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Rupert heard himself saying; ‘God, I’d love to sleep with you.’

‘I don’t sleep.’ Abby tossed back her black hair.

‘Well, have insomnia with me then.’

They both jumped as Rannaldini’s mobile rang.

‘Si, si, check eet again, by that time I weel be weeth you.’

Switching it off, Rannaldini smiled round the table.

‘My Leer ees grounded, so I charter Mexican jet, one cannot be too careful. I am so relieved we all escape calamity.’

‘What d’you mean?’ snapped Rupert.

‘There is legend,’ said Rannaldini silkily, ‘that once the great chandelier fall when they perform The Force of Destiny, keeling many, many people-’

‘I can’t remember who was playing Alvaro,’ interrupted Hermione. ‘But they say the Leonora wasn’t nearly as good as me.’

‘Always eet breeng terrible luck,’ continued Rannaldini. ‘Tonight chandelier stay put, but who knows where the ill luck will fall. My orchestra were terrified,’ he nodded coldly at Abby as if to dismiss any complaints of Julian’s. ‘That why they look shell-shocked and thees is why I ’ave jet checked three times just een case.’

Rupert felt icicles dripping down his spine. How could he have left darling Taggie by herself in Bogotá? A handful of nuns was no defence, she might be kidnapped, mugged or raped by some junkie. He should have put her in the hotel safe with the adoption papers.

‘Your car is waiting, Maestro.’ It was the head waiter.

‘Are you coming?’ Rannaldini turned to Christopher, then added to Abby with a sadistic smirk, ‘Christopher hitch a lift weeth me back to New York.’

‘I don’t understand,’ stammered Abby.

Christopher got to his feet.

‘I’ve got a helluva lot on in New York and meetings first thing,’ he said placatingly. ‘I’ll get over to the UK later in the week.’

‘Red Eye flight, Shepherd’s delight,’ said Abby meditatively.

Then she went beserk.

‘You son of a bitch,’ she screamed. ‘You never intended to stop over here, or come with me to England.’ And she hurled her glass of red wine at him so it trickled like blood down his white shirt.

Hermione was suddenly looking very excited. ‘Shall we have a quiet drink in my room?’ she said, turning to Rupert. But Rupert had gone.

Cursing himself for not stopping to recharge his mobile, Rupert raced for the telephone. He was unable to get a squawk out of the Red Parrot. Terrified some ghastly fate had befallen Taggie, he urged his taxi-driver, who drove like the great Ayrton Senna anyway, to go even faster, overtaking Rannaldini deep in conversation with that smug bastard Christopher on the way.

Once at the airport Rupert managed to commandeer Rannaldini’s plane which was revving up on the runway.

Rannaldini had been so gratuitously offensive to the Mexican crew and insulted their honour by insisting on a third security-check, that their swarthy piratical captain was only too happy to accept yet another bribe. I’ll be so broke soon, thought Rupert ruefully, I’ll have to take up conducting.

Turning round, the Mexican captain alerted flight control, and flew off to Bogotá. Seeing Rannaldini and Christopher foaming on the runway, Rupert flicked them another V-sign. Declan could do his own negotiating in future.

Having fretted himself into a frazzle, Rupert reached the Red Parrot as dawn was breaking despairingly over the poverty of the city.

As Alberto, yawning and still wearing his grey greasy vest, unlocked the door, Rupert grabbed him by the shoulders.

‘Is my wife OK?’

‘Si, si.’

Relief fuelled Rupert’s rage.

‘Why the fuck doesn’t your telephone work? I suppose you haven’t paid the bill, you idle sod.’

Alberto shrugged. ‘Possibly small earthquake.’

‘Earthquake!’ Rupert’s fingers bit into Alberto’s plump shoulders until he winced.

‘Only small one, Meesis Campbell-Black want to be near Bianca, so she sleep at convent.’

Rupert was so thankful he gave the rest of his cash to the beggars already out on the streets.

He found Taggie still in yesterday’s jeans and an old black polo-neck. She had spent the night in a chair, with Xavier, still clutching his teddy bear and his racing car, in her arms.

Yesterday Taggie had had a wigging from Maria Immaculata.

‘I have seen many couple here seeking babies and you have very good marriage. Your husband love you, but don’t abuse his generousness and take in every limping duck. He may be jealous of Bianca — try to put him, if not first, at least equal.’

Taggie was utterly mortified and as desperate to see Rupert as he to see her. Laying Xavier down in the armchair, she fell into his arms.

‘I’ve been so worried, I love you, I missed you so, so much,’ they cried in unison.

How could he have propositioned Abby, thought Rupert in horror, when all that was true, good and beautiful in the world was in his arms? He was murmuring endearments and was about to kiss her, when Xav woke and started to cry.

‘He missed you as much as I did,’ said Taggie in a choked voice. ‘He cried himself to sleep.’

She stepped back quickly to stop the child falling off the chair. But suddenly incredulous delight sparked in Xavier’s little face. Jibbering with joy, he slid to the floor, swayed on his feet, then, like a man in space, took the first wobbling steps of his life towards Rupert, who leapt forward to catch him just before he fell.

Appearing in the doorway a drowsy Sister Angelica crossed herself. ‘This is a miracle.’

Taggie burst into tears, she knew she shouldn’t push limping ducks on Rupert, but seeing him dropping the proudest kiss in the world on Xav’s black curls, and rubbing his face against Xav’s cheek, as he normally only did with puppies, she couldn’t stop herself.

‘I know it’s awful after you lost all that money at Lloyd’s,’ she sobbed, ‘and spent fortunes coming out here, and we couldn’t afford for him to go to Harrow, but couldn’t we possibly take Xav home as well?’ She stroked Xav’s little hand now barnacled to Rupert’s lapel.

‘I can’t bear to leave him.’

‘Are you sure you can cope with two babies?’ muttered Rupert when he could trust himself to speak at last. ‘They’ll be a hell of a lot of work, and a hell of a lot more red tape.’

Sister Angelica was tearfully crossing herself over another miracle.

‘D’you think Maria Immaculata will throw Xav in as a job-lot if I restore the chapel as well?’ asked Rupert.

‘Darling,’ giggled Taggie reprovingly.

But Rupert had turned back to Xavier, tossing him screaming with delight in the air.

‘Fasten your seat-belt, Xavier Campbell-Black, you’re coming to England.’

Rupert’s euphoria was complete later in the day, when he found a fax at the Red Parrot from Abby saying she’d like to do the interview with Declan. She’d be back from her tour in three weeks. Could he write to her at her New York apartment, and not say anything to Christopher.

‘I hope you get your baby,’ she had added at the end. ‘And he or she makes you and your angelic wife really happy.’

He and she, thought Rupert, jubilantly, and two fingers to The Force of Destiny.


Abby, whose tantrums subsided as quickly as they flared up, was woken at midday by an enraged Christopher, who, after interminable delays, had finally arrived in New York, and who immediately chewed her out for last night’s scene. He had dismissed it to Rannaldini as some schoolgirl crush. But he didn’t trust Rannaldini, and even less Rupert, not to blab about it all over New York.