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“True.” Felix leaned forward and accessed the Internet on his laptop. A small satellite unit sat near the computer on the table. “I wanted to talk to you about Sergeant Gander.”

Remington waited just a beat, making sure he had Felix’s full attention. “Sergeant Gander isn’t any of your concern.”

Felix frowned like a disappointed child. “In that regard, Captain, I’m afraid we disagree. I feel that the sergeant is very much a threat to what we’re trying to do here.”

“Before we explore that possibility,” Remington said, “maybe you’d like to clarify exactly what it is we’re trying to do.”

“What do you think you’re trying to do?”

“Survive. I’ve got the Syrian army waiting to pounce across the border and encroach on Turkey. If they do, they intend to kill anyone who tries to stop them.” Remington paused for effect. “That would be me.”

“Good, good.” Felix rubbed his hands together enthusiastically. “Deep resolve. A show of force. It’s reassuring to see that you’re taking this matter so personally. War, with all the technological advances, has become too dispassionate for my taste.”

“What do you know about war?”

“A challenge, Captain?” Felix grinned mockingly. “Do you think I’ve never been in a war? never killed? never had blood on my hands that wasn’t my own?”

The threat hung naked and ugly in the air. For just a moment, a primitive fear touched Remington, and he despised the weakness he felt within himself. He couldn’t see anything in Felix to be wary of, but the fear was there all the same.

“Killing is easy,” Remington said. “Fighting someone to the death, when they have just as good a chance of killing you as you do of killing them-that’s different.”

“Do you give all your enemies chances?” Felix looked delightfully appalled.

“They all have whatever chance they can make for themselves.”

“If that’s your attitude, I’m surprised you’re still alive and walking around.”

“I’m good at what I do.”

“Why give them any chance?”

“I didn’t say I gave them chances.”

Felix shook his head in obvious disapproval. “You take a risk of dying. That’s foolish.”

Quick as a wink, Remington unleathered the Beretta M9 from his hip and took direct aim at Felix’s right eye. The barrel never wavered. The captain’s forefinger was on the trigger, ready to fire, not along the guard.

“I don’t take kindly to being called foolish, especially by a fool,” Remington said softly.

Felix didn’t move. His grin never faltered. “I guess not.”

“I don’t like you.” Remington stared hard at the other man. “I didn’t like you the first time I laid eyes on you. It wouldn’t be much of a decision for me to ventilate your head.”

“Then do it.” Felix’s voice was low and throaty. His eyes gleamed excitedly. “Pull the trigger and let’s see what happens.”

Remington wanted to. The temptation within him was strong. Not just for himself but for Goose too. Felix represented an obvious threat to Goose.

“Why choose to threaten me like this?” Felix asked. “Aside from not liking me?”

Remington didn’t answer.

“Is it because of the sergeant?”

“Leave him out of this.”

Felix shook his head. “Your attachment to Sergeant Gander may well be your downfall, Captain.”

“I can handle Goose.”

“From where I’m sitting, it doesn’t look like it.” Moving slowly, Felix tapped a key on the notebook computer’s keyboard.

Immediately the LCD screen changed. A segment of OneWorld NewsNet flashed on.

“Sergeant Gander is turning out to be something of a celebrity, isn’t he?” Felix taunted.

Although he didn’t want to, Remington’s attention took in the computer screen. He kept his eyes locked on Felix, but he tracked the news story on the computer.

Footage of the attack on the convoy played. The icon of Goose that had become one of OneWorld NewsNet’s most recognized symbols flashed on the screen: it was the silhouette of an American soldier.

“Isn’t that precious?” Felix asked. “Goose has his own icon on the television network. Millions of people around the world are getting to know him. He’s a hero, isn’t he?”

In that moment, Remington hated Goose. He knew Goose hadn’t sought out the celebrity status. The Vinchenzo woman had assigned it to him. Remington coveted that attention. He had been the one who had managed to save all those men and machines along the Turkish-Syrian border.

“That’s television,” Remington snarled. “He’s just a man.”

“You and I know that, Captain.” Felix ran his fingers through his beard. “But there are other people out there who aren’t so sure. A man like Sergeant Gander, at a time like this, can be dangerous.”

“I can handle Goose,” Remington said again. He put as much emphasis in his words as he could muster.

“By putting him under house arrest?”

Remington didn’t say anything.

“Surprised I knew that?” Felix cocked an eyebrow that was just as fiery red as his beard. “You shouldn’t be. It’s on the news.” He tapped another key.

On the notebook’s screen, Danielle Vinchenzo appeared. Remington watched in silence and left the pistol aimed at Felix Magureanu.

“Things are tense here in Harran, Turkey,” Danielle said, facing the camera. “These American soldiers have dug in to try to hold back the advancing Syrian army and help the Turkish military shore up their defenses.”

The camera swept across the war-torn cityscape littered with damaged historical buildings. It focused on a lone tower in the distance.

“But there’s more tension than just soldiers awaiting an attack or orders,” Danielle went on. “The army Rangers stationed here in Harran are confused. Sergeant Goose Gander, whom many of you have gotten to know through these reports, has been placed under house arrest by Captain Cal Remington, the man who’s-at least for the moment-in control of the 75th Rangers in Turkey.”

Footage of Goose helping carry a hospital litter flashed on the screen. He looked worn and tired. Remington spotted the familiar limp that told him Goose had stressed his bad knee again.

“Wow,” Felix said, then laughed. “Doesn’t sound like you’re going to be on her Christmas card list anytime soon.”

The camera cut back to Danielle. “According to the stories being told by the men I’ve talked to, Captain Remington-”

“And she makes your name sound like something unpleasant.”

“-placed Sergeant Gander under house arrest for disobeying orders. Sergeant Gander was assigned to provide security on a supply caravan from Sanliurfa when he stopped to help a village under attack from a local warlord.”

“All she needs is a few orphans to really sell this story.” Felix grinned hugely.

“Maybe she’s the danger,” Remington suggested.

Felix kept his attention on the screen. “No. You can’t touch her, Captain. That woman’s strictly off-limits.”

“Says who?”

“Nicolae Carpathia.” Felix eyed Remington directly. “He gave me strict orders regarding her part in this little drama.”

“He didn’t tell me.”

“That’s one of the reasons I’m here.” Felix focused on the pistol for a moment, then back at Remington. “The hostess is on her way back here. Things are going to look strange if you’re holding a gun on me when she comes through the door. There are still a few policemen in this town. At the very least, her screams may draw some of the United Nations soldiers in the next room.”

Remington didn’t say anything.

“Decide what you’re going to do, Captain. You’ve got only a handful of seconds.”

“Leave Goose out of this.”

“Then you’re going to have to find a way to get a handle on him.”

“I will. But if you hurt him in any way, I’ll kill you. That’s a promise.” Remington put his pistol away.

Felix grinned at him with a thoughtful expression. “You are a most curious man.”

Remington glared at the man, gained no ground, and shifted his attention to the computer. In the next moment, the hostess returned to the private dining room with drinks.