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Icarus glanced grimly at the expanse of ground separating them from the city. “They don’t have to risk crossing that area.”

“I know,” Goose said as he rose to a sitting position. His back and knee ached terribly. “All they gotta do is hold us here. In the morning, the Syrians can do their jobs for them. They can watch.”

“That’s what they’ll do,” Icarus said. “Carpathia won’t let Alexander Cody rest until he brings me down.”

Goose cleaned the range finder. The power supply was good, but one of the lenses had been knocked out of alignment. “The information you have is really that dangerous?”

“I’ve got documents that link Carpathia’s companies with some of the terrorist groups working with the Syrians,” Icarus said.

Miller looked at the two of them. “What? What are you talking about?”

“The reason those men are lying out there right now to kill us,” Goose said.

“Carpathia? You’ve got to be kidding.” Miller’s face showed disbelief. “That man has done more to unify the countries since the disappearances than anyone else in the world.”

“That’s just cover,” Icarus said. “What he’s really after is something else.”

“What do you think he’s after?”

“All these people left behind in the balance of God’s judgment.”

“That’s insane.”

Icarus smiled wearily. “Is it? A third of the world vanished a few short weeks ago. Is that insane too?”

Miller didn’t say anything.

“If I’d tried to tell anyone before those disappearances took place that they were going to happen, they would have locked me up. Don’t you agree?”

Reluctantly Miller nodded. “But what you’re saying about Carpathia

… what does that…”

“What does that make him?” Icarus shook his head. “If you ask me, I think the man is the devil himself. If not, then he’s part of the blackest evil you’ve ever seen.”

“But he’s working to pull everyone together. To help us see through everything.”

“You’re familiar with the Bible, right?”

“Of course.”

“What is the Antichrist supposed to do in the end times?”

Miller didn’t speak. Goose saw the fear on the man’s face.

Icarus continued. “The Antichrist is supposed to bring the people of the world, those whom God left behind during the time of the Tribulation, together. And in doing so, he will lead them away from God. That’s what Carpathia is doing.”

Goose studied Miller’s face. Although the chaplain clearly wanted to repudiate Icarus’s claims, Goose knew the man was taking them in.

Miller looked at Goose. “Do you believe this?”

“I don’t know what to believe,” Goose said. “I’m not here to believe. At the moment, I’m working on getting us out of this mess alive. I reckon after that moment, the next moment will take care of itself.” But the truth was, he didn’t have enough room in his head to think about everything he needed to think about.

“You got what you went after?” Icarus asked.

“I did.” Goose showed him the range finder.

“What is that?”

The question told Goose that Icarus wasn’t a military man. “It’s a laser range finder. Snipers mount it on a rifle to get an accurate measurement of how far away a target is.”

Icarus frowned. “Knowing how far we are from the city walls isn’t going to help us.”

Goose grinned grimly. “No, sir, I have to agree with you on that.”

“And unless it can help you see those men in the dark, I don’t see that it’s going to be a lot of help.”

“It can’t do that either. But what I can do is use it to let our boys know we’re out here. The trick is going to be doing that while at the same time not alerting those snipers out there to our position.”

Downtown Sanliurfa

Local Time 2156 Hours

“Captain Remington, Danielle Vinchenzo of OneWorld NewsNet is here.”

Remington looked at the corporal. The man stood beside him as if awaiting execution. For a long moment, Remington listened to the rain drum against the tarpaulin roof above his head. He ran the scenarios through his mind, wondering what had sparked the woman’s interest.

In the end, he decided it didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to be afraid of her or her interest. After all, he’d just shot a civilian a short time ago. At this point, with everything so unsettled around them, accidents could happen to anyone.

“Bring her,” Remington said.

“Yes, sir.” The corporal walked away, then quickly returned with the woman and her cameraman in tow.

“Miss Vinchenzo,” Remington said. “Make this snappy. As you can see, I’ve got pressing business here.”

“I understand that, Captain, but I think you’ll want to see this.” Danielle started to open her computer.

Remington caught the computer with one hand and kept it shut. Recognizing the fear in her eyes, he grinned a little. Having other people afraid of him was a good thing. It put them off their game. Fear motivated people to move more quickly when he gave an order.

“Why don’t you paint a target on our heads instead?” Remington asked. “Opening that computer out here will reveal us to any Syrian snipers who might be waiting for a clear target.”

Danielle frowned. She didn’t like making mistakes.

“I’ve got something to show you,” she said.

“I can catch it in reruns in the morning.”

She looked at him. “Goose is alive. He survived the fall from the helicopter.”

Relief and distaste warred within Remington. If Goose had died, Remington would have lost a good right hand when he needed it most. Bringing the UN forces and the Rangers together would be a struggle. Having Goose help him would make things a lot easier.

However, Goose wasn’t exactly running on the correct rails these days. And Remington felt jealous of the interest the woman had in Goose’s survival. He knew a lot of the Rangers felt the same way about Goose that she did.

“How do you know this?” Remington demanded.

“Alexander Cody gave orders to kill him.”

Remington frowned. “You heard Cody give those orders?”

“No. I saw him do it.”

“You… saw… Cody give orders to kill Goose.”

“Yes.” Danielle didn’t hesitate a second. “Look, if I could just show you what I’ve got on this computer, you’ll see for yourself.”

“All right, Miss Vinchenzo. I’ll grant you that you’ve made me curious.” Remington guided her toward a set of stairs that led down into the earth.

Outside Sanliurfa

Local Time 2204 Hours

Goose lay prone in the mud under a bush and aimed the laser range finder at the top of the wall surrounding the city.

“Wait,” Icarus said. “You’re going to shine that around?”

“Nope,” Goose said. “I’m going to direct it at one of the places I suspect our artillery people will have positioned a LADAR.”

“What’s a LADAR?” At Goose’s instruction, Icarus lay a few feet away. In case they were spotted, they need not both be taken out in one burst.

“It’s an acronym for laser detection and radar. Artillery grunts use it to paint targets. I’m betting they’re tagging targets out here despite the rain. Just to keep everyone honest.”

“What good does that do us?”

“If everything works right, I’m going to get the attention of the LADAR ops crews. Then I’m going to tell them who we are.” He aimed the range finder at the top of the wall and slowly moved it along. He watched the readout through the ocular. When it suddenly changed, he knew he’d caught the attention of an alert ops tech. Calmly he switched the range finder off and on in a series of long and short bursts.

Downtown Sanliurfa Local Time 2208 Hours

The bunker held food and water. There was no electricity.

Danielle placed the computer on a stack of metal ammo crates and opened it. The battery power was low, but she knew there was enough to show the video to Remington. She brought the file up and let it run.

“There’s no audio,” Danielle said. “But if you look closely, you can read Cody’s lips.” She enhanced the image and centered on Cody’s mouth.