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“Where is your favorite place to relax?”

Huh? She’s pitching out of the left field. I’m confused, but I still want to please her. I think for a moment.

“Well, probably my hammock in my backyard. I like to lie in that and think of story ideas while I sway in the breeze.”

“That’s good. Is it under a tree?”

“Yes, it’s in the shade, so it stays cool.”

“Good, okay.” She scoots over even closer to me, practically sitting in my lap. What the hell? Could this night get any stranger?

She runs her fingers through my hair, and then starts rubbing my shoulders. “Close your eyes, Nathan. I want you to imagine that you are lying in your hammock, in the dappled light on a warm summer day.”

Her voice is soothing and soft, much prettier than Wayne Dyer’s. My head falls back on the cushions as her fingers move back up into my hair, and start massaging my scalp. No one has ever done this for me. It feels so good that I start to moan softly.

“Isn’t it wonderful in your hammock?” she asks.

“Yes,” I moan. Keep rubbing Brooke.

She works over me for a long time. I am vaguely aware of one Cure song shifting to another, and the burn of the vodka spreading through my veins. I’m so relaxed that I’m somewhere between sleep and the waking world.

When she senses how far gone I am, she starts up again. “Now I want you to imagine that Dani is curled up next to you,” she says softly.

My stomach lurches, but I quickly remind myself to replace that image with Brooke, and I relax again. Her magic fingers are unraveling me. One hand moves back to my shoulder, and the other lightly strokes my neck, and then skims across my cheek. “You pull Dani closer as the breeze blows over you. She gently touches you, and with each stroke you relax further.”

I take a deep breath as I feel Brooke’s soft hands move over my chest. I feel my body relaxing, sinking into the couch.

“Now imagine her lips kissing your face gently.” I feel Brooke’s lips on my forehead as her hands weave through my hair. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt this great. Every touch stirs and soothes me. She is a witch of unspeakable potions and spells, transforming me under her magic hands.

“Brooke,” I moan.

“Dani,” she corrects with a whisper.

Her lips brush across my cheek, and over my closed eyelids. I reach out and rest my hand on her hip.

It doesn’t fully hit me that she’s kissing me until my lips have already molded to hers in the most natural way. Her fingers work across my scalp as her tongue eases in, and suddenly my mouth understands the language it was meant to speak.

This is completely different in the best way, and we move together like the most graceful dancers. The push and pull, the building of passion, I am Gene Kelly to her Cyd Charisse. She makes me feel like I’m leading this dance even though I’m not. For these precious moments I am passion and romance, debonair and suave. I am the man I was supposed to be, and it’s so great.

My fingers sink into the flesh of her hip as I pull her closer once last time before we part. “Oh, my,” I moan, looking up at her.

“See, Nathan. I knew it was there all along, you just needed to quit thinking so much.”

“I just needed you,” I say unguardedly.

“Well, I’m glad I could help. You had me worried for a minute.” She runs her hand across my head and I see the warmth in her eyes. She does care about me. Maybe not in the way I want her to, but maybe more than I realize.

She eases off my lap until she’s sitting next to me on the couch. “But just for the record, you’re an amazing kisser. I forgot I was Dani for a moment.”

“Really?” I ask, trying to hide my happiness. “I kinda forgot you were Dani too.” I admit.

She looks at me but doesn’t say anything, as if she’s torn. She finally smoothes out her skirt, and sits up straight. “Well, I should get to bed. I’ve got an early morning tomorrow with my trainer at the gym. I’ll have to work off all that pizza and beer.”

“Okay,” I say. I stand up and follow her to the front door. Before I can figure out what to do, she pulls me into a hug. “Thanks again for fixing my computer. I really appreciate it.”

After we part, I shove my hands in my pockets and shuffle my feet. There’s so much I want to say, but I decide to keep it simple. “Hey, thanks for not giving up on me.”

“I had a good time tonight. I hope you know how much I love spending time with you.” She smiles as I realize she had just repeated my lines for Dani.

“I hope you know how much I love spending time with you,” I whisper.

“So I’ll see you at work Monday?” she half states, half asks.

“Four twenty-five, with a half-caf Soy caramel macchiato with three pumps, and a Splenda gently stirred in.”

“I like it sweet,” she teases.

I grin. “I know you do.”

As I reach her gate she buzzes me out, and I turn back one last time and wave. As happy as I am, my legs feel like lead with each step I take to my car. I don’t want to leave her. It’s as if a huge magnet is trying to pull me back. And as my car slowly winds down the road, I realize that everything I want is perched on that hill. All the way down, I memorize every turn and landmark, so I’ll always be able to find my way back to her.

• • •

“Mom,” I yell as I step through the door.

“In the kitchen,” she yells back.

I find her at the center island cutting up fruit. I kiss her on the cheek, and take a strawberry.

“How’s my boy?” she asks, looking up at me. I see something in her eyes. It’s curiosity mixed in with that all-knowing mom look. “You look different.”

“Different how?” I ask, a bit creeped out from my mom’s innate intuition. Can she tell I’m in love?

“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll figure it out,” she says confidently. “How’s work?”

“Good, the same. They always want too much done in too little time. Guess what though? I was contacted by Sharper Edge Comics about my comic book.”

“Really, what did they want?”

“They’re interested in publishing it for me. That would be a wider distribution and more promotion.”

“Oh, that sounds great. Make sure and talk to Dad’s lawyers before you sign anything.”

“Don’t worry, I will. By the way where is Dad?”

“He and Curtis are already out playing.”

I start to head out the door.

“And Nathan, if he tries to get you to test the ball retriever out, watch your ankles. He hasn’t worked out all the kinks yet.”

“Okay, thanks for the warning.”

As I head over to the tennis court, I laugh at the idea of my dad working on a ball retriever. He loves tennis, but hates bending over to pick up balls. Dad is the wacky inventor who’s had great success with his unusual ideas. He’s invented countless things over the years and owns dozens of patents, but it’s a small group of his ideas that actually made him rich.

He isn’t an extravagant man. He still drives his old Honda Civic and shops weekly with my mom at Costco. He likes space around him, so their home in Pasadena is large and on a big piece of land. When the doctor told him he needed more exercise, he took up tennis, and built a court at the edge of the property. Now Curtis and I join him every Sunday to play.

“So you finally show up!” Curtis calls out with a grin when he sees me open the gate.

I look at my watch. “Hey, I’m only ten minutes late,” I respond. “Besides, you were a half hour late last week.” I turn towards Dad. “Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, Son. You ready to kick his butt?”

“I’m sure going to try.”

Sadly the game goes as it always does, Curtis beating me, and Dad too while hardly breaking a sweat. He’s an athlete through and through, definitely a deviant in our family gene pool. I’ve always been more like my dad, non-athletic, quirky and a loner, slow to connect with people. If he hadn’t met my mom, he probably would’ve ended up one of those eccentric old guys with tall piles of newspapers stacked all over his house.

Mom serves brunch out on the patio since she doesn’t want our sweaty bodies on her nice upholstery. Big mouth Curtis pipes up before I’ve even taken a bite.