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Luke shifted into reverse. “Whatever it is—”

“It isn’t anything.” Rae massaged her aching chest. Could a person’s heart burst through their rib cage?

Luke cast her an enigmatic glance then focused on the road. “Okay.”

She nodded, swallowed. Told herself to chill. Her mother had dashed any hope of ever forming a genuine, caring bond. She’d chosen that bastard Geoffrey over her only daughter, and Geoffrey.… Even though Rae hadn’t divulged details regarding his betrayal, the man had retaliated against Rae nonetheless. Retaliated and refreshed his threat. In turn, Rae had chosen a new life. This life. If only they’d leave her alone. She glanced at her cell, noting another text from the woman who’d given her life and little else.


As if Olivia really cared. What she cared about was the money Rae had promised her—an emergency fund should she ever find herself unwed for longer than two years. Unwed and broke. Like that would ever happen. If Geoffrey ever cut Olivia loose, she’d just latch onto another tycoon. Money and men—her drug of choice. Along with attention. Still … the aging pseudocelebrity was probably just logical enough to want a back-up plan—namely access to her daughter’s inheritance.

Chest tight, Rae thumbed a response.


Not financially. But emotionally …

Severing that tie was crucial, otherwise Rae would forever mourn their wretched relationship.

She stared at the screen, dreading a reply. None came. Apparently she’d calmed Olivia’s concern and that was that. For now. Disgusted, Rae tossed her cell in her purse.

“Everything okay?” Luke asked.

Rae forced a smile. “It will be.” She scrambled to divert the conversation.

Luke beat her to it. “Join me tonight,” he said as he pulled into a private side lot of J.T.’s.

“For what?”

“Dinner,” he said as he pocketed his keys. “Rocky’s house, formerly Daisy’s house. Our traditional weekly dinner. Although Chloe will be cooking. New tradition.”

Thud. Thud. “Thank you, but no.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a family dinner.”

“Family and friends. Different guests every week, depending on who can make it. Monica and Leo will be there, if it makes you feel any better.”

It didn’t. A family and friends—close friends—dinner with the Monroes? It was too much, too soon. Too intimate.

“Daisy will be there, too,” Luke added. “Chloe. Rocky. Aside from my sister you haven’t met up with any of the Cupcake Lovers since you returned, right?”

“Just Sam.”

“Right. Anyway it might make things easier, more comfortable, if you reconnected on a personal level with some of the members instead of stepping in cold at Thursday’s meeting.”

It made sense, but she still wasn’t convinced. “Speaking of Sam, will he be there?”

“I’m not sure. Even if he is…” Luke shrugged. “Maybe it would help to have the family as a buffer. Plus, I’ve never brought a girl to Sunday dinner, Rae. If I bring you along, Sam will know I’m serious. About you. Us. Everyone will know.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“Hell, no.”

She laughed at that. At his casual honesty. For some reason it made her feel better to know Luke was still wary of their new liaison. Otherwise she’d question the wisdom of this whirlwind commitment even more than she already did. “Okay. I’ll come. In for a penny, in for a pound.” As nervous as she was about this family dinner, Luke had made some good points.

His mouth twitched. “You sure?”

“Hell, no.”

He smiled full out then cupped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

It was slow and deep and sweet, causing Rae’s body to hum with memories of their lovemaking a few hours before. Aside from the sheer physical pleasure, Luke had intensified the moment by admitting that he hadn’t been with another woman since their tumble in Bel Air.

Since you.”

Since December.

She didn’t want to read into that, but it weighed on her mind.

He’d flown all the way across the country on Christmas Eve to confront her and he’d come home affected. The fact that he’d been celibate since spoke volumes. That he’d asked her to be his girl, that he’d suggested an exclusive relationship, had intimated even more.

Rae had no illusions. This wouldn’t be easy. But maybe, just maybe, she and Luke were meant to be. Maybe the happily ever after she’d always dreamed of—a kind and caring husband, children of her own, and a down-to-earth existence—was within her grasp.

Framing Luke’s handsome face, Rae deepened the kiss while mentally stripping away one layer of her massively shielded heart.

Yes, she was opening herself up for hurt, but she was a warrior and her dream was worth fighting for.

* * *

Luke was buzzed.

On a kiss.

He practically floated through the side entrance of J.T.’s.

Yeah, boy, this was bad.

He’d told himself he was going to take this thing with Rae slow, that he was acting in a logical and responsible way. Considering he didn’t want her seeing any other guy, he owed her an exclusive. Considering he wanted to take an active role in his child’s life, it made sense to explore their physical attraction. If they were compatible, if it evolved into a matter of the heart, then he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

He kept reminding himself of the complications—her fortune, her secrets, her inability to trust, and her penchant to run from her problems. That damned stipulation of hers ate at him.

If even one of us is unhappy in this exclusive relationship … It only takes one to end it.

What about talking through the problem, sorting things out? If every couple split up just because one or the other had an issue, marriage would be obsolete. His parents had had their fair share of problems over the years, his grandparents, too, both sets. When the going got tough they toughed it out, worked it out. Granted, Luke had been in and out of a hundred relationships, but every one of those relationships had been casual. No strings attached. No expectations. Great sex and good times. Companionship.


Now that he’d committed to Rae, Luke was inspired to give it his best shot and beyond. It was in his blood. As was wanting what was best for his child. If that meant making some sacrifices or going the extra mile then, dammit, he’d do whatever it took.

He knew just where to start.

“You know your way around the store,” he said to Rae as they neared the old-fashioned candy counter. “Mind if I swing off for a few minutes? I need a word with Dev.”

His big brother had been the acting COO of the family department store ever since their dad had “retired” to Florida. As a workaholic, Dev used to practically live here. Things were different now that Chloe was in his life, but Luke knew Dev was here this morning because of the voice mail Dev had left on Luke’s cell the night before.

“You’re not going to tell him about the … you know,” Rae whispered. “Are you?”

“That’s not my intention, no. This is about something else. Business,” Luke clarified to ease her mind. “Although we can’t keep you know secret forever.”

“Just until I’m further along.”

Luke remembered what she’d said about the potential for miscarrying in the first trimester and made a mental note to bone up on pregnancy. He wanted to know what Rae was experiencing and what to expect. He wondered if they had audiobooks on the subject at the library. He’d just tell Monica or the other librarians that he was curious because of Chloe. Nothing suspicious about expressing interest in what his brother and future sister-in-law were going through, right?