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Also "recruitment to Saturn" began; Sodom and Gomorrah, Veniamin’s tribe. A person does not remember the last embodiment and being embodied in good families, rakshas a get good education and an education, but Jehovah devil finds them, and again lets on the same circle of perversions and crimes. These segments of the population - the victims of a devil; usually these people are outcast society and they die before the put term when Jehovah considers necessary to attract them to himself for making of the evil. These people should be helped; to remove the thoughts introduced by a devil from memory (sub consciousness). Rakshas a are dangerous to society in physical and in astral bodies; they are operated a devil, the zombie.

2. Therefore it was sent from the Shambhala Jesus, the ambassador Replaced His Rossul Moria - future Christ who was crucified by Jehovah. Christ's blood on hands of the Owner of land.

Jehovah usually finished with the opponents an axe. He could enter night in Judas and kill Christ. But, in the Doctrine of Living Ethics it is told that the Rossul Moria Know, to It Judgment that will Him crucify. Means, Jehovah - is a guinea pig; is the Force High bag of wind Jehovah, against this Force nobody is strong!

Christ Owned by such Force, that It Could in a fraction of a second state to burn to ashes. After a crucifixion Christ Decomposed the body on atoms (to It it anybody didn't make), that Jehovah didn’t dismember It axe also didn't carried on mountains of Israel.

But representatives Force Light don't apply the evil on any its manifestations. Jews and rakshas have the only chance to depart from Jehovah devil forever and to remain on Earth good luck.

3. For rescue of all stray the new Doctrine of Living Ethics transmitted by the Great Lord of the Shambhala through His Pupils is given. Worship - is the ballot. All books are on the Internet for "to Download".

the Message to Jews.

Chapter 2/14.

14. "And as children are involved fleshes and blood, and He also apprehended it that death to deprive valid the power of death, that is a devil,15 and to relieve what for fear of death through all life were subject to slavery".

(14, 15. Christ went to a crucifixion that the death to deprive of force of a devil and to relieve people of fear of death). Jehovah destroyed all, who bore knowledge to people. Death isn’t present, but only change of covers. An exit from an old, sore body and movement is in Thin World, World of Beauty where all efforts about a physical body disappear where only spiritual development fills the person.

Music, libraries, computers, the museums, theaters, - there you can look at any performance from the past with execution of roles by favorite actors. Suddenly you will hear music; there is a conductor and an orchestra, the hall for listeners. In the Thin World everything is for increase of consciousness. Visit of cells where study magic, the Hierarchy of the Light, the Planet and its geological structure. Life goes on in the Thin body full and sated with impressions of the Thin World.

Everything is created by power of thought: clothes, footwear, hair dress housing. Obstacles for movement aren't present. There is no time, speed and distance. In Thin bodies of people will be young and will change the appearance for appearance from last embodiments.

10. "And in the beginning You, My God, Founded the Earth and Heavens is work of yours;"

(10. Earth and Heavens is were Created by the Great Maitreya; the Planet was covered with a green carpet: herbs, flowers, bushes, trees. During board of a planetary satan of the desert occupy about 30% of all area of the planet. Will leave dark to Saturn and there will come time of Great Maitreya. The cover of the Planet will be restored: trees possess magnetism, they are attracted by krone moisture, and the root system will raise the level of ground waters).

Chapter 8/ 13.

Speaking "new", showed decay of the first; and decaying and growing old closely to destruction.

Chapter 9/ 11.

But Christ, High priest future benefits, having come with bigger and perfect tabernacles, not made by hand, that is not that organization,

12, and not with blood of goats and Taurus’s, but with the Blood, once entered a sanctuary also got eternal atonement.

13. Because, if blood of Taurus’s both goats and ashes of a Taurus’s, through an to sprinkle, consecrates profaned, that the body is clean,

14 that is more Blood Christ, Which Spirit brought to the sacred Me pure to God, will clear our conscience from dead affairs, for service to God live and true (Jehovah)!

15. And therefore It is intercessor of the New Testament, that owing to death It, being for atonement from the crimes made in the first precept (Jehovah’s), called to eternal heritage received the promised.

16. Because where the will, there is necessary that the death of the testator followed,…”

(14, 15, 16. It turns out that Christ petitions, that Jehovah crucified him that it the blood expiated all crimes Jehovah's. The damnations sent Jehovah on Jews, destruction of the people, decomposition moral (Sodom and Gomorrah), temple destruction, imperial palace and Jerusalem wall Jehovah himself will expiate on Saturn, it is its Karma.

Chapter 7, 8, 9. - Jehovah's insert. It sets up itself (himself) instead of God - the Father. Cynical murderer Christ's and clown!

Chapter 10/ 30.

We know the one who told: have is a vengeance, will render, the Lord speaks. There is more: The Lord will judge the people.

31, it is terrible to fall into hands of God live!"

(30, 31 - "God is live" - so calls him Jehovah-devil, pasted to itself titles. Don't repeat the word of a deviclass="underline" "At me vengeance, I will render". God doesn't revenge, He created the Karma Law, - i s exact space scales).

As in "the Pentateuch Moisey’s" isn't present words from Moisey, so and in "The message to Jews" all text from Jehovah-devil. How much the cynicism, a poisonous unction pours out Jehovah, feeling impunity. Saturn is the Karma of a devil on merits!”