am telling you is that this business of yours is too risky. All the members of my family have lived well the last ten years, without danger, without harm. I can't endanger them or their livelihoods out of greed."
The only sign of Sollozzo's disappointment was a quick flickering of his eyes around the room, as if he hoped Hagen or Sonny would speak in his support. Then he said, "Are you worried about security for your two million?"
The Don smiled coldly. "No," he said.
Sollozzo tried again. "The Tattaglia family will guarantee your investment also."
It was then that Sonny Corleone made an unforgivable error in judgment and procedure. He said eagerly, "The Tattaglia family guarantees the return of our investment without any percentage from us?"
Hagen was horrified at this break. He saw the Don turn cold, malevolent eyes on his eldest son, who froze in uncomprehending dismay. Sollozzo's eyes flickered again but this time with satisfaction. He had discovered a chink in the Don's fortress. When the Don spoke his voice held a dismissal. "Young people are greedy," he said. "And today they have no manners. They interrupt their elders. They meddle. But I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I have spoiled them. As you see. Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. Let me say that I myself wish you good fortune in your business. It has no conflict with my own. I'm sorry that I had to disappoint you."
Sollozzo bowed, shook the Don's hand and let Hagen take him to his car outside. There was no expression on his face when he said good-bye to Hagen.
Back in the room, Don Corleone asked Hagen, "What did you think of that man?"
"He's a Sicilian," Hagen said dryly.
The Don nodded his head thoughtfully. Then he turned to his son and said gently, "Santino, never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking. Never let them know what you have under your fingernails. I think your brain is going soft from all that comedy you play with that young girl. Stop it and pay attention to business. Now get out of my sight."
Hagen saw the surprise on Sonny's face, then anger at his father's reproach. Did he really think the Don would be ignorant of his conquest, Hagen wondered. And did he really not know what a dangerous mistake he had made this morning? If that were true, Hagen would never wish to be the Consigliori to the Don of Santino Corleone.
Don Corleone waited until Sonny had left the room. Then he sank back into his leather armchair and motioned brusquely for a drink. Hagen poured him a glass of anisette. The Don looked up at him. "Send Luca Brasi to see me," he said.
Three months later, Hagen hurried through the paper work in his city office hoping to leave early enough for some Christmas shopping for his wife and children (для Рождественских покупок). He was interrupted by a phone call from a Johnny Fontane bubbling with high spirits («пузырящегося хорошим настроением»; bubble – пузырек). The picture had been shot (снята), the rushes (первые отснятые эпизоды для показа), whatever the hell they were (как будто я знаю, что это такое), Hagen thought, were fabulous (сказочны ['fæbjul∂s]). He was sending the Don a present for Christmas that would knock his eyes out («выбьет его глаза» = поразит его), he'd bring it himself but there were some little things to be done in the movie. He would have to stay out on the Coast. Hagen tried to conceal his impatience (скрыть нетерпение = раздражение [ım'peı∫∂ns]). Johnny Fontane's charm had always been lost on him (был потерян на нем = он не был подвержен шарму Джонни). But his interest was aroused (разбужен, пробудился). "What is it?" he asked. Johnny Fontane chuckled (хохотнул, издал горловой, как бы захлебывающийся, смешок) and said, "I can't tell, that's the best part of a Christmas present." Hagen immediately lost all interest and finally managed, politely, to hang up (и наконец ему удалось вежливо повесить трубку).
Ten minutes later his secretary told him that Connie Corleone was on the phone and wanted to speak to him. Hagen sighed. As a young girl Connie had been nice, as a married woman she was a nuisance (досада, неприятность; надоедливый человек, зануда ['nju:sns]). She made complaints about her husband (жаловалась). She kept going home to visit her mother for two or three days. And Carlo Rizzi was turning out to be a real loser (оказался: «оказывался» = становилось ясно, что он настоящий неудачник, олух: «проигрывающий»). He had been fixed up with a nice little business (ему устроили) and was running it into the ground (а он его разорял: «загонял в землю»). He was also drinking, whoring around (блядовал вовсю), gambling and beating his wife up (избивал; to beat up) occasionally (иногда, время от времени [∂'keıGn∂lı]; occasion [∂'keıG∂n] – случай, возможность). Connie hadn't told her family about that but she had told Hagen. He wondered what new tale of woe (горестное предание; woe [w∂u] – горе, скорбь /поэт./) she had for him now.