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“Hey Morgan, would you like this drink? It’d make me happy if you’d enjoy it.”

Her expression immediately softens. “Yeah, I’d like it, thanks. I can’t afford this stuff very often on my salary.”

“It’s a caramel macchiato. Is that okay?”

“Mochas are my favorite, but this sounds good. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Thanks for your help.”

She smiles, and I get a sudden strong sense that giving her that drink will pay off for me big time somewhere down the line.

• • •

On Friday the building feels more relaxed with all the executives still off site at meetings with the corporate bigwigs. There are open boxes of doughnuts everywhere and impromptu games of table football, and waste bin basketball. I even witness the pin the tail on Arnauld game that comes down from the break room wall almost as quickly as it went up. Around two-thirty, word spreads like wild fire that management has returned so everyone gets back to work.

Around an hour later, Dani wanders into my cube and slides the color copy of the finished double-date caricature onto my desk. She’s put some serious time into it, certainly more than I would’ve expected.

“Hey, thanks,” I enthuse. “It’s a work of art…a masterpiece.”

“Oh, yeah.” She rolls her eyes and folds her arms before hitching herself up on my desk. I watch her swing her legs back and forth a few times as I wait for her to spill whatever is on her mind.

She lifts her hand to her mouth and bites her thumbnail nervously. “Hey, does Nick ever still talk about me?”

“You mean since you guys broke up?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She watches me carefully to see if I’m going to dodge the question.

“Well, remember that day you didn’t show up and didn’t call anyone?”

“Yeah, the hangover from hell the day after Zara’s bridal shower. We got a little wild with the guys at the strip club.”

“Spare me the details. Just believe me that he was really worried about you. He made me call you over and over until you answered your phone.”

“And all this time I thought you had the hots for me.”

“You did?”

“Well, no, not actually, but I have noticed that I’m the only girl around here you talk to.”

I scratch my elbow, and consider her words. “That must be cause you’ve always been one of the guys.”

“You are so friggin’ charming, really.” She watches me lift a heavy pile of reference books off my desk to get them out of the way so I can get back to work. “Hey, do you work out a lot? You’re pretty built for a such a tall, lean guy.”

I blush, but am secretly pleased to have someone finally notice all my efforts. Between running on my treadmill, playing tennis and lifting weights, like Curtis showed me, I’m in the best shape ever.

“Yeah, I work out. Thanks for noticing.”

Suddenly I realize that she’s stopped listening and I look up to see her surprised expression. I then turn to see Brooke at the entrance to my cube. She looks out of place, and very uncomfortable. My heart thumps so loudly I fear she can hear it.

Oh wow, what’s she doing in my cube?

“Hi Brooke,” I say. “This is Danielle.”

“Dani,” she corrects me as she slides off my desk and waves to Brooke. “I need to get back to work anyway. Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Brooke responds and then looks back at me. “I’m sorry I interrupted you, but I thought it was time to return the favor. I brought you a coffee.”

I grin like an idiot. “Wow, thanks,” I say, stunned and unsure what to do. I finally step forward and gingerly take the drink from her.

“Of course, I had to guess what you drink…”

“And?” I start to turn the cup to read what’s been checked off.

“Venti Cappucino with extra foam.” She watches for my reaction.

“Extra foam?” I laugh, before my mind goes to dark places. Does she think I’m wimpy?

“The foam is my favorite part. Isn’t it yours?”

“Well, it is now.” I smile. “Thanks, this is perfect.” I lift the cup up and carefully take a swig, watching her the entire time.

“So I talked to Nick about you.”

My mind starts reeling. Good God, no. I can only imagine what embarrassing stuff he could say about me. “Really? What about?”

“Actually, he said you’re the best animator here.”

“Really?” I shake my head in disbelief. I know Nick likes my work, I overheard him once discussing me with Joel, but this is too much.

“As a matter of fact he said you’re one of the best he’s ever seen, and that you and Joel make a great team. You are the Rod Scribner to his Bob Clampett.”

“You know Rod Scribner?” I ask, not masking the awe in my voice. “He’s my favorite Looney Tunes animator from the golden age, when they really knew how to make cartoons.”

“Sure, he was a brilliant animator that worked with Bob. They made magic together.”

I’m one crazy guy, when talking about the greats of animation excites me like this. My emotion overcomes me and I bite my bottom lip to stop from saying anything stupid.

Her profound compliments have forced me to lose all logic and reason. For a moment I flash to an image of me falling to my knees and begging. Marry me, Brooke. We can honeymoon at Comic Con, and have our very own Three Little Bops.

“I warned you that I’m a geek. I’m a huge cartoon buff.”

She can’t be real…she’s just too good to be believed.

I struggle to gather my thoughts.

“Well Scribner and Clampett are two of my heroes. I know Joel fancies us as a great cartoon duo: the human versions of Ren and Stimpy, Fred and Barney, or Beavis and Butthead. I swear, if we’re a duo we’re Pinky and the Brain, and I’m definitely the Brain, whether he accepts that or not.”

Brooke laughs and looks over, noticing the caricature of Andy and I on the couch that Dani’s left on my desk. Before I pull it off the table to hide it she asks, “Is that your girlfriend on the couch with you?”

“No!” I say abruptly. “That’s just a stupid joke the guys were playing on me and Andy.”

“That’s one elaborate joke,” she comments suspiciously as she steps back. “Well, I’ve got to get going. I just wanted to bring you your coffee.”

I fear she’s mad at me, so it takes all my courage to look her in the eye and smile. “Thanks again. That’s so cool you got me coffee.”

“You’re welcome, Brain,” she replies smiling, as she heads down the hallway.

Of course as the afternoon wears on, I get more and more agitated remembering the awkward moment of Brooke coming all the way to my cube with coffee only to find another girl practically lying across my desk. Then to top if off, she sees an elaborate drawing of me grabbing some whorish looking chick’s tit. Damn it all. She must think I’m a complete and utter, asshole.

By five forty-five I face the reality that I’ll go completely mad if I don’t talk to her again. I slowly stalk my way over to the executive offices, and happily discover that Morgan appears to be gone for the weekend. I peek into Brooke’s office to see her typing away on her laptop. I knock gently on her open door to get her attention.

She looks over at me. “Hey, Nathan. What’s up?” She says. I can hear the exhaustion in her voice.

“Can I come in? I want to clarify something.”

“Sure,” she replies pointing to the couch. “Have a seat; I’ll just be a sec.”

I slowly approach the couch and realize that I had pictured sitting with Brooke on this couch the first time I was in her office. Well, this at least is a step in the right direction.

I clear my throat as she appears to finish up an email.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Someone asked me if I have been bringing you coffee to butter you up for a pitch. I just wanted to let you know that I would never do that. That’s not why I’ve been talking to you, and you know…bringing you coffee.”