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“Beautiful,” I whisper, feeling even more confident.

“Nathan, please,” she motions for me, her arms reaching. “I need you inside of me… now.”

Her need is my sexual call to arms, and I’m ready. Every sensation sparks as I breathlessly move over her. My need to take her is primal and raw like I’m a caveman getting ready to claim his woman. “Do you belong to me now, Brooke?” I surprise myself by asking, gasping as I grind against her.

She nods, the corners of her eyes twist with mirth, but I sense she likes caveman Nathan. “I’m only yours,” she says with satisfaction. “No one else.” Her eyes are hooded. This is really turning me on.

“Mine,” I kind of growl, playing it up as I loom over her. I can tell this is turning her on too.

“Is that what you want?” she asks, pulling me closer.

“It’s what I’ve always wanted,” I assure her. Meanwhile my arousal has taken on a life of it’s own, probing for heat sensors, searching for the happy place of love. My mind twists as every science fiction proclamation passes through my conscious…stuff about the force being with me, boarding the mothership, and boldly going where I’ve never gone before. Making love is a science fiction-worthy, spiritual experience.

Brooke wants me.


With our eyes locked she takes me in her grasp and brings me to her. “I need this so much,” she gasps. “I need you, Nathan.”

A surge of pride and protectiveness moves through me. I want to take care of Brooke in every way. I want to give her what she needs.

I still for a moment and take her face in my hands.

“I need you too,” I admit without hesitation.

As I gaze at her I see tears pooling in the corners of her beautiful eyes. But they aren’t sad tears. I can tell.



She pauses and takes a deep breath, as if she’s fighting to be brave.

Be brave, Brooke.


I wait patiently, stroking her cheeks. I’m still anxious to be inside of her, but that can wait a moment. I sense this is very important.

“I love you,” she says gently, but with absolute certainty. She’s sweet and sincere, with adoration reflected in her eyes.

She really loves me. For me, loving her was a given. For Brooke, who had closed her heart long ago, this is big…really big.

“You love me,” I whisper. She may as well have waved her magic wand at me, and chanted “lumos” for how I’ve lit up inside. I gaze at her and realize that she’s lit up too.

Our kiss is tender and raw as I pull her tightly into my arms. It’s time. With laser focus I position and push, slowly sliding myself home as she opens herself to me. She is all warmth and wetness as she arches up, moaning loud. Every part of her that presses, or wraps around me is an embrace. Our hips are moving, the push and pull of our bodies together. We are electrified with the sheer emotion of our hearts connecting.

I don’t know if I was prepared for how those three words would overcome me.

‘Cause I’m in love. Big love. Real love. The best love.

I’m overwhelmed with this fireball of passion. And Brooke holds on while I take her for our wild ride. It feels like we are soaring on Disneyland’s Space Mountain as I push into her, wide eyes as the stars blur past us in the thrilling darkness.

My hands grasp her curvy hips, pulling her closer as I fill her again and again. Her expression is sublime, a hungry gaze, pink cheeks and parted cherry lips. She is my wingless angel, my Red Hot love.

“Oh, Nathan,” she moans, as her legs wrap tighter around me. There is a current flowing through our heated kisses, each deeper and more passionate. I am fighting the urge to completely consume her as I lick and nip my way across her breasts and up her neck.

“Is this what you want, Brooke?” I ask, because I want to get the making love part of this right. My heart’s so full that I’m pretty sure this is exactly what it should be. I know for sure, it’s what I always needed.

“Yes.” She moans. “Yes…this is love,” she whispers. Her hands suddenly reach upwards, grasping up into the air. I feel her opening, every part of her body deliciously soft and spread. But then the trembling starts and I realize this is a different kind of climax. I hold her in my arms tightly as I push deeper and tell her that I love her over and over.

Something in the way she finally cries out, a soulful sound as her body arcs up, sends me over the edge too. And this time it’s Brooke, drawing me out with her words of love as I soar. I call out her name before I fall into the warm embrace of her open arms.


just wow.

She’s a part of me now, and I finally understand how true love feels.

• • •

The next morning, we both oversleep from the exhaustion of the roller coaster of the day before. Getting up is a rushed affair. She has an important phone conference at nine-thirty, and has to go home to shower and change so I heat up a Pop Tart for her while she pulls on her clothes. She accepts it with an arched brow, but I know she’s silently pleased. I mean, who doesn’t secretly love Pop Tarts?

When it’s time for her to leave I walk her to her car, kiss her goodbye, then hurry back in to jump into the shower and get ready for the day.

Luckily, I’m only a few minutes late. But Joel could yell at me anyway, and it wouldn’t matter ‘cause I’m on cloud nine. It takes all of my composure not to stand in the middle of the production room and yell out “Brooke loves me!” for all the world to hear.

That afternoon when I bring Brooke her coffee she’s on her computer making reservations for Comic Con. Evidently Mojo doesn’t like to go, so I’m determined to go with Brooke. She teases me that animators aren’t supposed to go on the company dime…as if that could hold me back.

Now that we’re in love, it will be the best Comic Con ever. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine I would walk through those hallowed convention halls with a beauty like Brooke on my arm.

“By the way, if you’re planning on dressing up for Comic Con, may I suggest Cat Woman?” I tease.

“You know I addressed up like Wonder Woman at Comic Con once when I was younger.”

“You did?” She obviously doesn’t understand what that news would do to me, for she looks at me funny when she realizes that my face is flushed and my chest is rising and falling like I just leapt between two tall buildings.

God, I love this woman.

“Can you wear that for me sometime?” I ask, trying to not sound as desperate as I feel.

She looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “Sure,” she says. “But you have to dress up for me too.”

I’m instantly filled with dread at the idea of tights and spandex body suits. “Dress up as who?”

She grins. “I’ve always had a thing about Indiana Jones.”

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I’m safe from spandex. “Sure,” I agree. “How about tomorrow?”

“You’re on!”

It occurs to me that I don’t have much time to figure out Indiana’s costume. Back in my office, I call Billie for a consultation.

“Billie, I need your help. I have to dress up like Indiana Jones for Brooke.”

There is a long pause. “Dress up like Indy? Oh, he’s the man. Wait, wasn’t he getting tied up a lot?”

“I think so,” I reply, starting to get nervous.

“That’s hot. I like it,” she confirms. “So shall I guess that things are on the upswing with Brooke if you’ve advanced to kinky role playing?”

I suddenly realize that no one in my life knows how things have changed radically over the course of less than twenty-four hours.

“Oh, yes, everything’s changed.”

“For the good I take it?” she teases.

“So good…Billie, you wouldn’t believe how good.”

“Glad to hear it…maybe Curtis will finally stop worrying about you.”