Before leaving to Saturn, perverts, the underworld worshipping to Jehovah devil will be embodied in EUROPE. Godlessness and permissiveness will cause volcanic eruptions, and the CONTINENT will be COVERED by the WAVE. The continent Atlantis will rise by a surface. Remained a little time, in 2046 there will be APOCALYPSE. the First on an ocean floor will leave ENGLAND. Hurry up to make the wise decision - WORSHIP. Apocalypse is division of people according to a treatment of light and shade. At many covers (body) will burn down. Fire and water will clear the Planet of negative generations human. You hold balance.
All who follow a devil are waited by Apocalypse - live will burn fire to clear of evil energy; is analogy of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jehovah hid information deliberately therefore protests against the Doctrine of Living Ethics. Everyone has to make the decision in this embodiment; the following embodiment will be a consequence of your decision. It is the only chance for Jews to depart forever from a devil to God. Those, who will follow the Doctrine of Living Ethics will be brought together in special places and will be rescued. Everything, who worships to Jehovah-devil, will leave with him to Saturn. There will be an involution. It will be made a fresh start: are minerals, plants, animal, primitive people. Will pass millions years that the person in the development reached our level. Before leaving he wants to blow up an Eartch.
So ardent enemies Light will leave to Saturn but opponent dark are doomed to relentless process of destruction and final disappearance
The Shambhala under guidance of Maitreya works in bloody sweat, rescuing ungrateful mankind. But trage is dies not to avoid. Europe will be covered by a wave. The first on a bottom will leave the country where traitors and thieves are embodied. For this purpose also to comed Maitreya, the World which has become a flesh came to us to rescue us and "our house" from destruction. Consciousness expansion not to stick to a matter, to be good to people, to build temples to Great Maitreya where will be distinctly, accurately and briefly to teach Wisdom.
The one, who doesn't accept the Doctrine of Live Ethics, serves darkness, so the enemy of evolution of mankind. Time to sweep from a planet of everything is opponents Light'. Not to stop evolution, it is the Space Law in which all planets participate, and we in the Space chain tail after. Also sectarians are guilty in it!
Goes all planets election campaign with who you are? Good luck, or with a devil? Because WORSHIP is there is a ballot!
In Space there is a uniform chain of evolution of planets, we shouldn't break the space law, - evolution of our Planet and mankind has to take place in a uniform rhythm of Solar System, the Universe and Boundlessness.
There is a all-planetary election company, with whom you good luck, or with a devil? Worship is the ballot!
Sectarians and Jews, on Saturn is a den of powers of darkness, and here serve Jehovah died criminals in astral bodies. You accept such society? Draw conclusions; accept the Doctrine of Live Ethics, support Luminous intensity! At the last moment before leaving to other Worlds of whom you will think, under whose beginning you want to be, with that and you will arrive.
Nobody can remain neutral between Light and darkness, between these two contradictory forces. Each person has to choose one of them; differently he will be crushed by both of them. Worship to Great Maitreya, your worship will be a selective voice in protection of powers of Light.
"Creativity" of the pervert Jehovah is on Planet Earth , 1-11.
Coalition of darkness consists of three is:
Read to "Ramayana" - the Indian epos; 7 thousand years ago the Indian poet of VALMIKI in verses presented to descendants of life of gods embodied in a body of the person. You watch video "Vishnu Puran" from 63 series "Ramayana". Site:
1. A dinosaur (from copulation Jehovah’s and lunar pitri with dinosaurs have occurred monkeys). 2. Jehovah and Lilith (first wife of Pederast's Jehovah). 3. Cow My (second common-law wife of Pederast's Jehovah).
The continent was located between America and Asia. The first Radical Race – the first people on Earth, were posterity "Heavenly People" - Lunar Ancestors. Jehovah was the Lord of the Moon. "Founders" “forgot”` to implant to the person brains (the head was flat and had a disk form) "Founders" entered in thin bodies into the created bodies human and having forgotten about "greatness" and copying command of animals, began to copulate with their females. The lord of the Moon – Jehovah too passed this way of falling and produced anthropoids – they are his children; this live monument to live god Jehovah covered the equator and adjacent to its territories. «Jehovah is the zoophile (a bed from scotomas). Jehovah gave the lowest three principles to the person. Great Maitreya to Insert the brains to zoophile Jehovah and “lunar pitri “. Jehovah first wife is was a monkey (Lilith). After Lilith there was a big cow - is the civil wife (animal). In space is the movie, - Jehovah is depicted during copulation process with big cocow. Devil is generation of all types of perversions. In synagogues there is information that Jehovah "Supreme". He dreams to construct "the Universe - to Satania" for perverts, underworld, Jews and sectarians. Instead of "Universe-Satania" there will be "Saturn-Satania".