Two leather-clad legs stood before me.
“That is enough, Thanatos.” Apollo’s voice was calm, but it was that creepy, deadly calm I never wanted to be on the receiving end of.
“N-n-nice of y-you to s-show up,” I gasped.
“Shut up, Alex.” Apollo strode forward. A ray of light followed his steps.
Thanatos held his ground. “She must be neutralized if we cannot kill her. Let me take care of this, Apollo. We must do something to prevent war.”
“She broke the bond, you idiot.”
The other god huffed. “Like that matters. Time will pass and she will connect with him again.”
“It does matter!” Apollo roared. “If she is not connected with the First we are not to harm her! You—” Apollo growled at the increasingly close sound of hissing. “Call your two furies off or they will join their sister. I promise you.”
“We must—”
Too weak to hold my head up, I rested my forehead against the ground, but I didn’t need to see what happened to know that Apollo had lost his patience. Wind picked up and the ground shook. The two gods collided with a crack.
I closed my eyes and hoped that Apollo had won this round, because there was no way I was fighting anymore. No way at all.
Someone was body-slammed into the ground, followed by a quick succession of pops. The air crackled with electricity, and then silence, blissful silence.
Strong hands gripped my arms and gently rolled me onto my back. I stared up into silver eyes. “Alex?”
“I’m okay. Just… just a little twitchy. You?”
Aiden had seen better days. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. A bruise shadowed his jaw and the front of his shirt was torn, but he was alive and he was okay.
His gaze scanned over me and then he lifted me up, not even bothering to put me on my feet. Holding me close, he turned and I surveyed the damage.
Solos and Marcus stood near Apollo, who held one of the Covenant daggers in his hand. Blood dripped from the edge, making me stare.
Apollo glanced down at it and shrugged. “He’ll get over it.”
I changed focus and stared at him.
“But I’m going to have to answer for that, I think.” Apollo handed the dagger to a bruised Solos. “And it may take a few days…”
Apollo stalked forward, stopping in front of us, and Aiden placed me down and stepped between us. The god smirked. “I know she’s broken the bond. Good to have you back, Alex.”
“Yeah,” I breathed.
He turned his attention to Aiden. “Keep the wards on the house until I can return. In the meanwhile, prepare for battle.”
Battle? What the hell did he think we’d just done?
Aiden nodded.
The god took a breath and flexed his hands. “And you were right. I was wrong.”
“I know,” Aiden said, and I glanced up, confused.
Apollo turned to the other men and nodded. His form started to fade. “Wait,” I called out. There were so many questions I had, but all he did was look over his shoulder and smile.
I don’t remember much of the trek back to the cabin. At some point, I’d wiggled enough to get free and walk, but I was moving so slowly and so pathetically that Aiden had finally stopped grumbling under his breath and picked me back up.
I didn’t fight it after that. On my feet, I was more of a hindrance.
The cabin was quiet upon our return. Marcus and Solos had limped off, no doubt to tend to their injuries. Somehow the rest of the occupants knew that right now wasn’t time for a welcome back to the world of the sane and logical. Aiden carried me up the stairs and down the narrow hall, toward the bedroom he’d slept in when I’d been on the Elixir. I remembered that, even when I’d been high on the happy drink, I’d sought out his presence and snuggled against him on the couch. My heart tripped up.
Aiden started toward the bed, but I stopped him. “Shower,” I said hoarsely. “I need a shower.”
“Yeah, you kind of do—we both do.” Pivoting around, he headed for the bathroom. There he placed me on my feet, his eyes shadowed with concern when I swayed a little. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired. There’s nothing seriously wrong with me.” And that was true. I was bruised and sore, but that was all. And I was lucky, considering we’d just been in a death match with a god of death and two furies. “Are you…?”
“I’m fine.” He stared a moment, then pressed a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” I was a zombie on my feet.
His eyes searched my face with such stark relief that I gripped the sink. “Don’t hog all the hot water, all right?” he said.
That brought a small smile to my lips. As soon as he left, I turned slowly to the shower and twisted the faucets. Pulling off my ruined clothing was a painful experience. Every muscle ached and it took a few minutes. By the time I stepped into the stall, steam filled the bathroom.
I was probably going to use a week’s worth of hot water while Aiden most likely was rallying the troops and convincing them that I wasn’t a sociopath anymore.
I shivered under the stream, pressing my face to my hands. They shook. I shook. I moved them to the chain around my neck, slid my fingers to the rose. Something so small had been the one thing to break the connection.
But it wasn’t the rose itself, but what it symbolized—Aiden’s love for me and how I felt for him—something pure and natural, an emotion not forced. Seeing that had broken the bond between Seth and me.
Bringing the crystal to my lips, I pressed a kiss against the rose.
The bond wasbroken, but Seth was still there… at the end of the cord slumbering in the pit of my stomach. Gods, he’d been so furious, murderous really, but shock had rippled through our bond the second before it had ended. And then again, when Thanatos had hit me with the god bolt, he had been therelike a creepy stalker with a one-way ticket to my brain.
Seth hadn’t believed I’d be capable of breaking the bond. And how far would this have gone if I hadn’t?
They’ll come to kill you. And although Thanatos didn’t have the juice to carry it out, he sure as hell didn’t have a problem putting a hurting on me—or anyone who defended me. People could’ve died today because of me.
I sucked in a sharp breath.
And why had Aiden blocked Apollo from the cabin? What happened to that love-fest?
Gods, there were so many questions, and I was too weary for this right now. I needed a moment to regroup. I neededa bed after this shower.
Water streamed over my body, over skin that was as bruised as my insides, and plastered my hair to my back. Closing my eyes, I lifted my chin and let the showerhead do its thing, erasing the tears that had clung to my lashes with a death grip, clearing my mind of everything.
There would be time to ask those questions, to plan Seth’s very painful death, and to find my father, but right now, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t think about anything other than right now, right this moment, because everything was too raw and too fresh to delve into.
I heard the bathroom door close and I kept my eyes screwed shut, but my heart rate skyrocketed into uncharted territories. I folded my arms around me and held my breath.
There was the slightest movement behind me. Skin brushed against mine. A fine shiver rolled up my spine. An infinite spark transferred between us, something that couldn’t be replicated or forced. How could I’ve forgotten that when connected with Seth? My heart turned over heavily.
Aiden brushed the mass of thick hair over one shoulder and his lips met the space between my neck and shoulder. His hands slid down the slick skin of my arms, cupping over my elbows and then to my wrists. Gently, slowly, he eased my arms to my sides.
I bit down on my lip and my legs started trembling. But he was there. Like always, holding me up when I couldn’t stand and letting me go when he knew I needed him to. He was more than just a shelter. Aiden wasmy other half, my equal. And he needed no weird Apollyon connection.