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Message to Galatam.

Message is to Efesyanam.

Message is to Filippiytsam.

Message is to Kolossyanam.

Message is to Jews.

John is the "Evangelist's" (?!) revelation, (revelation of Jehovah- devil).


Book for denominations and sects all directions tells about crimes Jehovah - the devil during his reign on Earth. Jehovah is the Owner of Land, the (citizen New-York), the main planetary pervert: zoophile, homosexual, pederast and pedophile. Jehovah - the blood-thirsty murderer, the weapon its axe is. In all embodiments it decayed itself and decomposed the population. The Owner of Land during the board made crops on the Planet of all types of sexual perversions and crimes. Parades of Gays are "creativity” Jehovah’s. The Old Testament (Torah) is the book of the Beast, his number - 666, a name - Jehovah, a position (selective) - the Owner Earth (devil and satan). Jehovah is the author of the Old Testament (Torah) and distortions in the New Testament. The Old Testament is the reference book of damnations, executions, wars, robberies, murders and revenge. Jehovah and Christ belong to opposite space forces. Christ (God) is higher than Jehovah (devil) according to the status . Christ and Maitreya is Uniform Identity!!!

Michael the Archangel is the Great Lord of the Shambhala, the Patron of Russia, Slavs, Israel, Jews, religions and philosophies! New "Doctrine of Living Ethics" is given; the author is the Great Maitreya , Lord Shambhалa, the coauthor - Lordness Shambhala is E. I. Rerich. Teaching of Christ is the beginning Teachings of the Living Ethics, which aims to prevent all peoples and religions about a coming all-planetary of the tragedy Apocalypse and to give information about the reasons for the confrontation between the two opposing forces of Light and darkness. Will the division of people on of Light and shade. The Each person has to make a choice: God or devil. The decision should be made in this embodiment. The following embodiment will be a consequence of your decision. Worship is the ballot. Aum. Amen. So will be!

Maitreya is Supreme, the Father Universe, the Founder and the Creator!

All planetary electoral campaign: God and devil.

Appeal to help Forces to keep the planet and mankind. The planet is threatened by explosion. Goes allplanetary election campaign, two participate: 1. Maitreya - God , the Great Lord of the Shambhala, the shown Father of the Universe. 2. Jehovah-devil representative of "Lucifer" on Earth, the Owner Planet, devil and satan.

1. 1. Maitreya – God. Maitreya is the first Beam of the Father of the Universe and the first Beam is equated to the Father. The Father of the Universe is the Sun; He never leaves the post, its Beam works. Maitreya is full manifestation of the Father Universe, - Supreme! The Highest, the Lightest above It isn't present anybody in Space. First Hierarchy Planet is and Solar System. His Great Way is 3000 embodiments! Great Maitreya Passed the Way from "the pastor of sheep" to Supreme. All embodiments His were steps Ascension.

Great Maitreya is the Leader of our Solar System, the First Archangel - a position which Takes up Lord Shambhala during passing of evolution of the person. The Archangel the Bauity is one from names of Archistratiga Michaiel's. He is a Patron of Russia, Slavs, Israel, Jews, religions and philosophies! The Great Lord of the Shambhala (the Himalaya White Brotherhood), is the Founder of our Planet and everything that lives and breathes on it! Great Maitreya is our Father Heavenly, owing to His love and care of us. He is All!

"Shambhala – is the Community of Adherents and Archat’s; the Stronghold is vanguard evolution bureau, Lords is planners planetary - space scale. They sate space with images of those forms which have to be realized". The Shambhala is created by power of thought along with the Planet. In the east the Truth is accepted, that the Uniform Greatest Spirit is the Founder of our consciousness and Christ Redeemer of our mankind.

This spirit – is Vishnu's Avatar also appears on Earth every time when the mankind reaches a deadlock and shift of consciousness is necessary! Thus, all Systems of the World are Shapes of the same Spirit - the Avatar of Vishnu which is shown as Rama, Krishna (God Vishnu), Kapila, Gautama Buddha, Moria (Christ), Maitreya (God Vishnu), Kalki of Avatar . It was shown and in other shapes, less bright but always the truly selfless.

Avatar - is Descend of the Highest Spirit. Vishnu is machismo the Universe, the Founder and the Creator. Lakshmi - is a feminine. In total from Them anything except Them isn't present.

In Tibet in all temples-monasteries there are gilded busts of all Buddha’s, at a bust of Maitreya by gold letters is written: "Fifth Buddha Maitreya, Buddha is of the future". The bust has appearance of the Chinese. In one from the last lives It was embodied in China, as Avalokiteshvara - Lord, which we see is. The intimate Doctrine speaks: "It, who by the first it is shown when Updating will appear the last before Absorption (Pralaya)". So Logos’ of all people, beginning from the Vedic Vishvakarman's Mistery to the Savior of the modern civilized nations, essence "Word", which was "at the Beginning", at awakening of the active Forces of nature with Uniform Absolute. Given rise by Fire and Water before than they became certain elements.

He was Creator, former, or scheduler all real. "Without it nothing was it is created from this that was created. In it was life and life was Light of people and eventually it can be it is called, than it always everything will be again it is absorbed with it in Fire and Water . This Bodhisattva, as it is told, «accepts any form, pleasant to it", from beginning Manvantara's (cycle) till its end. It will appear s Kalki Avatar the Buddha the last from Avatars or Buddhas in the Seventh Race. This belief is the general to all East. It essence is forms of the Seventh All-world Principle. "the Self-shown is Son of the Father", Logos, Ubiquitous Universal Spirit, shown in temple Space or Nature ".