"Oh," I said, with a wisdom I didn't feel.
"If you want one, though, I have a cousin who has a stall that sells them. It's about three rows up and two rows over. It might be a good investment for you. Could save wear and tear on your dragon if you come up against an unattached dragon. It'd give junior there a better chance of growing up."
"That brings up another question," I said. "How long does it take?"
"Not long. It's just three rows up and…."
"No. I mean how long until my dragon reaches maturity?"
"Oh, not more than four or five centuries."
I'm not sure if the dragon said that or I did.
Chapter Nineteen
By persevering over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.
"C'MON. Gleep," I said.
"Gleep," my dragon responded, falling in behind me.
Now that I was the not-so-proud owner of a permanently immature dragon, I was more eager than ever to find Aahz. At the moment, I was alone in a strange dimension, penniless, and now I had a dragon tagging after me. The only way things could be worse would be if the situation became permanent, which could happen if Aahz decided to return to Klah without me.
The place previously occupied by the Pervish restaurant tent was definitely empty, even at close examination, so I decided to ask the Deveel running the neighboring booth.
"Um… excuse me, sir."
I decided I was going to be polite as possible for the duration of my stay on Deva. The last thing I needed was another dispute with a Deveel. It seemed, however, in this situation I needn't have worried.
"No excuses are necessary, young sahr." The proprietor smiled eagerly, displaying an impressive number of teeth.
"You are interested in purchasing a stick?"
'A stick?"
"Of course!" the Deveel gestured grandly around his stall. "The finest sticks in all the dimensions."
"Aah… thanks, but we have plenty of sticks in my home dimension."
"Not like these sticks, young sahr. You are from Klah, are you not?"
"Yes, why?"
"I can guarantee you, there are no such sticks as these in all of Klah. They come from a dimension only I have access to and I have not sold them in Klah or to anyone who was going there."
Despite myself, my curiosity was piqued. I looked again at the sticks lining the walls of the stall. They looked like ordinary sticks such as could be found anywhere.
"What do they do?" I asked cautiously.
"Aah! Different ones do different things. Some control animals, others control plants. A few very rare ones allow you to summon an army of warriors from the stones themselves. Some of the most powerful magicians of any dimension wield staffs of the same wood as these sticks, but for most people's purposes the Smaller model will suffice."
"Gleep!" said the dragon, sniffing at one of the sticks.
"Leave it alone!" I barked, shoving his head away from the display.
All I needed was to have my dragon eat up the entire stock of one of these super-merchants.
"May I inquire, is that your dragon, young sahr?"
"Well… sort of."
"In that case, you might find a particular use for a stick most magicians wouldn't."
"What's that?"
"You could use it to beat your dragon."
Gleep!" said the dragon, looking at me with his big blue eyes.
"Actually, I'm not really interested in a stick."
I thought I'd better get to my original purpose before this conversation got out of hand.
"Ridiculous, young sahr. Everybody should have a stick."
"The reason I stopped here in the first place is I wondered if you knew what happened to that tent."
"What tent, young sahr?"
I had a vague feeling of having had this conversation before.
"The tent that was right there next to your stall."
"The Pervish restaurant?" The Deveel's voice was tinged with horror.
"Gleep," said the dragon.
"Why would you seek such place, young sahr? You seem well-bred and educated."
"I had a friend who was inside the tent when it vanished."
"You have a Pervert for a friend?" His voice had lost its friendly tone.
"Well actually… urn… it's a long story."
"I can tell you this much, punk. It didn't disappear, it moved on," the Deveel snarled, without the accent or politeness he had displayed earlier.
"Moved on?"
"Yeah. It's a new ordinance we passed. AU places serving Pervish food have to migrate. They cannot be established permanently, or even temporarily at any point in the Bazaar."
"Why?" I asked.
"Have you ever smelled Pervish food? It's enough to make a scavenger nauseous. Would you want to man a stall downwind of that for a whole day? In this heat?"
"I see what you mean," I admitted.
"Either they moved or the Bazaar did, and we have them outnumbered."
"But what exactly do you mean, move?"
"The tents! All that's involved is a simple spell or two. Either they constantly move at a slow pace, or they stay in one place for a short period and then scuttle off to a new location, but they all move."
"How does anyone find one, then, if they keep moving around?"
"That's easy, just follow your nose."
I sniffed the air experimentally. Sure enough, the unmistakable odor was still lingering in the air.
"Gleep!" the dragon had imitated my action and was now rubbing his nose with one paw.
"Well, thank you… for… your…."
I was talking to thin air. The Deveel was at the other end of the stall, baring his teeth at another customer. It occurred to me that the citizens of Deva were not particularly concerned with social pleasantries beyond those necessary to transact a sale.
I set out to follow the smell of the Pervish restaurant with the dragon faithfully trailing along behind. Despite my growing desire to reunite with Aahz, my pace was considerably slower than that Aahz had set when we first arrived. I was completely mesmerized by this strange Bazaar and wanted to see as much of it as I could.
Upon more leisurely examination, there did seem to be a vague order to the Bazaar. The various stalls and booths were generally grouped by type of merchandise. This appeared to be more from circumstance than by plan. Apparently, if one Deveel set up a display, say, of invisible cloaks, in no time at all he had a pack of competitors in residence around him, each vying to top the other for quality of goods or prices. Most of the confused babble of voices were disputes between the merchants over the location of their respective stalls or the space occupied by the same.
The smell grew stronger as I wandered through an area specializing in exotic and magical jewelry, which I resisted the temptation to examine more closely. The temptation was even stronger as I traversed an area which featured weaponry. It occurred to me that I might find a weapon here we could use against Isstvan, but the smell of the Pervish food was even stronger now, and I steeled myself to finish my search. We could look for a weapon after I found Aahz. From the intensity of the stench, I was sure we would find our objective soon.
"C'mon, Gleep," I encouraged.
The dragon was hanging back now and didn't respond except to speed his pace a bit.
I expectantly rounded one last corner and came 10 an abrupt halt. I had found the source of the odor.
I was looking at the back of a large display of some alien livestock. There was a large pile of some moist green and yellow substance in front of me. As I watched, a young Deveel emerged from the display holding a shovel filled with the same substance. He glanced at me quizzically as he heaved the load onto the pile and returned to the display.