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“And I told him he could trash me all over the industry, that I didn’t give a damn. I’d give everything up for you without a second thought.”

“Brooke,” I whisper.

“That killed him. It’s like he finally realized I’m completely in love with you, and there’s nothing he can do to change it. He freaked out. The next thing I knew he grabbed me by the shoulders and held onto me so forcefully I thought I’d break. He was mumbling incoherently and trying to kiss me. Oh God, it was awful.”

“What?” I growl. I can feel the fire explode right under my skin. I want to tear his fucking limbs off.

“I was trying to shove him off of me while I cried out for help, but really it was only a matter of seconds before Erika and Ruiz rushed in and peeled him off. Erika hissed something to them both about a restraining order and we were in the elevator heading down by the time I’d fully caught my breath.”

“Mother fucker. Thank God Erika was right there with the door open.”

“Damn, he’s insane.”

“Yeah, he’s completely insane.”

She nods. “You know, Arnauld just never believed I’d be willing to walk away from him and my career. But that’s who he is…it’s all that really matters to him. But that’s not me. I know that because of you, Nathan.”

I reach out and take her hand. It’s cold and shaky, so I scoot over and pull her into my arms. We sit together silently, trying to calm down. She’s been through so much. I run my hands up and down her arms, over and over, until I feel her settle against me. “Things are going to be okay, Brooke. Let me take care of you,” I whisper against her cheek. My need to protect her is overwhelming.

There’s a long pause. I can tell something else is weighing on her mind. After the longest minute of my life she finally turns to me.

“I know you want to take care of me, and I love you for that, but that’s the point isn’t it? I need to stop relying on men to take care of me. I need to carve my own path.”

“A path away from me?” I ask, intent on being strong no matter what her answer.

“No, a path alongside yours. Rather than getting another corporate job, I’m thinking about starting my own business. I could start out consulting on projects and hopefully develop shows eventually. It’s going to be hard, but I want to figure it out.”

“So you’ll consult on other people’s projects, but still be my girl?” I’m teasing, but there’s truth there too. I wish she’d work with me, but I know enough not to suggest that right now. It’s hard because the inevitable changes in our lives ahead unsettle me.

“Of course. I’ll always be your girl,” she says, smiling at me. “I know you’ll be supportive through the challenges. I just have lots of work to do as I learn to stand on my own two feet.”

“Of course I’ll be supportive.” I smile back, proud to be with a woman who is strong and able. “Whatever you need from me…just ask.”

She sighs and seems to relax before a smile lights up her face. “How about a kiss?”

Yeah, enough with the talking.

I gaze into her eyes before I kiss her tenderly. I hope she feels everything that’s in my heart. “I have so much love to give you.”

“And I want it all,” she whispers.

“You’re so demanding, you and your new path,” I tease.

“Kiss me again,” she insists.

I feel her hands weave through my hair while she pulls me to her. Her lips are soft yet insistent as they move over mine. I surrender to the feeling, and don’t hold back. We’re intoxicated with sheer desire pent up from our endless days apart.

We kiss and kiss, my body electrified just to have her pressed against me. My hand moves toward her breasts and I ache to touch her, but I stop myself. She pulls my hair and moans in protest. Seriously…how much longer does this woman think I can resist her? It takes all I have not to press her down over the mattress and show her exactly how much I want her. “You’re making this going slow thing difficult,” I warn her.

“Sorry,” she says, looking demure. She pulls back and lies against the pillows. “I know it would be prudent to go slow and be gentle with each other…we’ve been through so much this week. I’ve just missed you terribly.” She gives me the look…the hungry, insatiable one.


“That isn’t helping,” I say as I internally fight the ache for her. I know she’s still so shaky.

She puts her hands over her face. “I’m sorry,” she says sounding as frustrated as I feel.

“I’ll tell you what. I’m going to get up for a minute to cool off. I’m going to get some water…I think I’ll do that…yeah, that sounds good.” Now I sound like I’m trying to convince myself. “Can I get you anything?”

She nods. “Okay, could you get me some water, too? You know, I’m kind of cold so I’m going to wrap myself up in your blanket.”

I shake out the blanket and drape it over her. She smiles happily. Once in the kitchen, I pull two bottles of water from the fridge then lean over the sink and splash water on my face.

I have to take a couple of minutes thinking about random stuff until I calm down enough to rejoin her. I’m just about to head back when it occurs to me that Brooke probably hasn’t eaten. Before heading back to the bedroom, I root through the drawer full of take out menus from places that deliver in my area. I pull out the Middle Eastern, Italian, and Thai ones to show her. I’m not leaving the house as long as she’s here with me.

When I return to her, she’s crawled fully under the covers.

“Brooke?” I whisper. She’s still as a mouse and her eyes are closed. “Brooke, are you asleep?”

I’m met with sweet silence. I take the remote and lower the bed and she doesn’t even stir. I realize as the blanket falls back, that she’s holding something. With closer inspection, I realize it’s the picture I framed of us all dressed up at the Emmys. It takes some effort to pry it out of her hands and set it back on the nightstand.

Smiling, I kick off my shoes and strip down to my boxers and T-shirt before crawling in to hold my girl.

While she sleeps I hold her tightly, rubbing light circles down her back and pulling my fingers through her hair. For the most part she sleeps peacefully, but every once in a while her body tenses and her expression looks troubled. It pains me to know that for all I’ve suffered this week, I’m so much better now, yet Brook is still suffering. I fear it will take a long time for her to forgive herself for her part in our drama.

• • •

About an hour later when she stirs, I take it as an opportunity to wake her up. If I don’t, she’ll never sleep tonight. “Brooke,” I whisper, brushing her cheek with my fingertips. “Wake up, sleepy head.”

She blinks slowly three times until she realizes where she is. The most beautiful smile lights up her face. “I fell asleep,” she says with a yawn and a stretch.

“You needed it. You were exhausted,” I acknowledge.

“I haven’t really slept all week. That felt so great. Did you sleep too?”

“No, I just watched you. I couldn’t have anyway…I’ve never been more awake.”

She smiles. “Are you hungry? I’m starving.”

I pull the menus off the nightstand. She eagerly scans them before I order enough Thai food to feed a small army.

We have a picnic right on the bed eating straight out of the cartons. In between bites of Pad Thai noodles she surprises me.

“I guess I should go home after this. I need to start figuring out my plan.”

“It’s Friday night, Brooke. You can figure out your plan on Monday. Why don’t you stay with me this weekend?”

“You want me to?” Her lips curl into a sweet smile. “You’re right, we need time to just be together doing nothing,” she admits.

“Yeah, just be together. What was the first part of your plan, anyway?”

“Well I need to buy some office supply kind of stuff, get my office set up at home and reach out to some of my contacts. I also have to send a formal letter to all of my Sketch Republic peers about leaving the company to pursue other interests.”