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“So Nathan has made a new friend at work…a girl.”

“That’s nice. What’s her name?” my Mom asks politely.

“Brooke,” I say before giving Curtis the evil eye.

“What does she do there?” Dad asks.

“She’s head of development,” I answer cautiously.

“So I’m hoping something will develop for you with this head of development,” Curtis responds.

My mom raises her eyebrows, and looks back and forth between Curtis and me.

“We’re just friends,” I insist. No need making my parents hopeful. I know they worry about me. I was a mess after Rachel and I didn’t work out. I think they feared I would never date again.

Dad pipes up out of the blue. “The mathematical odds of meeting someone at work that would be appropriate for a significant relationship are favorable. Consistent exposure is key.”

Thanks Dad, for the warm fatherly advice.

“Okay, it’s great to have new friends,” Mom says carefully, trying to protect me. “Why don’t you bring her to brunch some time?”

And subject her to the strangeness of my family? No thank you.

“Well, let’s see how it goes first. We’ve only been friends for a week.”

• • •

The next afternoon, Brooke waves me over to her computer like I just left her office. I’ve been a tangled mess all day waiting to see her, but she’s cool as a cucumber and looks really happy to see me. “Hey, come look at this,” she says.

I step up behind her and lean forward. There’s a color image of a girl with big eyes that looks like artist Keene’s work, surrounded by little creatures holding a row of lollipops. It’s freaky, but in a good way. “That’s cool. Whose work is that?”

“Sarah. She’s an in-betweener on Bruce’s team. There’s so much talent here. People have no idea.”

“I know you’re right. A lot of the artists have a hard time promoting their own work.”

“That’s why I’m starting a website where all this art can be featured. I’m also going to do a rotating gallery show in the lobby of the building.”

Like I need another reason to love this woman. She turns back to see my reaction, and I smile happily at her. “That’s a great idea…really.”

“You like it? Arnauld thinks it’s a stupid idea. Well, not so much stupid, but that it is distracting me away from my job. I told him I can do most of it during my off hours.”

“Can I help you with it? I’ve done several websites. You wouldn’t have to pay me.”

“That’d be great. I could really use the help. You shouldn’t do it for free though. Hey, I know…I could feed you. How would that be?”

“As long as it’s not that healthy crud.”

“I promise.” She laughs. “How’s Thursday after work?”

“Sounds good.” I set her coffee on her desk and walk around to the front. “Unfortunately, I’ve got to go, Joel called a four-thirty meeting in the conference room. There’s a problem with the storyboards.”

She looks up at me concerned. “Nathan, are you okay? I mean after Saturday night, are we okay?”


“I’m just worried I pushed you too hard. I fretted about it all day yesterday.”

I push my glasses back up my nose, and run my fingers through my hair. It occurs to me that she looks vulnerable when I’m the one who was such a mess that night.

I smile at her and hope she can see the gratitude in my eyes. “No, you were just right. I needed to be pushed.”

She lets out a deep exhale. “Oh, I’m so glad.”

“So tomorrow, four-twenty?”

“I’ll be here,” she says, before I regretfully leave for my meeting.

On the way back from the conference room I stop in Dani’s cube. Her earbuds are in and she’s in the zone. It looks like she’s working on some character designs for an upcoming episode. I wait a minute, and when she doesn’t notice me I finally tap her shoulder. She pauses her iPod, and turns to me.

“Hey, Nathan. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if we could talk about something?”

“No can do. This is supposed to be done by six. I can talk after that, though.”

“Okay, just come get me. I’ll be in my cube.”

She nods and turns her iPod back on.

It’s about six-forty when Dani finally show up.

“Sorry dude, he asked for last minute changes.”

“No problem, I have a pile of stuff to do here anyway.” I stand up, and see that Andy is still working in his cube next door. “Hey, let’s find somewhere to talk outside.”

In the elevator down we chat about the show, and rumors that Joel is over budget again.

“He better watch that shit,” Dani warns. “I don’t care what kind of genius he is; for the suits, it’s all about the money.”

When the elevators open we step out and head for the door. Right as I pull it open for Dani, I catch someone in the corner of my eye, and turn to see Brooke holding her work-bag and heading our way. She has a huge smile on her face, and it hits me that she thinks I’m making progress with Dani. I hold the door open longer, until Brooke can pass through.

When we are all three outside, there’s an awkward moment.

“Hi Dani,” Brooke says politely.


“Are you guys heading this way?” She points to the parking structure.

“No, we were going to go sit down for a while,” I explain nervously.

“Okay, cool. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I watch her walk away, before turning back to Dani.

“She seems really nice,” Dani observes.

“Yeah, that’s kinda why I needed to talk to you. I’ve got myself in a mess and hope you can help me out.”

She raises her eyebrows. “What kind of a mess?”

“Well, Brooke and I have become friends, and I was helping her Saturday night with her computer.” I twist my hands together. “So then we had pizza and beer, and she got it in her head that I like someone at work.”

“Really? And who would that be? Because it’s very clear to me that you have set your sights on Ms. Brooke. Am I right?”

I can feel the blood rush to my face. “Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.” I stand up and pace a few times before I sit back down. “I’m so screwed. She thinks I like you.”

She throws her head back and laughs. She laughs so hard; it’s almost insulting.

“I’m so glad you find this amusing.”

“Well, so why didn’t you straighten her out? Oh yes, there’s a little complication. She’s got a boyfriend who happens to be the PRESIDENT of our company, Nathan. I mean, what the fuck are you thinking? You want to get black-balled in our tight-assed little industry?”

“I know. This is really bad.” I double fist my hair and pull hard, groaning.

“You’re whacked. Besides what in the world makes you think she’d go for you? Don’t get me wrong, you’re a kick ass artist, but socially you’re a wee bit stunted.”

“Thanks so much. Now that we’ve talked, I’m feeling so much better about things.”

“There is one more thing I don’t get. How is telling her that you are after me, help things along with her?”

“She wants to help me win you over, so she’s going to teach me things and improve me. She’s doing a My Fair Lady on me. And the lessons are really…enjoyable.”

“You’re full of shit—you’re not that big of a loser, are you?”

“Well, actually…”

“And what do I get out of this?”

“Maybe it’ll make Nick jealous, and he’ll see the light.”

At first her eyes roll, but then I see a fire light up in them. Maybe that isn’t the craziest idea. He has taken his time going back to Dani, but if there is a challenge, he may feel the urgency for them to be reunited sooner. They both know they are destined to be together.

“I’m going to have to think this over. I just don’t know.”

“This isn’t a flat out ‘no’, right? You’ll at least consider it?”