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“I’m not talking about the cocktail,” Rae said. “I’m talking about you guys. You’re acting as if I never left. As if I’m Rachel. But I’m not. I mean we have the same personality pretty much, but … Don’t you want to know why I did it? Why I lived under an assumed identity for a year?”

“Of course we want to know,” Monica blurted.

Chloe elbowed her best friend. “We figured you’d tell us when you were ready.”

“Or not,” Rocky said. “Maybe it’s none of our business. What we know is that you came back to Sugar Creek to help the club and to revive Sugar Tots for the children and parents of this community.”

“We know you inherited a fortune on your birthday,” Chloe said. “Most twenty-five-year-olds would’ve gone on a trip around the world.”

“Or opted to spend the winter in Tahiti or some other tropical isle,” Monica said.

“Instead you’re here,” Rocky said. “In this frozen, freaking cold tundra.”

“We’re giving you the benefit of the doubt because you’re here for selfless reasons,” Chloe said.

“Not entirely selfless.” Rae clasped her hands so as not to wring them. “Some of my happiest days were the days I spent working with the children at Sugar Tots, the nights I spent baking cupcakes with the Cupcake Lovers. I may have kept to myself, but I absorbed every word, every action. I got a dose of how it should be between friends and family. Of good people with the best of intentions. Of the simple life. I can’t have that life in L.A. and certainly not within my mother’s circle—the only circle I know aside from this one.”

Rae blew out a breath and went out on an emotional limb. “I hid out in Sugar Creek to escape certain pressures having to do with my upcoming inheritance. I didn’t want to deal with my mom or my influential stepfather and their intrusive advice. I wanted to prove that I could make it on my own—with or without fame or fortune. In the process I learned a lot about myself. You know that saying, home is where the heart is?”

“Your heart’s here,” Chloe said.

“With Luke,” Monica ventured.

“Luke’s certainly a draw,” Rae said. “I developed a crush the first time I laid eyes on him. It snowballed and there was this kiss and then…” She glanced away. “There’s this connection. I can’t explain, but we’re going for it and … we’ll see.”

The women traded a look then focused back on Rae. “Just remember,” Rocky said. “Anything, anyone, worth having is worth the fight.”

“How to say this,” Chloe ventured. “Luke has a lot of female admirers.”

“He’s notorious for playing the field,” Monica said.

“A natural born charmer,” Rocky said.

“A huge flirt,” Chloe said. “Half the time I don’t even think he means anything by it.”

“But if you’re the jealous sort,” Monica said.

“Or the shy sort.” Rocky picked the label on her bottle. “Not that I’m trying to scare you off, Rae, but Luke loves people. Loves to socialize. I’m not sure he’ll ever be a homebody.”

Monica nodded. “If you’re looking for a homebody—”

“I’d be better off with Sam?” Rae stared back at the women, sensing they had her best interest at heart and probably Luke’s as well. Still, she was pretty fed up with being pushed toward the man everyone considered her perfect match. “To be perfectly clear,” she said in a calm but firm voice. “I don’t love Sam.”

“Do you love Luke?” Monica winced when Chloe gave her another jab. “What? Like I’m the only one who wants to know?”

“Yes. Yes, I do,” Rae said. She glanced toward the closed kitchen door, envisioned Luke enduring one of Daisy’s nasty cocktails just because she was his grandma, his senior, and it was the nice thing to do. “I think I’ve always loved him, which probably sounds crazy.”

“Not so crazy,” Rocky said.

“I haven’t told him,” Rae said, feeling a little panicked now. She didn’t want to scare Luke off. She was already scaring herself. Everything was moving so fast and she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all too good to be true.

“Well, he should definitely hear from you first,” Chloe said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, hon. One thing about this family—blood and associated,” Rocky said with a nod toward Chloe and Monica. “We know how to keep a secret.”

* * *

“Interesting dinner.”

“I’ll say.”

Jayce placed a pile of dirty plates on the counter.

Rocky started rinsing while he dropped a soap disk in the dishwasher.

Brewster trotted in behind them and sniffed the floor for crumbs.

“The canine vacuum,” Rocky said.

“I’ve got to break him of that,” Jayce said.

“You say that every night.”

After a couple of licks, Brewster curled up on a braided rug and Rocky and Jayce settled into their routine. Since Chloe did the majority of cooking on Sundays, Rocky had insisted she handle the cleanup after everyone left. Jayce had insisted on helping, making it a couple thing, which made it kind of nice. They had some of their best discussions while putting their dining room and kitchen back to rights.

“I think Rae might be pregnant,” Rocky blurted.

“What? Why?”

“There were signs.”

“What signs?”

Rocky passed Jayce the first rinsed of several food-caked dishes. “For one, she’s not drinking alcohol. She declined my offer when she stopped over the other night, then again earlier in the kitchen. At dinner, Dev poured wine for everyone at the table except for Chloe and Monica. Only Rae never touched hers. At one point, Luke discreetly swapped his empty glass for her full one.”

“Maybe she doesn’t drink.”

“I’ve seen her drink. Not a lot, but typically, when offered, she at least sips at wine or beer. Another thing,” Rocky said. “Did you notice how often she excused herself to go to the bathroom? Chloe mentioned that as one of her first symptoms. Having to pee a lot more.”

“Crossing into the too-much-information zone, Dash.”

“Did you notice how attentive Luke was?”

“He’s always affectionate with women.”

“In a playful way. This was different. The way he kept touching her and holding her hand. The way he looked at her. It was almost … protective.” She passed Jayce another plate then two cups. “You’re a PI. Half of your job is observing. How could you not notice?”

“I noticed.”


“Why would a dog like Luke commit to an exclusive relationship with a woman he barely knows?”

She raised a brow. “What are you, a mind reader?”

“A PI. I deduced your train of thought.”

She grinned. “Smart-ass.”

Jayce moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle. “I think you’re jumping to conclusions, babe. Rae’s a knockout. Her face, her body.”

“Thanks for pointing that out.”

He spun her around and tugged on her braid. “Can’t compare to you in my book. But you have to admit, physically, she’s Luke’s type. Plus she’s sweet and motivated. Hard not to get swept up in her enthusiasm about kids and education.”

“Her plans for Sugar Tots are pretty impressive,” Rocky said.

“Considering her background and the fact that she’s worth a fortune, you also have to admit she’s down-to-earth.”

“Amazingly down-to-earth.”

“Maybe Luke’s serious about Rae because he’s seriously in love.”

“Luke’s been in love a million times. Ask him. He’ll tell you.”

“Maybe this is the real thing.”

“Or maybe he screwed up and got her pregnant and now he’s trying to do the right thing.”