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"the WANDERING JEW, (Agasfer) the hero of medieval legends, the Jewish wanderer condemned by god on eternal life and wanderings that didn't allow Christ to have a rest (according to many versions I hit it) on the way to Golgopha". (Moscow, SES, 1985).

All High Spirits know when the Traitor comes nearer to them. Each treachery for betrayed is a light exposition! But for the traitor and tolerating treachery, is horror of a chasm. The chief conductor of darkness is a devil, is also the tolerating!

"Christ knew the main stages of the Way, and knew essence of the people approaching It. After the crucifixion Christ spread out the physical body to atoms therefore his body wasn't found. The high Spirit in the Thin body cleared by fire of mental energy, having exempted from a physical cover before term (i.e. before the natural term of death put to it), owns extraordinary force on Earth.

This power could burn the whole country, but Christ Distroued, or Spread out only the physical body to atoms. And rise was made in fiery deification of a thin body. Pupils which eyes opened when among them unexpectedly there was a materialized Christ, could also see a miracle of discovery of prismatic sight - saw the shining Lord's cover which disappeared in the light of His Beams. The body the thinnest or "Glory body" as the Apostle Paul called it, isn't sprayed, but remains dressed in the sublimated (uplifted) fabric of the Matter of Lyutsida and after Christ's crucifixion". In three years after a crucifixion the apostle Pavel believed in Christ, is there is a birth of the new religion based on pure philosophy.

"The great Traveller directed consciousness human to the highest … It is impossible to embrace all depth of the sermon Great because in the simplest words It gave manuals of all essence of life. The value of its feat was in simplicity. Simplicity was that the Highest was put simple into words. Only in simplicity the good, - such is activity of the Great Traveller is expressed. And in the Thin World its influence is great, and It likes to go down in the lower class that the prana of its aura, cleared dark spheres. Don't think that for It such easy are descend.

It brought us Light also Imprinted the Precept death. Died because of us and for us; this victim It proved that it is possible to love mankind more, than himself. This Precept imprinted by great sufferings took root into consciousness of mankind more, than years of evangelical activity".

Christ's doctrine doesn't disperse in anything from the Doctrine of Living Ethics, it is so great them spiritual influence - merge and as it can be when Great Teachers represent the Uniform EGO. The truth is given by Great Teachers of consciousness and time. In the Doctrine of Living Ethics extensive spiritual Knowledge is given. Still never so much information was given, how many Gave Great Maitreya through the Pupils. Now the person reached a high intelligence and a perfect physical body. If not to lift spirituality, decomposition will begin. Modern spiritual ignorance is to that the proof. Godlessness, a sects where Jehovah - a devil is taken for the one whom he isn't, is harmful for mankind, - leaving to Saturn together with perverts and underworld.

Now many businessmen build temples. All temples modern - pagan; domes have a shape of a phallus (Jehovah advertizes the penis; he went mad on the genitals). Architecture of temples, icons, the distorted New Testament is from the Owner of land. Temples it is necessary to build the Buddhist: the round basis and walls without cellars and attics; a roof cone-shaped and above a spike, on which end a circle, and in a circle - an equilateral cross and a letter A that the First means - a sign of Great Maitreya!

of Act of Saint apostles.

The apostle is the follower of the doctrine, idea. Apostles in early Christianity are vagrant preachers of Christianity. Twelve apostles of Christ: Simone (Peter), his brother - Andrey, Jacob Zavedeev, Ioann (Maria Magdalina), Philip, Varfolomey, Foma, Matfey, James the Less, Judas Levvey (Faddei), Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. Ioann wasn't Christ's pupil.

Christ preached three years during board of the tsar Antipy who made a beheading of the head John the Baptist. Christ was crucified during Antipy's reign under control of Jehovah. In three years after Christ's crucifixion the apostle Pavel believed in Christianity and began to preach among pagans.

"To it to one (Ioann) are applied words of the Gospeclass="underline" pupil, which was loved by Jesus". Jehovah changed Maria Magdalina on Ioann. When the revived Christ Redeemer for the first time addressed to it iswith words: "W umen ! What do you cry? What you look for"?She didn't recognize the Lord, perhaps her eyes were full of tears, perhaps all its attention was engrossed by deep grief that it didn't find in a coffin of the loved Teacher. When it the friendly loveful sound of a voice of Jesus when He addressed to it with the usual gentle appeal concerned hearing: "Maria", she immediately recognized him on a voice and, full of feelings of pleasant amazement, awe and good fortune, rushed, was, to his feet and joyfully exclaimed: "Ravvuni!", (that the Teacher means). But, the Lord Told it: "Don't touch Me because didn't go back to the Father Mine" … yet "… Revival Christ was, exactly, in the Thin body. It didn't allow Maria Magdalina to touch It because the touch to the High Spirit appearing in the Thin body can be deadly because of a difference in vibrations".

"Maria Magdalina, one of wives of Myrrh-bearer, the most devoted follower of Jesus Christ who is once cured by Him of a terrible illness (seven demons). Day of her memory is celebrated on July 22. Maria Magdalina is equal to the apostles. I came from the Galilean city of Magdala, why I got the nickname. It was cured by the Lord of evil ghosts and therefore in feelings of gratitude to It, I joined number of those, few pious wives which were accompanied everywhere by Misters during his terrestrial life. At Christ's sufferings on a cross, Maria Magdalina, together with other persons, stood at its cross and was present at his burial. The ardent love it to the Lord received the greatest award, - it the first was before whom the revived "Redeemer" was. She preached Christianity in Rome, and at the end of life Maria Magdalina went to the monastery where Ioann was the prior. The gospel from Ioann was written down by Mary Magdalene, she was the highly educated schoolgirl among followers Christ's. If not Maria Magdalina, hardly something would reach us from original words of Christ". (E.I.Rerich, “Letters”).

Present "Seven demons" in one face of the main demon of the planet - Jehovah. Thus, he uses Creative Energy (the Holy Spirit – Mother World) for the crimes. In picture “Leonardo yes Vinci’s” is Christ and twelve apostles. To the right of Christ is Maria Magdalina.

Substituting Maria Magdalina for Ioann ; Jehovah is to revenge Maria Magdalina for last offenses. Several millennia to that it were embodied in Egypt in at one time with Jehovah. Jehovah has made to her a proposal of marriage, but was refused. Since then in relation to her in some embodiments he applies black magic personally itself, and through the demons (demons).