20. Sergiy Radonezhsky
Sergiy Radonezhsky is one of embodiments of Great Maitreya , Lord Shambhala. "God and the Homeland" - here that moved life and Sergiy's destiny. And this love gave the chance to it to execute up to the end so absolutely the Lord's precept about love to people.
Sergiy built communities; rendered habitable the territory of Russia, approved Orthodoxy, and helped Dmitry Donsky with fight against foreigners.
21. Sergiy Radonezhsky with birds.
Sergiy – is the Defender of the earth of the Russian. Riches of a monastery so increased that treasury monastic could lend the sums for the state needs. Its Monastery helped Peter I with fleet construction. Sergiy was the leader, inhaled heroic spirit in the people; It directed it in the future. He and now because communication of Great Spirits with business and feats of their life is indissoluble remains such leader. Subsequently its Monastery became the center of spiritual culture, a support and a shelter all heavy minutes of the Earth of the Russian. Its life is incessant and joyful work both spiritual and physical. So Sergiy grew from the inhabitant of the desert-contemplator in the public figure and prepared inscrutable ways for a role state (to help the Homeland). I grew with it and its Monastery which was fated to play a huge role in distribution of spiritual culture and strengthening of the state of Russian.
22. Sergey of Radonezh is conducting Andrey Rublyov.
The Sergiy, attached to fire and a fiery baptism, knew and knows the Divine nature. Sergiy wasn't the theologian and the dogmatic person, but his all life was a feat of imitation the Christ in his dedicated service to the Homeland and the World. Yes, Sergiy lived precepts of the Christ but not church statements. Whether also its refusal of a post metropolitan happened too what the Spirit knew it all divergences of church with Truth? ... Someone insists that Sergiy was the true churchman because It built churches and monasteries, established severe charters, ceremonialism, etc. But sense of all activity Reverend not in an external church, but in its highly moral and educational influence on his contemporaries is «Sergiy had a main goal; in the thick of the little-used wood, at the center which is saved up to put light knot of magnetic tension of big force. Spatial Light by long, constant, persistent efforts, that is Service, was concentrated and built in one point to invisibly to shine and be a magnetic (sacred) basis of the whole state and the great people. For distant future centuries the Great Devotee, the Great transmutator of space energy Has yielded fruits of the formidable life to the favorite people. He has given – crystallized synthesis of the highest and thinnest energy's issued in a fiery hearth of his Fire Spirit. Going his way assimilate to collectors of Space Treasures is Sky gifts.
23. Gesser - the Khan,
Gesser - the Khan is the legendary Mongolian khan (the eleventh century), the hero of the epos of Central Asia. "Lord of 10 countries of light, eradicate of 10 evils in 10 countries of light". The main hero is of the Tibetan, Buryat folklore associating in consciousness of the people of the East and Asia with an image of the Lord of the Shambhala. - Great Maitreya.
24. King Arthur
King Arthur. Its board was marked for Britain approach Golden Age, knightly feats on the battlefield. King Arthur fought with Anglo-Saxon conquerors.
Arthur and knights "round table" embodied the moral ideal knights. (Soviet the encyclopedic dictionary is 1985).
25. Hermes Trismegistus.
Three times great Hermes, Egyptian! The mythical personality, by name which the hermetic philosophy is called... The general name is of many ancient Greek writers on philosophy and Alchemy.
"About people of the Earth, the people given rise and made of elements but with spirit of the Divine Person in you regain consciousness from the dream of ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Understand that your house is not the Earth, but Light. Why you give yourselves to death if you can find immortality? Repent and change the mind. Leave darkness and decomposition forever". ("Pomandres").
26. Akbar Great.
"Legendary is Mongolian Han, son of the heavenly Lord. National hero is fighter for happiness of the people". Akbar - the Great Mogul, the emperor of Mongolia, united religions and broadened lands by a gain, - united two states: Mongolia and India.
27. Akbar Great.
Akbar is the governor of the Mongolian dynasty in India. In fight against separatist’s feudal lords I carried out a number of the measures limiting autocracy dzhigarchars of Muslim governors and dynastic marriages I strengthened relations with the radzhputsky principalities of India. I entered new religion, having connected Islam and Hinduism.
28. Akbar Great.
Emperor Akbar is "Beauty is and pride of a throne". Akbar is the Great Mogul (embodiment M. :), Akbar is Magnificent, Blessed, Akbar the favorite of gods and "Beauty of a throne of the world", here adjectives to His name. The emperor of Mongolia united two states: Mongolia and Northern India. In Mongolia there was Islam, in India the Buddhism. It united these two religions in one – the Buddhism. Having married the princess of India, it strengthened relations between these states and the people.