A restaurant on the other side of the street caught her eye and she realized that she hadn't eaten a thing since she had swallowed Bill's load of cum and that was hours ago. She could go into the restaurant, order- some tacos and tortillas, and make plans. As she crossed the street, her entourage followed loyally.. When they saw her go into the restaurant, they were disappointed, butthey didn't give up. Spreading out, they lined up at the window and peered in.
Ann carefully picked her seat. She wanted to give the boys outside a good view. There was a stool at the counter that would enable her to tease them, and she sat down on it. Facing forward gave the boys at the window a view of her profile, but,by swiveling on the stool, she could show them her front or back. An older man waited on her, and as she gave him her order, she could feel the man's gaze caressing her tits.. He went to call her order through the opening that lead to the kitchen, then leaned on the sink behind the counter; and continued to stare at her. She appreciated his interest, but it was the young meat outside that she concentrated on. Rotating towards them, she crossed her legs. Her skirt fell up towards her waist, uncovering more of her milky thighs. She knew that if the boys were closer, they would be able to see the few pussy hairs that were sticking out from under her skirt. They would also be able to smell the odor of her twat juice, just as she could smell it.
Every once in a while, she would look at them through the window. She wanted to make sure that they were still there, and she wanted to let them know that she was aware of them and their interest in her. They seemed to be huddling together as if they were discussing something. Then they lined up at the window again, but two of them came into the restaurant. She figured that they probably had chosen two guys as a delegation to approach her.
As the two walked right over to her, she knew she had guessed correctly. They sat on either side of her. One of them was very tall, slim and dark. He wore his hair long, and it fell straight to his shoulders. The other was shorter than average, but also thin. He had an especially handsome face, and Ann was immediately attracted to both of them. She guessed that they were between fourteen and sixteen, and they probably were; Ann had become an expert at estimating young boys' ages.
She smiled at one, then the other. They smiled back, but were shyer than she expected. They didn't say anything at first, but after they ordered a taco a piece, the taller one said, "That's a nice car you have, lady."
"Thanks," she said. "My name's Ann, what's yours?"
"I'm Jose and this is Pedro," he said.
Ann noticed that they were both moving their eyes up and down her body. Their dark eyes flashed at the sight, and their nostrils flared as the increasing odor of her juices rose to their faces. The man brought her food and set it down in front of her. By that time, her appetite. had gown, but her tastes for tacos and tortillas had changed to a craving for these young kids' hot cocks.
"I don't seem to be very hungry. I don't know why I ordered all this food," she said. "Can you guys eat it for me? I'll just have a few bites." When the waiter brought the boys' tacos, she divided her dinner up for them and suggested that they sit in one of the booths near the back of the place. Jose and Pedro thought that was a good idea and they picked up the plates and moved.
Ann saw the boys turn their heads towards the window with sly smiles on their faces. She understood hew they felt about being in there with her, while the others were fill outside.
Ann slid into the booth and Jose sat beside her, with Pedro across the table. They began to eat the steaming food, but their eyes stayed on her body. It was comical to Watch them trying to eat the tacos and tortillas and keep looking at her. Pedro was sticking his fork everywhere but in his mouth and ipse had taco juice running down his chin. Ann sipped her Coke and watched the boys. She lifted her feet and put them on She seat across from her, next to Pedro's side. She wondered it' the boy would have the nerve to touch her leg. If he didn't; she would have to be more aggressive. Jose was looking down into her lap, where her skirt had once again risen to within an inch of her bare cunt.
Ann dropped a hand into her lap and stroked her creamy inner thighs. She could feel Jose's temperature rise as he continued staring down at her lap. Pedro was so transfixed by her rising and falling tits that he hadn't noticed her legs up on hisseat, so she gave — him a nudge. It was hard for her not to laugh at the way he jumped when he felt her foot tap his leg, but it had the desired effect He put his hand on her leg, and began finning it from her sensitive ankle to her well-shaped knee.
Now one of the kids had his hands on her, and she would get Jose's hands on her a soon as he put that taco down. He didn't put it down at all, but it didn't take him long to eat it, and before he could pick up mother, Ann grabbed his arm and dragged his hand down to her lap. She placed it right on the smooth skin below her cunt, and then put her hand on his thigh.
It only took Jose about two seconds to find that she didn't have any underpants on. While Pedro was stroking her leg, his buddy next to her had stuck his finger right in her crotch. He didn't even seem surprised to find that her pussy was naked. Ann gasped a the boy's fingertip, touched the pink lining of her twat. She was already wet, and his finger slid right into the slit. He was making it obvious that he had some experience massaging cunts.
His fingers slid back and forth over the inner lips, and then, slowly, he entered them. Ann's body shook with lust as his fingertips went deeper and deeper into her cunt. The slick liquid was drooling from her twat-lips and soaking Jose's hand as he probed farther up her tunnel.
Pedro could see that something was going on across the table. He peeked under the table, and when he saw his friend's hand in Ann's cunt, he got so excited that he banged his head on the table's edge. It didn't seem to bother him at all; he was trying to figure out how to share some of the hair-pie with his partner. Ann saw him staring at the two of them with desperation on his face, then his head disappeared under the table again as if he hadn't believed what he had seen the first time. He stayed out of sight for a while and Ann was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to surface.
While Jose's fingers were at work in her crotch, she moved her hand to the bulge in his pants and felt the stiff pole trapped in there. She could feel the head of the dong, and the ridge that bordered it. Its heat radiated through the cotton of his pants, and into her fingers. Ann began fumbling with his fly in an effort to free the prick trapped in there. As soon as Jose realized what she was trying to do, he helped her unzip his pants and pulled the twitching rod out in the open. She stared down at his lap now with as much hunger as he had shown while staring into hers. The giant prick was sticking above the level of the- table, and to keep their game a secret from the guy behind the counter, she grabbed it and held it out of sight.
Ann had forgotten about Pedro, who still was out of sight. When she felt another pair of hands on her crotch, though, she was reminded of him.
He had crawled under the table and was delving into her cunt from under there. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have minded the more fingers in her snatch the better she liked it but she didn't want to cause a commotion that would spoil her chances to get everything she wanted out of these young fuckers.
"Listen, you guys, Pedro, can you hear me?" she asked the kid under the table. "I'll go into the ladies' room, and you both join me in there, okay?" They agreed, but were reluctant to take their fingers out of the wet, hot folds of her cunt. She managed to extricate herself, and she slipped but of the booth, pushing Jose in front of her. His prick was still out, and it waved in the air as she pushed him out of her way. If the old guy noticed what was happening, he might throw the kids out, and that would break Ann's heart at that point.