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"These two offers told briefly and precisely: there is no respect and aren’t present awes, so not the father for Israelis Jehovah-devil. And the meal isn't respected". On Saturn will be time to consider and to change the mistakes the attitude towards people. It isn't necessary to call it great and terrible. Word Great it isn't combined with the word the terrible. Force not in that, to do the evil (as education measure), and in, that not to do it!


The Old Testament is the chronicle of the Jewish people, the unsurpassed reference book of damnations, insults, and methods revenges to Jews from "Lord" for that, that they repeatedly tried to get rid of it. The author of the chronicle-the reference book is Jehovah, "the Lord" of Israelis, a planetary satan, a devil is.

If the author is a satan a devil Damnations and threats, wars and robberies, executions and evil reproach that Israelis constantly in search of God - the defender. Damnations and threats, wars and robberies, executions and evil reproach that Israelis constantly in search of God - the defender. Life in Egypt was for Jews a light spot throughout formation of these people. More 400лет they worshipped to God Sun Ra (Ramses II).

Four embodiments were devoted by the Great Lord of the Shambhala (Avraham, Ramses II Moisey Solomon) to relieve Israelis of influence of a devil. Moisey's Pentateuch kept only the name. Old Testament is not doctrine and only chronicle. Jehovah's all texts are spiritless. Repeat words are gold, the silver, expensive clothes, the description of a life and honoring of Lord. That sectarians find in texts of the Old Testament, reading its tens years and every day? God doesn't punish, He created the Space Law - Karma, which works as exact space Scales.

Old Testament (Torah) is the book of an BEAST, his number - 666, his name - Jehovah, a position (electoral) – the Owner Earth , devil and satan.

Chapter 3. New Testament.

For rescue of Jews from destructive influence of Jehovah - a devil, Jesus has been sent to Israel. In theosophy literature there are instructions that Jesus is an embodiment of the Teacher from the Shambhala - Kut Humi; the one, who was embodied earlier as Ardzhuna (the pupil and the friend God’s of Krishna), Orfey, Pericles and Pythagoras. Maria' son is Emmanuel was named Jesus, that later means "knowing", is Savior, Peace offering. Jesus was "Nazarey" (esoteric school)!

In the age of twenty three years Jesus went to India to the Teacher. «Sheich Rossul Moria, meeting with Christ and serving to Christ Redeemer throughout his entire great mission. Jesus too studied at the Great Wise man of the East Result Moria and stayed at It not less than seven years, then they together traveled across India, visited the Shambhala and then Jesus went from blessing of the Lord of Moria to the country.

But it couldn't finish there the mission; passionately overtired also got sick; and on a threshold transition to the otherworldly the world before it appeared in Thin Shape the great the Wise Man, also offered him to finish its Mission . Certainly, it was agreed with pleasure. Were great Space the reasons why it was necessary such replacement and continuation this Mission". Priests of Israel waited such Great Essence as Moisey, Solomon. When there came time Passionate Way and the Crucifixion, in it entered higher Spirit - Christ who has accepted Baptism from John the Baptist . There was a replacement of Thin Bodies and the Highest R eason. Also started preaching among the simply and poor. Statement, that Lord Маiтrеya and Christ are uniform Identity - Truth.

"Christ is approved in the Doctrine Live Ethics the Greatest. But even in early Christianity it is possible to find understanding, that uniform Great Spirit descended to Earth and it was embodied where there was a special need in new understanding of truth; identity phenomenon all Great Teachers. It is time to come nearer to mankind to world-wide Space Secret - the Uniform Avatar, shown with each Manvantara (cycle). Construction Space, process of evolution needs in the new educated understanding, in Love and Beauty". (E. I. Rerich, "Letters").

Christ after the crucifixion appeared in the thin body also taught Maria Magdalina to secrets of the Elevated World within eleven years. Subsequently these records were published by gnostics under the name "Big Questions and Small Questions Maria Magdalina". Words: Crests, Christ is synonym of the Highest also is borrowed from the dictionary pagan mysteries. Pagan is from the word languages.

Christ's appearance under the certificate Pontius Pilate: "hair light brown and, really, quite long, their ends a little more darkly, slightly wavy small windings, but locks remain are noticeable. Forehead light and wide, but it isn't visible wrinkles, eyebrows are slightly darker than hair, but aren't great, eyes blue and are lifted in corners, eyelashes give to eyes depth. It is a little cheekbones, nose small are noticeable and quite soft, small mouth, but lips quite full. Moustaches are small, not closing mouth. Also beard small and slightly doubled on a chin. … Not so much beauty, how much expression did the Teacher remembered".

Christ is Great Spirit, - in advance K new in advance to It judgmentally; even the crucifixion was allowed by Forces Light's. But only obstacles we grow! Only antipodes uplift each other! The chief conductor of a crucifixion of Christ is a planetary satan Jehovah.

After crucifixion Christ's appeared first statement of new religion.

If in the Bible the Old Testament didn't connect to the New Testament, the world if only won that, there would be Christ's the pure – Buddhi, wisdom. Cabbala, Bramahism left from буддхи. “If Christians haven't burdened themselves with "revelations" of the little people and haven't accepted Jehovah, Gnostic the idea would be called never heresy.Relieved of the dogmatic exaggerations the world would have religious system, based on pure philosophy, and for certain from it won". (E. P. Blavatsky, "The Exposed Izida").

Why Jesus, in search of model for the system of ethics, went to the bottom of the Himalayas (to the period from 23 to 30 years), instead of to the bottom of Sinai? For the reason that "Manu" and Gautama Budda's doctrines were in harmony with his philosophy where as Jehovah's doctrines were opposite to it and terrified it. The Buddhism learns to render good for the evil. Whether Christians, what Father Jesus’s and Jehovah is same will begin to claim?