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“I remember,” I respond, smiling to myself. Dad’s right, I’m pretty determined when I make up my mind about something.

“Are you listening to those crazy CDs again about manifesting your future and that kinda crap?”

“Don’t knock Wayne, Bro. He got me where I am today.”

“Well, right now, where you are today isn’t that impressive. I hate to say it, but face the facts.”

“But this is just one faulty step along my path. I’ll overcome it and be better for it. And I will marry Brooke one day…it may take a while. But just you wait and see.”

“Sure you will.”

“And you’ll be my best man.”

“And Sgt. Pepper will be the band at the reception.”

“I mean it Curtis.”

“Of course you do. And despite my giving you shit, I want to believe it too.”

• • •

Just before I leave to meet Joel for burgers and beers, I finally hear from Morgan again.

“How was Brooke?”

“Well, she looked like hell. She needs to get on your Pollyanna plan. But she seems determined. She said her lawyer has set up a meeting with Arnauld tomorrow.”

“She’s going to meet with him?”

“Yes. She wouldn’t tell me why, but if her lawyer is with her, it must be pretty serious. That isn’t Brooke’s style.”

“Did you give her my sketchbook?”

“Of course. Once I handed it to her she clung onto it like a life raft. She didn’t even let go of it to drink her coffee.”

“Thank you for taking care of that for me.”

“Of course. You know, Nathan, I’m worried about her. I hope whatever she’s doing tomorrow goes the way she wants it to.”

I realize that if whatever she’s planned with her lawyer doesn’t work, she may never be able to get past her guilt. What will that mean for us and our future? Even if I’m willing to forgive her for not being by my side this week, will she ever be able to forgive herself for all she feels responsible for?

Will she be willing at all to try to work things out with me? Can I keep waiting, knowing her reluctance? I take a deep breath and respond to Morgan’s hope for Brooke.

“Me too.”

• • •

“You’re dating Brooke Tobin? The Brooke Tobin in development…Arnauld’s girlfriend?” Joel gasps, completely stunned.

I look around the dive burger joint in Sun Valley to make sure no one we know hears us, and then realize that no one we know would ever come here.

“Ex-girlfriend,” I correct him.

“How in the hell did that happen, and how could I have not known?”

“We kept it quiet.”

“But wait a minute; he can’t fire you for dating her.”

“No, but he can fire me for doing the wild thing with her in a conference room. They got it on video.”

“Dude, no.”


“Have you lost your mind?”

“I guess I’ve lost my mind over her…I’m in love…does that count?”

“If I wasn’t so pissed at you, I’d be impressed.”

“I hope you know, Joel, the last thing I wanted to do was to let you down. I really wanted to work on Robbie from Romania. It spoke to me, you know?”

“I know…I know.” He takes a sip of his beer and then suddenly looks inspired. “Hey, why don’t you get a DBA, set up a business with another name and your parents’ address, and I’ll hire you freelance. They won’t even know.”

“Isn’t that risky for you? I would feel like crap if you got in trouble.”

“Why don’t you let me worry about that?” he says with a confident look. “This show has to be great. I need the best…I need you.”

Joel saves the uprising talk for when Nick and Dani join us, so when they storm into the place at seven-thirty, it’s like an explosion.

“Nice place!” She jabs Joel, while sliding into the booth next to me.

“We’re safe here,” he replies with a shrug.

“How’s my buddy?” she asks, grinning at me.

“Hi, Dani,” I say, giving her a hug.

Nick nods. “Hey man.” He smiles as he slides in across from her.

“It’s the dynamic duo,” Joel says. “Ready to stomp out evil at every turn.”

“Damn right,” Dani agrees.

“You are unbelievable, my friends. People are still sending me updates and pictures. I am in awe of your talent,” I say.

“I know, right?” she agrees. “The execution was close to flawless. I swear my brother is a genius.”

“I doubt we could have pulled any of it off without him,” Nick chimes in. “He hacked into the security system so that a constant loop of previous footage played on screen. The security guards, who probably were asleep anyway, would’ve never known what was happening.”

“Whoa…impressive,” I say with a low whistle.

“I was wondering how no one noticed the set-up,” Joel responds.

“But what was even more impressive is that he hacked into the website. They had to pull the site down once they figured out what was on their homepage, and they still can’t get it fixed and back up live.”

“Well, it was up for a while, but just for giggles. Before they took it down he rigged the Danny Deletes contest that was going on so that everyone who entered won a new laptop. They have a big fucking mess on their hands now.”

“Your brother must be a genius,” I say, incredibly impressed.

“He’s brilliant,” acknowledges Nick.

“Did you hear about the rest?” Dani asks, delighted.

“No,” I answer slowly. “There’s more?”

“Some of the stuff today was managed by other people. We alerted the media. I can’t wait to see if the news covers it.”

Joel nods, and Dani winks at Nick, and in that moment I feel so grateful for my friends. I hope they know that I will always stand up for them, just like they have for me.

I stop drinking after my second beer realizing that I don’t want to drive with a buzz. I’ve got enough trouble without a DUI to deal with.

When we finally head out to the nearly empty parking lot, I agree to meet my friends for Kevin’s birthday gathering at the miniature golf place in Sherman Oaks a week from Saturday.

“Please stay out of trouble,” I say sternly to Dani as I give her a hug.

“And miss all the fun?” she teases.

“Please watch her, Nick,” I say.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on this one,” says Nick as he pulls her close. “I hope you and Brooke work it out soon,” he says.

“Me too. Thanks, man.”

“You still haven’t talked to her?” Dani asks, worried.

I shake my head no.

“You will soon,” she says, hugging me.

“Yeah, good luck with everything,” Joel adds, nodding in agreement, and then turns to me.

“DBA dude, DBA…I need you,” Joel chants, pointing at me as he slips into his convertible.

I nod, smiling, and give a wave before getting into my car.

I’m home and just letting myself into my front door when I sense someone is behind me.

“Hey…are you Nathan?”

I quickly turn to see a young guy wearing the green Starbucks apron and hat over the usual black pants and shirt, standing in my walkway.

“I’ve been waiting in my car for you to come home. I’m afraid your coffee is cold,” he says, holding the white cup out to me.

I shake my head. Is this a dream? I only had two beers.


“Are you sure you’re at the right place?” I ask, confused. “I didn’t order any coffee. Besides, I didn’t think Starbucks delivered.”

“We don’t deliver. This was an unusual circumstance,” he confirms with a sly smile. “Nathan Evans, right?”

“Yes,” I respond. He steps closer and hands me the lukewarm cup. I lift it up, trying to read the markings on the cup sleeve in the dim porch light. “Venti cappuccino with extra foam.”

My heart thumps hard. That’s the drink Brooke got for me the first time she brought me coffee.

“Who ordered this?”

“I don’t know her name,” he replies anxiously. He seems in a hurry to finish this up. “She was really pretty, with long reddish-brown hair.”