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“A breather?” I ask, getting more agitated by the moment. What the hell does that mean? Was he breathing on my Brooke?

“You know those pug dogs with the squishy faces? He wheezes like one of those.”

“Did he breathe on you,” I can’t help but ask.

“What?” she questions, sounding baffled. “What do you mean, did he breathe on me?”

“Never mind,” I huff, feeling very discouraged.

“Are we jealous? Is that what this is about? Because you can’t possibly be jealous of Lazlo?”

“Why can’t I? Isn’t being jealous and over-protective one of my jobs…being your boyfriend and all?”

There’s another pause.


“Yes,” I say boldly. “That only makes sense since you’re my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” she repeats.

I’m not sure if we’re getting anywhere here.

“And that also makes you mine, not the breather’s,” I clarify.

“Oh, really?”

“Yes,” I reply without hesitation.

“For the record, I think it’s sexy, Nathan, when you go all possessive and dominant on me like this.”

“Dominant?” I ask, my mind reeling with images. Maybe she’s trying to tell me something. What does dominant mean to her?

She seems to sense my anxiety. “Don’t worry, I’m not talking about that kind of dominant, where you have to tie me up and throttle me. Sometimes it’s just about being direct and demanding what you want. You know, like Indiana Jones.”

“Oh, I see,” I say, even though I don’t really understand the practical applications of that yet.

“It’s like you pushing me down to my knees and telling me to take you in my mouth, because you need that from me.”

I pull the phone away from my ear and examine it like it’s faulty. Did she just say that on the work line?

“Geez, Brooke. I’m not sure I could do that. Push you to your knees? That sounds inappropriate, like something that I’d never do.”

“But could you say, ‘I want your mouth on me,’ if you desired that?”

I know I’m turning bright red, if anyone walks by my cube now they’ll think I’ve got a sunburn.

“Well, I always desire that, but honestly, I’d be too embarrassed to ask you like that.”

“I see. But don’t you think it’s okay if your woman wants you to say it? If she wants to do that for you?”

“Is that what you want?” I ask, nervously.

“Yes, definitely it’s what I want, and what I need. Actually, I want it now. I’m all flustered and hot just thinking of being on my knees for you.”

“Oh, good God, Brooke…”

“I know…I’m naughty. See, it reminds me of when you were Indy and how commanding you were.”

“But we’re leaving in an hour?” I say quite unconvincingly, more like a question.

“Oh, that will be more than enough time. Say it Nathan; I want to hear you ask for it.”

“Really? Now?”

“Yes, now. Come on…I know you can do it,” she encourages.

I stand up and look over the top of my cube. Andy has his ear buds in and appears to be rocking out to one of his metal bands as he works. I sit back down in my chair, and cup my hand over the speaker part of the phone. I take a deep breath and speak in a low, firm voice.

“I want your mouth on me, Brooke.” My heart’s pounding. This is crazy shit…but I’m definitely getting off on it.

There is a long pause where all I can hear is her breathing, and I imagine I see the wheels turning in her head. She sounds breathy when she replies. “Listen, take the elevator up to the nineteenth floor. When you get off make a right and walk to the end of the hallway where you’ll find a conference room. I’ll meet you there in five minutes.”

Just then, Kevin steps into my cube and firmly motions that he has to talk to me.

“Ugh, hold on,” I say to Brooke.

“What’s up?” I ask Kevin, relieved that he doesn’t seem to notice how flustered I am.

He looks irritated. “You’re late for the production calendar meeting.” He points to the production room down the hall.

“Do we have a meeting scheduled? I didn’t hear about it.”

He nods.

Shit, I must be losing it…now I’m forgetting meetings.

I hear Brooke sigh into the phone.

But I know my priorities. “Hey Kevin, can you take notes for me. I have an important issue with…” My mind reels. “…with my insurance and HR needs to talk to me right now.”

“Yes, it’s a very important issue” Brooke echoes in the phone. “….a critical meeting. Don’t be late, Mr. Evans.”

Kevin nods, and walks off.

“I’m on my way,” I assure her.

My pulse speeds up as I wander down the abandoned hallway. I think these offices were used recently when we had two other shows in production. Although our posters still hang on the walls, now this place is a ghost town.

But when I peek my head in the last room, I see Brooke standing in front of the big picture window, looking out over the view. “Brooke,” I call out just loud enough for her to hear. It’s weird to be in this huge conference room, especially since I know what kind of meeting this is going to be. I’m fully aroused in anticipation.

She turns and points to the chair at the head of the table. “Why don’t you have a seat?”

I step closer, watching her eyes as they move over me. At this point, my excitement’s quite evident, and although she doesn’t say anything, her eyes do widen at the sight of me.

As I approach the chair, she slowly passes me and closes the door, then turns the lock. The clicking sound when the lock settles makes my heart skip. I settle into the chair and wait. Every hair on my body is standing on end.

She strolls back very slowly, considering me. She steps close enough to almost graze my knee, then leans back, her ass on the edge of the table. She folds her arms and gives me a business-y look that confuses me.

“Is that look on your face burning desire or are you still agitated about my meeting with Lazlo?”

“Maybe some of both,” I admit.

“I want to ask you about your reaction to him again. I wasn’t flirting with Lazlo. It was business. So why were you jealous?” she asks.

“Are you trying to provoke me?” Her demeanor reminds me of a kitty batting around a mouse with her paws before she pounces.

“No, I really want to understand.”

“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” I reply simply.

“Really? And how was that?”

“Like he wanted to breathe on you and chop down your tree.”

“Chop down my tree?”

“He looks like a fucking lumberjack.”

“Oh, Nathan.” She smiles and slowly shifts her legs towards me. “But don’t you understand you’re the only one I want. I’m going to be doing business with men; it’s what I do. But that doesn’t have any reflection on my love and desire for you.”

“I guess I forget sometimes,” I admit.

“You’re always so nice, so accommodating. I think it’s time for you to toughen up.”

I feel like we’re talking about something else all of a sudden. Like Brooke is subtly training me for the battles we may face up ahead. She studies me for a moment, but then her expression shifts to a warm gaze. “Besides, it’s hot to see this side of you. You know it’s okay to be more assertive about what you want. It’s good for you.”

“Okay…I’m going to be assertive from now on.”

“Good, handsome. And you know what else?”

“No, what?”

“It makes me kinda crazy for you…right now I feel like I’m burning up inside.”

If she’s burning, I’m a raging fire. I swallow hard and try to calm myself.

She gives me a sexy smile. “So, tell me…what do you want…right now?”

“I want what you want…this,” I fumble, gesturing between us.

“This?” she asks, like she needs clarification. “I want you to be more specific.”

I look back at the conference room door, making sure it’s still closed.