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But will she ever see what she has given me?

Before I met Brooke, I was a shelclass="underline" smooth inside with jagged edges, a hollow form waiting to be filled. Now I feel a life force surging through me. Her love has made me believe that I can make my life whatever I want it to be.

and she thinks I animated her.

I run my fingers though her hair. “I could always tell who the true Brooke was. You always have been and always will be my dream girl,” I reply, smiling.

My words seem to light her up from within. She climbs up on top of me, straddling me with her hands pressed into my shoulders. “We’re going to do great things, Nathan.”

She’s so excited, so I get excited…but maybe not how I should. I try to shift so she doesn’t notice how excited I’m getting. I mean, she’s got yoga pants and a tight T-shirt on for God’s sake. How much does she think I can take?

“Brooke?” I groan. Is it my imagination or did she just grind over me?

“Yes,” she whispers, leaning forward so her breasts skim my chest.

“I’m getting too excited, you’ve got to stop. Remember, we’re going slow…” Surely she knows what she’s doing to me.

“Maybe I can’t stop. Maybe I don’t want to,” she offers, her mouth pursed in a pout.

“Brooke,” I moan. “I’m sure you can tell how desperately I want you.” My eyebrows knit together, as it takes everything I have to restrain myself. “I’m trying to be respectful and give you your space and all, but I can’t take much more of this.”

Evidently my speech only spurs her on. She pulls her shirt up over her head. If this is an endurance test, I’m going to fail. “Brooke?”

She’s watching me, almost challenging me to stop her. The bra is discarded next.

Oh my God. Her breasts…her perfect breasts. I feel the fire move from my groin all the way up my chest and across my shoulders.

“Brooke, you can’t do this stuff and expect me not to make love to you. That’s cruel.”

“I know what I said earlier, but I want you, Nathan…so much.”

“Like, want me, as in…have me inside of you?”

“Yes, I need to feel you inside of me.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. I hesitate, grappling with the physical pain of my need for her, yet wanting to make sure she’s emotionally ready.

She gives me a feral look and grinds again. I see strength in her eyes.

She’s ready.

She slides off the bed and I watch her carefully to see if she wavers. She quickly slides down her yoga pants and thong. I pry my jeans off and throw them across the room. Her fierce look of desire is steadfast. Maybe this is just what we need.

“Oh, my,” she comments, smiling at my erection once it’s free.

“Yeah, I’m a little excited. I’ve missed you a lot…I’ve missed this.”

She grins. “I’ve missed this, too.”

She wraps her fingers around me and strokes several times before climbing back up to straddle my hips. She bites her lip and her eyes become dark and sultry as she lifts up, then slowly, so slowly…sinks down over me.

“Oh, oh,” I moan. My heart is beating wildly.

As I gaze back up at her, I realize that her eyes are wet with tears. I wonder if this is too much, but then she takes a deep breath and opens her heart wide.

“I love you, Nathan,” she whispers as she curves over and kisses me tenderly.

“Oh, Brooke…”

Before she kisses me again, she rests her hand over my heart. “You’re everything to me.”

In that moment, I realize that every difficult part of our journey I’d do again if it meant we’d end up here.

“I love you so much. You’re my everything, too,” I say.

I reach for her, stroking her soft hips with my fingers. I fear if I don’t hold on I may shatter from all the emotion as we kiss slowly, languidly, soulfully. I’m overwhelmed with desire and my hips instinctively begin to rock against her. Her eyes roll back with pleasure before she refocuses and gradually starts to move.

Her hips swivel and I’m undone for the heat, and wetness, and look of longing in her eyes. I let out a low moan. I don’t know when anything has ever felt so good.

“What, baby?” she whispers.

“I’m just so glad we aren’t going slow after all.”

She pauses and sighs.

“I just learned something else to tell Judy,” she states out of the blue.

“What’s that?” I gasp, wondering how she can even think such a thing in the middle of this erotic scene.

“That when it comes to my feelings for you, going slow is not an option.”

Perhaps we were never meant to slow down.

“Well, don’t fight your natural instincts, B-Girl.”

I love her passionately, with all my super powers.

I love her tenderly, still mindful of her fragile heart.

I love her completely, until she understands the majestic way she has filled me, heart and soul.

Our climax unravels what was twisted up, showering us with fragments of light and sensation. She is completely open and brilliant as she pulls me in. I surrender to her open arms, falling deeper into her.

My B-Girl’s back…and she’s mine.

Animate Me / Chapter Thirty-One / A Picket Fence and Pixar

There are a lot of choices here, just pick one! Pick one so we can start!” ~Marlinxxx

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning when I take Brooke’s hand and gently pull her toward my parents’ front door. As we pass through the threshold, Mom walks down the hall toward us, and calls out to Dad, “Arthur, Nathan and Brooke are here.”

She wipes her hands on her apron as she approaches us. “Brooke,” she says with reverence. She reaches out and pulls Brooke into her arms.

I can tell Brooke is taken aback, but she welcomes Mom’s affection. When they finally move apart Mom takes Brooke’s face in her hands. “Darling girl, what you did for my son…” She shakes her head with a wide smile. “I still can’t believe how brave you were.”

“I don’t know if I was brave,” Brooke says. “I just had to do whatever I could for Nathan.” Brooke lowers her head, like she’s still struggling with her role in the situation.

“We’re so grateful,” Mom says.

“I’m just so glad it’s over,” Brooke admits before smiling and turning to me.

Just then Dad bounds down the stairs, buttoning the cuff of his shirt.

“Brooke, our heroine!” he booms. His hug is considerably more awkward, yet still heartfelt.

“I agree, Arthur. Brooke’s our heroine…our super hero!” Mom exclaims.

Dad nods enthusiastically.

I cringe at their corny effusiveness. I hope Brooke isn’t too embarrassed.

“Thank you,” Brooke says softly. “You’re too kind.”

I lean over and kiss her on the cheek, completing the mush in this sappy love-fest.

I’ve just polished off my second serving of waffles and sausage when Dad shifts the conversation to Brooke’s work plans.

“So Nathan said you’re planning to open your own company. Will you be a consultant solely, or do you have other ambitions?”

“Yes, eventually I’d like to develop properties into shows and other licensing opportunities. Usually as a consultant, you’re brought in as a knee-jerk reaction to a problem with an existing show. Frankly, new work would be more rewarding.”

“And you won’t miss working with a larger company?” Mom asks.

“No, not to say I didn’t appreciate the big paycheck and high profile, but I felt like I was dying a slow creative death there. Every decision was made for financial viability with no regards to quality or conceptual integrity.”

“Well, my guess is that you will feel empowered once you rise above the corporate quagmire,” Dad responds. “I worked for a large company once, and it brought understanding to that joke about how many executives it takes to screw in a light bulb.”