My knees buckled and I fell to the grass. Everything was spinning! Wildly, out of control! I could feel the artificial gravity weaken. The stabilizers had failed.
The dome was falling. Falling out of orbit.
The dome slid down the gravity well. Down to ward the blue planet. Red-hot glowing atmosphere turned the sky above me to fire. Emergency engines kicked in with a loud WHOOSH!, but they could only slow the descent, not stop it.
The dome hurtled at shocking speed down and down and down through the atmosphere.
Down toward the sparkling sea.
The dome hit water! Boiling, steaming water It rushed over the dome. I was sinking! Sinking beneath the ocean of the blue planet. I was powerless. Terrified.
After an eternity, the dome crunched heavily onto the ocean floor. Looking up, I could barely see the surface of the water a hundred feet or more over the top of the dome.
I climbed shakily to my four hooves. I was standing on a vast, open plain that was a piece of my own planet. A blue-green park, hidden deep beneath an alien sea.
And there I waited for weeks. I sent out thought-speak cries to my brother. I knew he would save me ... if he still lived.
But in the end, it was not Elfangor who found me. It was five creatures from the planet. Five "humans," as they call themselves.
They were the ones who told me of Elfangor's last minutes of life. He had broken Andalite law and custom by giving these humans the power to morph. I was shocked, but tried to hide it.
And they had witnessed Elfangor's death. His cold-blooded murder, by the Yeerk overlord: Visser Three.
6 Visser Three, who slaughtered my helpless, wounded brother.
Visser Three, the only Yeerk ever to infest and control an Andalite body.
Visser Three, known to all Andalites as the Abomination. The only Andalite-Controller.
He had killed Elfangor, and I had inherited a terrible burden. By Andalite custom, I would be required to avenge my brother's death.
Someday I would have to kill Visser Three.
7 Chapter One
The first thing an Andalite may notice about humans. is that they walk around on only two legs. It is very strange to see so many creatures balancing that way. But, despite this, they seldom fall over. - From the Earth Diary of Aximlli-Esgarrouth-Isthill
My full name is Aximlli-Esgarrouth-Isthill.
My human friends call me Ax. I am a young Andalite. I have four legs. I also have two arms.
And I have a tail.
I am told that I look like a cross between a deer, a scorpion, and a human. I've seen deer in the woods, and I don't agree. For one thing, they have mouths and I don't. And they have only two eyes, while I have four.
As for scorpions, I've only seen pictures. There is some resemblance, when it comes to the tail. An Andalite tail is also curved upward and tipped by a very sharp blade.
As an Andalite, I have the power to morph. It's not something we're born with - it's a technology. But we invented it, and we are the only race in the galaxy that has it.
Except for my human friends, that is.
They can morph, too. But it's thanks to Andalite science. And thanks to the fact that my brother broke our own laws to give them this power.
The one great problem with morphing is the time limit: two Earth hours.
That time limit was the problem as my human friends and I set about on a particular mission.
It was a mission that required careful planning and careful timing. It was a mission full of risks.
We were going to a movie.
"So, here's the deal, Ax," Marco explained. "You can watch the first hour of the movie. But that's it. We can get you to the mall theater, and you watch for an hour. Then we have to get you back to the woods to demorph."
A movie. Movies are an important part of human culture. I had decided, if I was stuck on Earth among these aliens, that I should at least learn about them. Maybe I would never be the big hero Elfangor was, but I could surely become the biggest expert on humans.
Of course, I would have to attend the movie in a morph. I couldn't go around in public in my own Andalite form. Humans would have been terrified. And the Controllers - those humans who are infested by the Yeerk parasites - would have tried to kill me.
Which would have ruined the entire movie experience.
I would have to morph. To take on a different body. But this particular morph was one I had done several times before. I didn't expect there to be any problems.
8 We were standing together under the camouflage of the forest where I now live. Prince Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel, and Tobias were all there. Although Tobias was some distance away.
"Okay, let's do this," Jake said, making sounds with his mouth to form words. He glanced at his watch. "Rachel? You have the backup plan ready? Where does Ax go if he needs an emergency demorph?"
"The dressing rooms at Nordstrom's. They're big and private. Best dressing rooms in the mall.
Cassie and I will be posted outside the theater, ready to rush him there if an emergency situation develops."
"And Rachel promises not to stop and shop in Junior Miss on the way," Cassie said, grinning.
Jake glanced up to the sky. Up above the tree-tops, a red-tailed hawk floated on a warm breeze. "Tobias!" Jake yelled.
"All clear," Tobias called down in thought-speak. "I don't see anyone." Tobias is a nothlit: a person trapped in a morph. It is what happens if you stay beyond the two-hour limit. Tobias is a human, but his body is that of a hawk. He has adjusted well to this bizarre new life. He lives in the forest with me.
For a long time I expected Tobias to ask me the question that must have haunted him day and night: whether it would ever be possible for him to escape his hawk body. But he never did. I guess he was afraid of the answer. So, I didn't volunteer one.
"Okay," Jake said. "Let's do it."
I began to morph. The first thing I felt was a slipping, melting, almost sickening feeling as my internal organs began to shift around. There was a scary little jolt as my second and third hearts stopped beating. I heard a grinding sound from inside my body as my spine began to shorten.
Soon I was in danger of falling on my face as my front legs shriveled. My arms grew thicker and stronger, but two fingers on each hand melted together to leave me with five-fingered hands.
My shoulders grew wider to support my large arms. And my hind legs grew sturdier as more of my weight was shifted onto them.
The stalks on my head began to retract, and as they did, my stalk eyes grew dimmer and dim mer, like someone turning off the light. Suddenly, they were gone and I only had two eyes.
I dislike that. Having just two eyes is so limiting. You can only look in one direction at a time. You can't even look behind you.
My spine continued to shorten. In fact, it sucked completely out of my tail, which left my tail as limp as a rope. Then the weak remnants of my tail simply withered away.