Pavel is the son of the prosperous Judaic parents belonging to a current of Pharisees. In youth he got a good education. Well knew laws Moisey's and the Greek literature. Was eager, on Moisey's prediction of arrival of the Messiah. Originally his name was Savl. The gifted young man who had extensive learning together with others expected to see the powerful tsar who will restore a kingdom Jewish in all its gloss. His amazement and indignation when part of Jews and pagans recognized as the Messiah of the unknown Teacher from Nazareth is great. Pharisees - hypocrites, hypocrites, scribes. Nazarenes is Fiery Yoga’s got an education at teosofo-esoteric schools.
On the way to Damascus to it there was a wonderful change which turned Savl into the greatest preacher of Christianity - the Apostle Pavel. Paul the Apostle was condemned by Neron on beheading and executed together with Peter on July 29 the 65th year A.D. Neron is Jehovah's embodiment.
Message Jacob.
Chapter 1.
"Jacob, slave God' and Lord Jesus». The slave God', - means, the slave to Jehovah devil. Luminous intensity don't call the person the slave. They work millions of years to inform to the man of his word: "You are gods". Gods too were people but the aspiration to Knowledge, expansion of consciousness lifted them on spiritual height. From us it is required to follow their Way. If in the text words repeat: I will destroy, I will destroy, I will exterminate, I will expel, you will eat the children, I will send a morovy ulcer both other threats and damnations, - know, it tells the evil, a devil.
Chapter 1/19. "… any person yes will be fast on a hearing, medical flax on words, medical flax on anger;
20 because the anger of the person doesn't create the God's truth is".
Chapter 3/5.
And language is the small member but does much.
6. Language is fire profanes all body
8. None of people can't subdue language it is the uncontrollable evil executed lethal poison.
9. We bless with it God and the Father, and by it is damned the human created on God's similarity.
10. From the same lips there is a blessing and damnation.
"And the prayer of belief will cure hurting, and if he made sins, will say goodbye to it". Jehovah replaced with this offer the Law of the Karma. Will say goodbye nothing, everything should be fulfilled. Killed the person, - in following three - four embodiments the murderer will be deprived by lives at the same age in what the crime is committed. Performers of the Law of the Karma - people. Thoughts can be subdued, and, especially language; it is necessary to do favorite thing!
16. "Admit the friend before the friend offenses …". A confession from a devil is. Listening to a confession, assumes karma. Never tell anything to anybody about yourself, magnetism is lost. Don't listen to talk on diseases, - they can pass from one person to another. Also don't tell about diseases that there was no deterioration. Don't approve in yourself anything bad. Avoid the vampires who are sucking away energy.
First message Peter.
Chapter 1 / 3.
"God and Father our Lord' of Jesus Christ is blessed". You don't transfer lie of "Old Testament" to "New testament". Jehovah is the Jewish deity, a devil and a planetary satan. It is the national tragedy of Jews. Their future is Saturn. Christ is higher Jehovah to the status. Jehovah came from Chaos (Demon Universe Bramah is the patron of a devil).
"Because it is written: "Be Saint because I am Saint". Where it is written? In "Old Testament" Jehovah as a parrot, repeats words: "Be Saint because I am Saint, the Lord, your God". The one, who will read about Lemuriya (Jehovah – the zoophile), "Ramayana" (orgy), Neron (the pervert - the virtuoso) will long laugh. Jehovah too laughs at those, whom fools. He gave an assessment to the Old Testament (Torah) - ABSURDITY.
Chapter 2 / 6.
Because it is told in the Writing: "Here I believe in Zion a stone, corner, chosen, precious; and believing in It won't feel ashamed". Moisey on tables Itself wrote precepts for Jews. (Jehovah has no relation to these tables, the devil on Zion wasn't).
16, 17, 18. "God's slaves", "with any fear obey", is not from God. In the Doctrine of Living Ethics it is told that were afraid of nobody, got rid from themselves of fear. You love God above all, esteem Him as the Highest Essence, worship to It in beat. Space lives in beat and the person is a macro cosmos, the most difficult creation of God.
Second message Peter.
. Chapter 1/1. "Simon Peter, slave and Jesus Christ's Apostle". Christ told: "You are gods". Therefore Great Teachers from the Shambhala Want to help people to open in them Divine abilities. For this purpose Great Maitreya, the shown Father of the Universe, Gave us the Doctrine of Living Ethics,
Christ's doctrines. Those who will follow the Doctrine of Living Ethics, by the end of the fourth circle will be in fiery bodies; will become gods and will leave with Great Maitreya on His Star Uranium.
First message Ioann.
John the Evangelist wasn't Christ's pupil, and, therefore, wasn't the evangelist and the apostle. He was the prior of the monastery in the Hilt where Maria Magdalina spent the last days of life. She died and is buried in the Efes. Before she preached the Gospel is in Rome.
It was present at an agonal prayer of Jesus Christ at a garden Gefsimansky. Despising any danger is stood at a cross of the Crucified Lord together with mother Jesus and Maria of Cleopova (mother's sister).