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“Oh, this is awesome. I love it!”

I smile at her and then look down at the pile of projects strewn over her desk. “Well, we should get back to work.” I slowly push away from her desk.

“Are you okay?” she asks, watching me carefully.

“I guess so. But I think I’ll drink the hard stuff tonight.”

• • •

Dani nails me near the break room.

“So I hear you and Brooke went to the Rose Bowl. What am I, chopped liver?”

“No, you’re just not Brooke.” I point out, confused that this isn’t obvious.

“But I’m your pretend girlfriend. I need attention too.”

I suppose she’s right since she’s the one trying to help me. “Okay, when should we go out again?”

“Well, a bunch of us are going out tomorrow night. Why don’t you take me?”

“Is Nick going?”

“Yup,” she says happily.

“I’m onto you, Dani.”

“Screw you, Nathan. I’m onto you too.”

The next day, just after lunch I get a frantic call from Brooke.

“Nathan, thank God you’re there. I’m so screwed. I have a presentation in an hour, and my damn computer’s frozen. I have documents I have to print out. I’d call the IT guy but he’s a raving idiot.”

“No problem. I’ll be right up.” I’m so excited she needs me that I take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

She looks completely stressed when I arrive. She pushes away from the computer and offers me her chair.

“Thanks for coming so fast.” There’s relief and gratitude in her voice.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you fixed up in no time.” I settle in and get to work with complete focus. I need to make this work for Brooke.

About ten minutes into it, I’ve unfrozen the computer and located the documents, when Arnold comes into her office. I look up and see him regarding me with scorn.

“Do you ever work, man, or just come in here and bug Brooke?”

Stunned, I sit up tall and start to respond when Brooke jumps in.

“Lay off, Arnauld,” she says harshly. “For your information my computer froze before I could print out the treatments for the meeting. He’s helping me recover them.”

“But I thought he was an animator. Why didn’t you call IT?”

He directs his glare back at me. “Let me guess; are you one of those super geeks that stays up all night playing with computers too?”

He reminds me of the jocks that used to bully me in high school, and I can’t let him do that to me in front of Brooke.

“No, I’m an animator who happens to be good with computers.”

I hear Brooke snicker softly.

Arnauld rolls his eyes and turns to Brooke. “Whatever. Look babe, I’ve got a problem.”

“What’s that?” she asks impatiently.

“I’ve got a conflict now with Emmy night, and I’m not going to be able to go.”

“What are you talking about? It’s this Sunday! You’re supposed to take me. This is a big deal.”

I can’t help but listen, and I take a glance. I’m surprised at how upset she looks. She must really want to go to the Emmys.

“I know this is your big night…after all, you are the one who discovered Lazlo and helped him develop Danny Deletes, but I’ve worked things out. Roger’s offered to take you instead.”

“I don’t want to go with Roger,” she all but shrieks. “He is the dullest man I know. He’ll want to talk projections all night.” She puts her hands on her hips and juts her chin out. “So, what’s so damn important that you can’t take me?”

He looks down and I know before he opens his mouth that it’s bad.

“Zach got us ticket for the big fight in Vegas. Third row seats.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re blowing off my big night for a fight?”

“Do you have any idea what it took for him to get those tickets, babe?”

“I don’t give a damn what it took! I’m not going with that loser Roger so you better rethink your plans.”

“Roger is CFO of this company Brooke.” He turns and points at me. “What? Would you rather go with this dweeb?”

I turn around pissed off. Did that asshat just call me a dweeb in front of Brooke? “Hey,” I challenge him, absolutely amazing myself.

“Don’t worry, toon boy, she’d never go with you.”

“Screw you, Arnauld. I’d love to go with Nathan.” She turns to me. “Will you take me to the Emmys Nathan?”

Things are suddenly looking up. “Sure, when it is again?”

“Wait just a damn minute,” Arnauld rages. “You can’t go with him. Just look at him with those goofy glasses and floppy hair, you’ll look ridiculous. I bet this geek didn’t even go to his prom. Have you ever even rented a tux, man?” He folds his arms over his chest assuming victory.

“Actually I own one,” I state calmly.

“What?” they both ask in unison.

They both look shocked. I can’t begrudge Brooke for her surprise. It’s unusual for someone like me to own a tux. But my dad dislikes renting anything. It’s against his religion or something. So we all got tuxes for the black tie event when he won the National Award for Outstanding Innovations. He told me at the time that I would wear it for my wedding one day. I bet he never imagined that I would wear it to the Emmys too.

“Is it a Halloween costume or something?” Arnauld asks warily.

“No, actually it’s an Armani. I got it at Barney’s.”

I’m sure that little tidbit impresses him, Mr. Hip Fashion guy. Screw you, hairy back. I hope one of those boxers gets knocked out of the ring and lands on you, crushing that stupid look right off your face.

Brooke’s grin is priceless. I can tell she may break into a happy dance any moment.

“Well then, that’s all settled. So if you’ll excuse us Arnauld, we have some plans to make.”

He gives me a death glare and I shrug my shoulders. He storms out of her office.

She walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek.

“What’s that for?” I ask puzzled.

“That was priceless…I swear I love you, Nathan. You really perform well under pressure. How did you ever think up that tuxedo thing…and Barney’s! That was brilliant!”

“But I really do have an Armani tuxedo from Barney’s, Brooke.” I explain, suddenly worried that she doesn’t intend to actually go with me. “Can I still take you?”

She throws her head back laughing, and it makes me smile to see her so happy.

“Hell yes! Believe me, there’s no one else I’d rather go with.”

The next day I tell Brooke that I’m considering contacts.

“Is this about Arnauld mentioning your glasses? Don’t think you have to change because of what he said.”

“I know. But remember when you took off my glasses that time and told me what nice eyes I have? I actually started thinking about it then. I even talked to my ophthalmologist about it last week at my check-up.”

“Okay, if you’re sure. As long as you’re going why don’t I come and we’ll pick up some stylish frames as back up. Lot’s of girls love guys in glasses if they’re cool ones.”

“You’ll come help me pick them out?”

“Sure, let’s see if we can get into L.A. Eyeworks this evening. Arnauld gets all his glasses there.” She scans through her Blackberry until she finds the number. “Do you have your prescription?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s in my book bag.”

• • •

The highlight of my week thus far is Brooke picking out frames and gently easing them on me. Each time, she brushes my hair up off my forehead and steps back for a better view.

“Your green eyes are so gorgeous. They were hidden under your heavy old glasses.”

I smile as she slowly pulls the third pair off. They’re a sleek European design like the hipsters wear.

After the fourth pair, she shakes her head and mutters something to herself.

“Is something wrong?” I ask, pushing the new frames further up my nose.

“No, you just look really hot. You’re going to have the girls lined up.”