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At his words she noticed the grass trying to creep through the cracks in the pavement. Straggly vegetation doing battle with a concrete jungle. Like humans, it was determined to survive.

“Oh Brody.” Hannah’s eye flooded with tears. She’d spent the past year being strong, never stepping out of her secular world. And now that she had, she realized just how bad things were. The bubble she’d inhabited for so long suddenly burst and sorrow overwhelmed her.

Sinewy arms wrapped around her and held her tight. Brody rocked her in his embrace, rubbing his cheek over the top of her head and supporting her as she sobbed.

She didn’t know how long they stood there while she cried for everyone who had died. While she cried for the dreams that were lost. She also cried knowing her sister, the little girl she’d helped raise, was alone in this terribly dead world. And finally she cried because she realized Brody was her last chance at having love and a family. If he left, there was nothing and nobody to fall back on. She’d truly be alone.

Eventually her tears subsided to hiccups and, moving out of Brody’s embrace, she scrubbed at her red eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice and eyes laced with concern.

Hannah nodded, not trusting herself to speak without breaking into sobs again.

“It’s getting late. Do you want to find a place to camp here for the night or do you prefer to get out of here?”

Hannah answered that instantly. “Anywhere but here please.” She didn’t want to sleep surrounded by this monument to humanities follies and death.

With a nod, Brody got on the bike. Hannah took a step toward him and stopped dead, suddenly struck by the image. Like some kind of apocalypse cowboy, he straddled his steel horse with his weathered leather jacket, snug jeans, and windblown hair. The only thing missing was a wide brimmed hat. His gaze held hers, and she could see the love shining in his eyes. She almost cried again.

Oh I love you, Brody.

They left the oversized graveyard, the miles flying by but never far enough to make her forget.

Twilight arrived early this time of the year, and Hannah clutched Brody tightly as the diminishing light made the drive even more treacherous. Finally, he pulled into a roadside motel and stopped the bike.

“Stay here for a second.” With long strides, he went into the motel office and came back out moments later dangling several sets of keys. Trying the doors of units with no cars parked out front, he went into two and exited, before entering a third and signaling her.

“Why don’t you go in the bathroom and see if there’s any water still running. I’ll bring some food and stuff in.”

Too exhausted to argue and with a sore ass, she went into the motel room and found it dusty but intact. Wandering into the bathroom, she turned on the tap and, after sputtering brown for a few minutes, the water ran clear if cold. Using the washcloth she found on the shelf above the toilet, she cleaned herself up, the abrasive, wet cloth making her feel alive again.

When she came back out, she found Brody stripping the top cover off the bed.

“What are you doing with the sheets?”

“I’m going to shake it out so we’re not hacking on dust all night.”

Ever thoughtful. How could she not love him? Hannah opened the pack he’d brought in and pulled out food, a meal he supplemented by raiding the vending machine in the office.

They ate in silence and almost darkness. When finished, as if by mutual accord, they stood and fell into each other’s arms.

Hannah needed to feel him. Taste him. With frantic fingers, she attacked his clothes and in moments they both dove on the bed naked. His heavy body covered hers, the hot, hard length of his cock, nudging her sex.

She threaded her fingers in his hair, holding him close to kiss. Her tongue curled and danced around his.

She broke off the kiss and panted, “Lie on your back.”

Brody obeyed. Hannah knelt between his legs, the darkness forcing her to feel her way around his body. He gasped as her hands skimmed his thighs and cupped his heavy sack. Having discovered her goal, she leaned forward and found his shaft with her mouth, the tip moist. She licked it, tasting the saltiness of his excitement. Laving his cock with her tongue, she explored all of him before she took him into her mouth to suck him. Even though she couldn’t see him, she could picture him. His head would alternate between going back with his eyes shut and facial muscles taut, to looking down at her with a smoky gaze that promised reciprocation.

Hannah shuddered, her pussy damp with the thought of what he liked to do to her with his tongue, that weapon of mass orgasm. She bobbed up and down on his hard length while her hand fondled his balls, squeezing and kneading them ‘til they grew tight.

He groaned. “Kitten, I’m gonna lose it.”

With a final suck, she let go of his cock and by feel again moved herself in position to straddle him. His hands helped guide her and when she felt his swollen head poking at her nether lips, she sat down.

Impaled on his thick length, she finally gasped and threw her head back, not moving for a second, just enjoying the feel of him inside her. Leaning forward to brace her hands on his chest, she rocked, each motion sending a jolt of pleasure through her, bringing her closer and closer to ecstasy.

But Brody had no intention of letting her cum that quickly.

Before she knew it, Hannah found herself flat on her back with the cock in her cunt replaced by his tongue. His hands holding her thighs wide, he licked her, spreading her wet folds and lapping at her core. Finding her clit, he flicked it with his tongue and sucked it, driving Hannah wild. Arching on the bed, she clawed at the sheets.

Incoherent at the torture he inflicted, all she could manage to say was “Oh” as he brought her to the brink and then stopped ‘til she calmed enough so he could start again with his torturous tongue.

When Hannah thought she would die, he finally slid into her. The fullness of his throbbing cock inside of her, she came with a loud scream. Her pussy trembled around him as he drove himself in and out, each thrust hitting her G-spot inside and making her orgasm go on and on. Hannah moaned, her body boneless and shuddering under him. And still he fucked her, driving his penis into her over and over ‘til finally he went rigid and shouted her name, his cock spurting hotly inside of her.

Collapsing on her, they clutched each other tightly, overwhelmed.

“I love you,” Hannah said, suddenly deciding it was stupid to deny it.

“And I never stopped loving you,” he said, softly rolling to his side and snuggling her into the crook of his arm.

Hannah knew she shouldn’t, not after the moment they’d just shared, but she finally had to ask, “If you loved me, why did you leave in the first place, and why did it take you so long to come back?”

* * * * *

Brody could hear the pain in her voice. Hell, he could still remember how lost and hurt she’d looked when he left. A pang went through him at the agony he’d caused her. It had all been his fault. He never should have gone and left her alone. It was a wonder she could forgive and love him again. He still hadn’t forgiven himself.

“I knew it was wrong to leave even as I drove away.” Brody started to talk, needing to explain himself so they could start fresh. “But I was so angry and proud that I didn’t stop. I wanted to prove to my dad that I could be something, and I wanted to show you that I was worth loving. That I could give you all the things you deserved.”

“All I wanted was you,” she said in the darkness, her voice small.

“You know what they say about hindsight. Well there I was, cocky and determined to make it big. I’m still not sure how I figured that would happen. I didn’t have all that many skills, and I’d never finished college. A fact I sadly regretted as the only jobs I got offered were menial grunt work. I wanted to come home when I realized the world was a much more cutthroat place than I’d expected. I was one of thousands of young men looking for work. But I couldn’t come back a failure-”