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When we finally conclude our most daring lovemaking yet, I pull her into my arms. We settle down, and although our costumes are askew, we’re completely satisfied.

We decide to get into her Jacuzzi tub. She pours some stuff in the water, making the bathroom smell like the Sherwood Forest. I recline against the back of the tub, while she settles in between my legs leaning into me, as the Jacuzzi bubbles move around us.

“Oh, that was so damn good,” she says, letting out a satisfied sigh.

“Mmmm,” I agree. “You sure inspired me in all your Wonder Woman glory.”

“And you, my God…I think you should dress up like Indy, at least once a week.”

I smile and kiss her behind her ear, until an unsettling feeling starts creeping up on me. “Hey Brooke?”

“Yes?” she asks, pulling my arms tighter over her.

“You know how you encouraged me to change my look: new glasses, haircut, clothes? And now, with this dress up stuff, I have to wonder. Do you think that me, just plain old me, is going to be enough to keep you interested?”

She pushes away and turns around to face me. I can see she’s stunned by my question.

“It’s just that I’m not that exciting,” I continue. “What happens if you start getting bored with me?”

“Bored? First of all, let me make myself perfectly clear,” she states firmly. “I know you don’t realize it Nathan, but you’re the least boring person I know. I always have the best time with you. Then to top it off you’re so gorgeous just looking at you gets me going. And in some ways the fact that you are clueless about it is so endearing, in another it’s maddening. And if that isn’t enough, there’s your body.”

“What about my body?”

“Hello? Your body is so damn hot, all lean and long, but strong and defined. Don’t you know what you do to me? Jeez.”

I smile as she runs her hands over my shoulders and across my chest.

“Now, as a lover you are everything I could want. Let’s not even discuss how incredible you make me feel.”

I grin widely. “Oh, yes, let’s discuss that.”

“You’re the best lover I’ve ever had because of how passionate and enthusiastic you are. And how long have you been at it? My God, I can only imagine what the future holds.”

“Really? The best?”

“Yes, the very best. You make me feel like a goddess, like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Well you are,” I point out. I’m grinning like an idiot now. My happiness can’t be contained.

She slides closer to me in the tub and rests her hands on my chest, right over my heart. “But most of all Nathan, most of all…it’s your heart that has captured me body and soul. I didn’t even think anyone as strong yet tender, tenacious yet sensitive; someone with such an open, warm heart even existed. But here you are and you’re mine.”

“Yes, I am…and you’re mine too,” I say, pulling her closer.

She leans forward and presses her forehead against mine. “I am. So does that answer your question?” she asks, as she gently kisses across my eyebrow and down my cheek.

When our lips meet, it’s sweet and slow. “Completely,” I say grinning.

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The next morning we watch Hong Kong Phooey on Boomerang until I drag myself out of bed. “I’ve got to get home and get ready for work.” I grin and lean over to kiss her.

She gets out of bed too, pulls on a robe and follows me to her front door.

“So I’ll see you later,” I whisper into her ear, as I hold her tightly in my arms. “I love you.”

She grins and kisses me before whispering back, “I love you too.”

Back home, I’m about to leave for work, when a feeling comes over me. Something about remembering Brooke as Wonder Woman last night makes me crave a moment with B-Girl. So I go into my studio office and pull out a box that holds final printed copies of the entire series to date. I spread the various issues over my animation table and proudly examine the covers with the fresh eye of time passing and a new perspective.

I pull the first book closer and slowly open it and begin turning the pages. As I examine each layout, I wonder how it would look to Brooke. Would she be flattered to see her persona as a beautiful heroine, a woman capable of changing people’s lives and possibly even saving the world?

I smile at this early issue, conceived long before I knew Brooke intimately. Whatever I could learn about Brooke back then, I would weave into the story. Sometimes it was something as specific as a particular outfit I had seen her in at work. Other times it was an expression or mannerism that I observed from afar. It’s interesting to me now that I wrote stories with B-Girl musing about people from the dark side, and how her mission in life was to eradicate those whose power grew by belittling others. Some of it feels prophetic now…as if I understood intuitively how Arnold would change and become a blighted shadow across her sunny path.

I remember at the beginning agonizing over her super hero costume design. It needed to showcase her curvy, glorious figure, without looking expected. I wanted the “B” to be cleverly identified as part of her look…so I created a jewel-encrusted “B” pendant that rested gently around her neck. Half rap-star inspired, half shaman-esque, the “B” of the pendant would shimmer when she needed to summon her powers.

If life were a comic book, I could construct a “B” pendant for my girl. Whenever we parted, it would protect and preserve her from the Mojos of the world, until she was back in my arms again.

I glance at my watch, then gently fold the books closed and return them to their box. As I slide the lid back on I realize that next week we will face our final test…Brooke will finally meet B-Girl.

Will she be flattered and moved to know how long she’s owned my heart, or will she resent the continual cover-ups and evasion about my big project, and lose her ability to trust me? In the end I believe Brooke will understand why I kept B-Girl a secret and that she will see the character as a reflection of my love for her. Brooke has a big heart and she loves me. I’m certain she will love B-Girl too.

So far our week of Woo has been perfect—a dreamy concoction of love and passion. So as I close my studio door and head towards my car, I’m optimistic. I should send Wayne Dyer a fruit basket or something. His carefully constructed manifesto of self-help has paid off for me in spades. That was the best forty bucks I’ve ever spent.

Yes, I am a man with a plan, and it looks like all of my dreams are coming true.

Animate Me / Chapter Twenty-Three / Animal Style

Welcome to downtown Coolsville! Population: us.” ~Hogarthxxii

I lovingly push my pencil over the paper, the lead tip stroking her hips and the sides of her thighs. Each line grows darker and more refined as my Wonder Woman comes to life. As my pencil trails around her breasts I remember last night and the way she looked at me as we made love. I shift in my chair and remind myself that this isn’t the time or place to get worked up over those memories. Refocusing, I move up to her lovely face where I’ve already sketched in her features. As I finish up the drawing her lips curl up and her eyes shine as she gazes at me. My fingers gently lift and caress the edge of the paper as I smile back. I gently rub the eraser around the edges of the curves, removing the rough lines.

Good God, it’s like I’m making love to a drawing.

I’m so enchanted with her image I don’t even hear anyone approach.

“So when did Wonder Woman join the Beaver Patrol?”

I jerk up startled and put my hand over my drawing in a futile attempt to cover the evidence.

“Oh, h-hey Joel,” I stutter. Shit! “Sorry about that. I’ll get back to work. I was just taking a break. I blasted through my first scene this morning.”

“Interesting way to spend your breaks, Evans,” he says with a smirk. “But actually I came over here to get you. I wanted to talk for a minute.” He points down the hall. “Why don’t we head into my office?”