A.S. Pushkin's poem Temporal Power" "When the great came true a celebration and tormently on a cross the deity came to an end, then on the parties of a livecreating of a tree Maria is the sinner and the blessed maiden stood, pale, two weak wives are shipped in immeasurable grief …."
. Chapter 3/12.
"Not as Cain who was from crafty and killed the brother". Cain is crafty, Jehovah's embodiment. Therefore the devil excluded the law of transformation that didn't know its past.
15. "… and you know that no murderer has life eternal …". (Jehovah the pervert - the virtuoso is and the serial murderer but lives eternally).
Chapter 4/18.
"The perfect love expels fear". Perfect love is Heavenly Love.
Message Judas.
Chapter 1 / 7 - 9. - From a devil. Residents of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were corrupted by Jehovah, with the purpose to use sinners in astral bodies after death for depravity of others. Here therefore the main laws are removed from Christ's Doctrine.
7. "As Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities, like them fornicating, and going behind other flesh, having undergone, executions of an eternal flame, are held up as an example,"
8. "… in the same way there will be also c them which reject the administration and the high authorities talk scandal".
9. "Micheil Archangel, when Spoke with a devil, arguing about Moisey body, he is courageous to say reproachful court, but Have told:
"Yes the Lord will forbid you". (Jehovah is a devil, and what Lord will forbid him if he calls himself the Lord, God and Almighty?) The disagreement turns out. Jehovah is the Owner of land, prince of Peace of this... only over us, and he is higher nobody and to call him in any way.
Message to Romans.
"… Savl decided to make the general persecution on Christians; for this purpose, having secured with powers, went to Damascus; on the way with it that wonderful change which turned Savl from the furious persecutor into the greatest preacher of Christianity - the Apostle Pavel came true. It served the idea with amazing self-rejection, neglecting all difficulties and dangers. Activity of the apostle Pavel was expressed not only in missionary works, but also in writing, and he is a one of the most prolific of writers of an apostolic eyelid. It possesses fourteen messages".
"Therefore God (Jehovah) to shameful passions betrayed them: women replaced them the natural use unnatural;
27. It is similar also men, having left the female natural use, were kindled by lust at each other, men on men doing shame and receiving in to itself due punishment for the delusion".
Jehovah devil made a nursery of perverts of Israel. Under its hypnosis there passed Jews-rakshasy all types of humiliations. On Lemuriya's continent the devil laid the foundation of zoophilia. Jehovah already was in a perfect physical body continued to copulate with animals. Also forced the nine-year old son slept with him until the wife with the son left him. Now the devil daily changes women with boys – genital body hires to Saturn (applies an onanism, a pederasty and blowjob).
28. "And as they didn't care to have God in reason, God to perverse mind betrayed them - to do indecent". Paul the Apostle speaks about residents of the Israeli cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jehovah christened himself god and actions its devil; therefore it will be correct: "Jehovah devil to perverse mind betrayed them - to do indecent". In Christ's prayer the devil of the word - the address to God distorted: "Don't lead into temptation and relieve us from crafty". The devil, but not God leads into temptation. It is correct to speak, addressing to God: «Don’t leave in a temptation, and Deliver us from the evil one".
1. "Father Heavenly, understanding to me Named also will be consecrated Name Yours, and will come Your Kingdom on Earth as in the Sky, and will be Your Will eternal in three Worlds. Bread essential Will give to me for this day also Satisfy spiritual thirst. Don't leave in a temptation and Deliver us from the evil one, because there are Your Kingdom and power and glory". AUM.
2. "The lord of the shining power, I, Great bring You, fruits of my aspirations, works and fight, and efforts. In You is my happiness, in You my hopes. My heart burns with you. I give you everything, everything that I have that in the Tower You Could pour all this in the shining Stone, fires burning in a breast. The shining Stone, Treasures the Stone lit by You but me wearable in the flaring Bowl in a breast". AUM.
3. "I will tell my prayer and I will tell it, as before the Sun Face. If to my eyes Light of the World is intolerable, I will close them and, filled with sparks of flashings, I nevertheless will telclass="underline" "Here, I know my way, here I addressed to it all my consciousness and, having rejected enemies, and, having buried things, I go to You. My words are also my prayer. I tell it both in the afternoon, and at night when eyes don't distinguish border of Earth and the Sky anymore; it is so much thoughts, it is so much searches to tell You only one word, - I love You, My God". AUM.
4. "The Lord, Teach to collect your Light in my jugs. Help to expand consciousness. Teach to feel the leading your hand constantly! Neither the grief is, nor won’t pleasure force me to forget about You. I want to make invisible your presence the tangible, and to approve your World in my days". AUM.
. 5. "Maitreya (to repeat 7 times), let the Name Great sounds in space an appeal for all mankind to accept Truth - the Doctrine of Living Ethics. Maitreya, the Victory, Love (to repeat seven times), let these words will fill space with Light and consciousness of people and will be the motto for the entire period of the Golden Age. Dark will leave to Saturn, and Earth will be cleared of filth. Also there will come the Golden Age. Uniform The Pastor is and uniform herd Will be uniform; Great Maitreya and mankind". AUM.
6. "There is nothing mine, all yours, the Lord. Everything belongs to you: both thoughts, and words, both actions and My entire manor. And my true imperishable property spirit and its accumulation are all yours, the Lord. In the Name Your I go to lives, and everything belongs to You. To you I devote all future my, all affairs my, all feelings, because yours everything. Teach me, my Father, adequately and wisely to dispose of your property to use and put it in the Benefit. You are for my everything! To You mine are directed all of energy, and your Beams fill the sphere of my microcosm. You I live, You I breathe, You I have my understanding. From your Beam is my consciousness because, truly, You are a Father mine, understanding life self-conscious to me given. You I recognize and You I approve in the heart as a life Torch Uniform, Immutable and embracing as I all mine. I in You, You in me, we also are uniform from the beginning of centuries. From darkness of a enrage You Brought me to the arena of self-conscious life and made me by self- conscious essence is the person. Therefore I say You, my Lord , that all mines are Yours. From now on all my forces, all my understanding and my heart irrevocably, forever to You I give. Because all – yours, my Lord, favorite, only for me and my, my Father, my Defender and my Guarantor before the Highest. To you I render on my understanding and to You I bring gifts of my heart. Creativity of my spirit I devote You because I create in the Name Your. Your name I go through life and your Name I win. My father, my Beloved, accept my property for its gift on Light altar. In Great Service I devote myself to Your to bear your Light to people not belittles. And your Light before people da will be shining and not belittled when hour will come wash the Name You’re before people to claim. My Father, my spirit to You I betray in your Hands. And let will be from now on and till a century Will Yours in my will to be approved my egoism spotless and not darkened by restrictions. The Lord, the press of your Spirit on a forehead my eyes will arrive because yours is. Give strength, the Great Lord, in Light Yours to arrive steadily and to approve Prestanding Constanta power. The favorite Lord, my heart in your hands that You Could issues it according wills Yours. Expression of free my will the spirit to You I betray. Create it, Father, according to Will The. The paternity Approve in my worship because your son a (first) is. Accept, the Lord, gift of my heart from now on and forever. Nowadays and in the Worlds, anywhere and everywhere consciously I am connected with You indissoluble bonds of love and Light because You are my Lord, the Defender, both the Friend, and the Father". AUM.